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Imaging performance testing suite

This repository contains a suite of tools used to benchmark DICOM data transmission routines backed by the Cloud Healthcare API.


Test data

To use the tool, you first need to have created a DICOM store in the Cloud Healthcare API. You also need to populate this DICOM store with some test data. See Creating and managing DICOM stores for information on how to create a DICOM store.

Google hosts publicly available DICOM data that you can use for testing. These include the NIH Chest X-ray and TCIA datasets.


Before running the tool, make sure that you've installed the following applications:

Authentication setup

The tool uses Google Cloud ADC (Application Default Credentials) to authenticate to the Cloud Healthcare API.

To authenticate from your machine, run the the following command and then follow the instructions:

gcloud auth application-default login

To use a service account instead, see Providing service account credentials.

Running the performance testing tool

To run the tool:

  1. Open a terminal and clone the repository by running git clone If you'd prefer to download a ZIP version of the repository, download the repository as a ZIP, then install ZIP archive and extract the ZIP file's contents.
  2. Change to the healthcare-imaging-performance-test folder and run mvn clean install to create a JAR bundle.
  3. Change to the target folder and run java -jar healthcare-imaging-performance-test-X.Y.Z-jar-with-dependencies.jar benchmark <BENCHMARK> <OPTIONS...>, where X.Y.Z is the version of the tool, BENCHMARK is the name of the benchmark and OPTIONS is a list of the following options:
  -e, --endpoint
  Optional URL of DICOM API endpoint (default is
  -i, --iterations
  Optional number of iterations for how many times the routine is executed (default is 1).
  -t, --max-threads
  Optional maximum number of threads to run in parallel in download requests (default is 10).
  -o, --output
  Optional file to write the result to. If not provided, the result is written to standard output.
* -p, --project
  Required ID of the GCP project.
* -l, --location
  Required ID of location (region).
* -d, --dataset
  Required ID of dataset in the project.
* -s, --dicom-store
  Required ID of DICOM store.

Note: * are required options.

Download the dataset benchmark

This benchmark shows how quickly you can download a large dataset (as an entire DICOM store). It involves sending requests to get study information (QIDO) while also sending parallel requests to retrieve all of the studies in the DICOM store (WADO).

The name of this benchmark is download-dataset.

An example command line execution:

java -jar healthcare-imaging-performance-test-X.Y.Z-jar-with-dependencies.jar benchmark download-dataset -i 3 -t 5 -o results.csv -p chc-nih-chest-xray -l us-central1 -d nih-chest-xray -s nih-chest-xray

In the example above the download-dataset benchmark will:

  • Execute 3 times
  • Use a maximum of 5 threads to read studies in parallel from the NIH Chest X-ray public dataset
  • Write the gathered metrics to a results.csv file

The format of the output file is CSV. Each line represents the metrics of separate WADO requests and has the following format:



  • ITERATION is the number of iterations.
  • QUERYING_STUDIES_LATENCY is the latency of querying studies in milliseconds.
  • FIRST_BYTE_RECEIVED_LATENCY is the latency of the first byte received in milliseconds.
  • READING_FIRST_STUDY_LATENCY is the latency of reading the first study in milliseconds.
  • READING_WHOLE_DATASET_LATENCY is the total latency of reading the whole dataset in milliseconds.
  • TOTAL_BYTES_READ is the total number of bytes read for the whole dataset.
  • MB_READ_PER_SECOND is the megabytes read per-second for the whole dataset.

Retrieve study benchmark

This benchmark shows how quickly you can retrieve a whole study. It involves sending requests to get instance information (QIDO) while also sending parallel GET requests to retrieve each instance frame (WADO).

The name of this benchmark is retrieve-study. The command line has two additional required options: -y and --dicom-study. --dicom_study is the ID of the study in the DICOM store.

An example command line execution:

java -jar healthcare-imaging-performance-test-X.Y.Z-jar-with-dependencies.jar benchmark retrieve-study -i 3 -t 5 -o results.csv -p chc-nih-chest-xray -l us-central1 -d nih-chest-xray -s nih-chest-xray -y

In the example above the retrieve-study benchmark will:

  • Execute 3 times
  • Use a maximum of 5 threads to read frames of a study with ID = in parallel from the NIH Chest X-ray public dataset
  • Write the gathered metrics to a results.csv file

The format of the output file is CSV. Each line represents the metrics of separate WADO requests and has the following format:



  • ITERATION is the number of iterations.
  • QUERYING_INSTANCES_LATENCY is the latency of querying instances in milliseconds.
  • FIRST_BYTE_RECEIVED_LATENCY is the latency of the first byte received in milliseconds.
  • READING_FIRST_FRAME_LATENCY is the latency of reading the first frame in milliseconds.
  • READING_WHOLE_STUDY_LATENCY is the total latency of reading the whole study in milliseconds.
  • TOTAL_BYTES_READ is the total number of bytes read for the whole study.
  • MB_READ_PER_SECOND is the megabytes read per-second for the whole study.
  • FRAMES_READ_PER_SECOND is the frames read per-second for the whole study.