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Releases: GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector


09 Jul 06:56
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Direct Cloud Reconciler:

  • CloudBuildWorkerPool
  • MonitoringDashboard

Resources promoted from alpha to beta:

  • CloudBuildWorkerPool
  • CloudIDSEndpoint
  • ComputeMangedSSLCertificate

New Fields:

  • AlloyDBInstance

    • Added networkConfig field to support Public-IP feature.
  • MonitoringAlertPolicy

    • Added spec.severity field.
  • MonitoringDashboard

    • Added dashboardFilters support.

    • Added alertChart widgets.

    • Added collapsibleGroup widgets.

    • Added pieChart widgets.

    • Added sectionHeader widgets.

    • Added singleViewGroup widgets.

    • Added timeSeriesTable widgets.

    • Added blankView to scorecard widgets.

    • Added dataSets.targetAxis and y2Axis fields to xyChart widgets.

    • Added id field to all widgets.

    • Added prometheusQuery and outputFullDuration to timeSeriesQuery.

    • Added style fields to text widgets.

    • Added targetAxis field to thresholds.

  • StorageBucket

    • Added spec.softDeletePolicy field.
    • Added status.observedState.softDeletePolicy field.


25 Jun 15:09
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New features:

  • Add options to configure the reconciliation of the ConfigConnector controller

    • Added a new ControllerReconciler CRD (v1alpha1). See example
    • This feature allows users to customize the client-side kube-apiserver request rate limit.
  • Continue moving towards Direct Actuation as our preferred mechanism.

    • The default reconciler now uses Direct Actuation, if the ConfigConnector CRD does not have a "true" or "true" label.

New Resources:

  • CloudBuildWorkerPool
    • Added CloudBuildWorkerPool (v1alpha1) resource for service cloudbuild.
    • This resource uses Direct Actuation.

New Fields:

  • ComputeForwardingRule

    • Added the field, allowing a ComputeForwaringRule to target a ComputeServiceAttachment.
  • ContainerCluster

    • Added previous output-only spec fields to status.observedState
      • Added status.observedState.masterAuth.clusterCaCertificate
      • Added status.observedState.privateClusterConfig.privateEndpoint
      • Added status.observedState.privateClusterConfig.publicEndpoint


19 May 21:07
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Direct Cloud Reconciler:

  • LoggingLogMetric
    • This resource no longer depends on Terraform. Its reconciliation is moved to a KCC direct controller.
    • This is our very first KCC directly-reconciled resource. We will announce more in the upcoming releases. 🎉🎉🎉

New Resource:

  • ComputeNetworkFirewallPolicyRule (alpha)

New Fields:

  • LoggingLogMetric
    • Add the spec.loggingLogBucketRef field to support bucket reference.


  • SQLInstance
    • Fix the permanent diff bug in spec.settings.edition update.


15 May 22:49
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Resources promoted from alpha to beta:

  • VertexAIDataSet

    • Output fields are now in status.observedState.
    • The KMS key is now specified using a reference: spec.encryptionSpec.kmsKeyNameRef
  • VertexAIIndex

    • Output fields are now in status.observedState.
    • Note that isCompleteOverwrite is currently not supported: it is not
      obviously compatible with declarative operation.
  • VertexAIEndpoints

    • Output fields are now in status.observedState.
    • The KMS key is now specified using a reference: spec.encryptionSpec.kmsKeyNameRef
    • The network is now specified using a reference: spec.networkRef

New Fields:

  • ComputeNetwork
    • The spec.enableUlaInternalIpv6 field is no longer immutable - it can now
      be changed without recreating the network.


24 Apr 16:19
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  • This release includes enhanced support for DNSRecordSet,
    enabling advanced configurations such as geo-routing, primary/backup,
    and weighted round-robin load-balancing.

New Fields:

  • ContainerCluster

    • Added spec.nodeConfig.linuxNodeConfig.cgroupMode field.
  • ContainerNodePool

    • Added spec.nodeConfig.linuxNodeConfig.cgroupMode field.
  • DNSRecordSet

    • Added spec.routingPolicy.geo.healthCheckedTargets field.
    • Added spec.routingPolicy.primaryBackup field.
    • Added spec.routingPolicy.wrr field.
  • EventArcTrigger

    • Added spec.destination.httpEndpoint field.
    • Added spec.destination.networkConfig field.
  • LoggingLogBucket

    • Added spec.enableAnalytics field.


03 Apr 21:55
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  • Better support for AlloyDB secondary clusters and instances.

  • Special shout-out to @199201shubhamsahu for their contributions to this release.

New Fields:

  • AlloyDBCluster

    • Added spec.clusterType field.
    • Added spec.deletionPolicy field.
    • Added spec.secondaryConfig field.
  • AlloyDBInstance

    • Added spec.instanceTypeRef field.


28 Mar 22:34
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(Version 1.114.0 contained a minor regression discovered after tagging, and was not published; we recommend 1.114.1 instead)

  • Stop merging sensitive fields in SQLInstance and ComputeBackendService

  • Fix resource deletion of AlloyDBInstance and EdgeContainerNodePool when their "parent objects" no longer exist.

