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cl-durian creates HTML from simple list structures.

(cl-durian:html `(html ((h1 "This is the title") (body ((p "line1")(p "line2"))))))


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Attributes are handled as a list of lists like in the syntax of let.

(cl-durian:html `(tag ((att1 "val1") (att2 "val2")) "stuff in body"))

"<tag ATT1=\"val1\" ATT2=\"val2\">stuff&nbsp;in&nbsp;body</tag>"

Note that this is detected by the outer list having a length of 3. If you would like to have attributes, but no text between the tags, then use either the empty list (as () or nil) or the empty string "".

(cl-durian:html `(tag ((att1 "val1") (att2 "val2")) ""))

"<tag ATT1=\"val1\" ATT2=\"val2\"></tag>"

tags within strings

Tags must be symbols, a list starting with anything other than a symbol is taken to be a list of things that must be handled separately.

(cl-durian:html `(p ("this has an " (i "italic") " word")))



The script symbol from the cl-durian package is used to denote a script, and thus the text within these tags will not be escaped as other html text is.

(cl-durian:html `(cl-durian:script ((type "text/javascript")) "var j = 10;"))

"<script TYPE=\"text/javascript\">var j = 10;</script>"

raw text

The raw symbol from the cl-durian package is used to denote text that is note meant to be escaped and is not to be surrounded by tags.

This is meant to allow a way to avoid escaping if you are to want to insert CSS or HTML from another file without causing it to be escaped again.


List structures with the backtick are used to allow for interpolation.

(let ((name "George"))
  (cl-durian:html `(html ((h1 "NAME") (body (p ,name))))))


Functions that return list structures can be used to help abstract. They can then be called within other list structures.

when and list splicing can be used to conditionally add things into the html list structure.

(cl-durian:html `(html ,@(when user-identified `(,(user-banner session-value)))))

Functions that edit or wrap other list structures can also be used to great effect.



`html' takes a list structure and creates a formatted html string. This is the main function of cl-durian.


defaults to t (true)

This forces all tags to lowercase. It can be changed, but it defaults to t for convenience as symbols are naturally read in all caps by the lisp reader. Changing this to nil will allow control over the case of tags. Note that as symbols are read in in capital letters, symbols will need to be put between |these| to get any |mIxEd| lowercase.


escapes a string for use in html (not generally needed, cl-durian handles the escaping of strings automatically).


This symbol denotes that a script follows. Scripts are unescaped.


This is a symbol used by the package to denote that the text in the given list is untagged and needs no escaping.


Common Lisp library for dynamic HTML generation from list structures







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