  • Initial support (alpha stability) for pausing reconciliation, by setting spec.actuationMode: Paused in the ConfigConnectorContext.

  • Initial support (alpha stability) for defaulting state-into-spec to absent (the recommended setting),
    by setting spec.stateIntoSpec: Absent in the ConfigConnectorContext.

  • Experimental "powertools" area of the CLI, containing experimental/dangerous functionality that should not be
    part of normal operation, but can sometimes nonetheless be useful.

  • Special shout-outs to @Hamzawy63, @hkundag, @katrielt for their
    contributions to this release.

Resources promoted from alpha to beta:

When resources are promoted from alpha to beta, we (generally) ensure they follow our best practices: use of refs on fields where appropriate,
output fields from GCP APIs are in status.observedState.

  • AccessContextManagerServicePerimeterResource

New Resources:

  • Added support for ComputeNetworkFirewallPolicyAssociation (v1beta1) resource.

  • Added support for APIKeysKey (v1alpha1) resource.

New Fields:

  • BigQueryDataSet

    • Added access[].iamMember field.
  • ComputeAddress

    • Added status.observedState.address field.
  • ComputeTargetHttpsProxy

    • Added spec.certificateManagerCertificates field.
  • DNSRecordSet

    • Added spec.routingPolicy field.
  • GKEHubFeatureMembership

    • Added spec.policycontroller field.


14 Feb 23:29
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  • Initial support for status.observedState in ContainerCluster,
    ContainerNodePool and RedisInstance; we are trying to encourage use of absent and eventually
    make it the default. Some important resource information (such as the
    certificate for connecting to a GKE cluster) is only currently available
    in spec, and we recommend instead reading it from observedState
    where this is available. We expect to add more fields to observedState
    in the future.

  • Isolate terraform provider into a git subtree so we can more directly fix

  • Special shout-outs to svwijk@, katrielt@, sofam@, higef@ for their
    contributions to this release.

New Resources:

  • Added support for ComputeNetworkFirewallPolicy (v1beta1) resource.
  • Added support for TagsLocationTagBinding (v1alpha1) resource.

New Fields:

  • RunJob (CloudRun Job)
    • Added spec.template.vpcAccess.connectorRef field.


06 Dec 23:14
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  • Added support for AlloyDBUser (v1beta1) resource.
  • Added support for EdgeContainerCluster (v1beta1) and EdgeContainerNodePool (v1beta1) resources.
  • Added support for EdgeNetworkNetwork (v1beta1) and EdgeNetworkSubnet (v1beta1) resources.
  • Resource BigtableAppProfile(v1beta1):
    • Added spec.standardIsolation field.
  • Fixed the SecretKeyRef in the Go client. (#598)


27 Oct 18:46
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  • Added support for ContainerAttachedCluster (v1beta1) resource.
  • Added support for AlloyDBCluster (v1beta1) resource.
  • Added support for AlloyDBInstance (v1beta1) resource.
  • Added support for AlloyDBBackup (v1beta1) resource.
  • Added name validation for ValidatingWebhookConfigurationCustomization and MutatingWebhookConfigurationCustomization CRDs.
  • Added validation for duplicate webhooks in spec.webhooks list of the customizable ControllerResource and NamespacedControllerResource CRDs.
  • Added errors on invalid webhook names into status of ValidatingWebhookConfigurationCustomization and MutatingWebhookConfigurationCustomization custom resources.
  • Fixed an reconciliation issue in ComputeManagedSSLCert resource. #107
  • Fixed issue of the retrieved maxWorkers in DataflowFlexTemplateJob resource
  • Graduated ValidatingWebhookConfigurationCustomization, MutatingWebhookConfigurationCustomization, ControllerResource and NamespacedControllerResource CRDs to v1beta1.
  • Fixed an issue in ComputeForwardingRule resource when used with PSC. #763
  • Resource AlloyDBCluster(v1beta1):
    • Added spec.networkConfig field.
  • Resource ComputeSubnetwork(v1beta1):
    • Added status.internalIpv6Prefix field.
  • Resource ComputeTargetHTTPSProxy(v1beta1):
    • Added spec.serverTlsPolicyRef field.
  • Resource ContainerCluster(v1beta1):
    • Added spec.nodeConfig.fastSocket field.
  • Resource ContainerNodePool(v1beta1):
    • Added spec.nodeConfig.fastSocket field.
  • Resource NetworkConnectivitySpoke(v1beta1):
    • Added spec.linkedVPCNetwork field.
  • Resource RunJob(v1beta1):
    • Added spec.template.template.vpcAccess.networkInterfaces field.
  • Resource RunService(v1beta1):
    • Added spec.template.vpcAccess.networkInterfaces field.
  • Resource SecretManagerSecretVersion(v1beta1):
    • Added spec.isSecretDataBase64 field.