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📚 Introduction to programming 2021/2022 course at FMI Sofia University

📌 Content by weeks:

w. Topic Description
1️⃣ Course introduction. VSCode how-to. C++ - usages, versions, compiled vs. interpeted languages. Brainteaser problems.
2️⃣ Numeral systems. Binary. Variables and types in C++. Conversion from dec to bin, oct, hex. Calculation in bin. Introduction to variables and types.
3️⃣ Types. Bitwise operations. Conditional operators. Types in C++. Usages and famous problems with bitwise. Operator if and ternary operator.
4️⃣ Switch operator. Loops. Switch with basic variable types. For, while, do-while loops.
5️⃣ Pointers. Arrays. Address-of operator. Dereference operator. Pointer. One-dimentional arrays.
6️⃣ Arrays. Introduction to functions. Quizz over the material up until week 6. Exercise over arrays. Introduction to functions.
7️⃣ Revision. Test One preparation.
8️⃣ Functions. Exercise on functions.
9️⃣ Functions. Functions with strings. Pass by value vs pass by reference.
1️⃣0️⃣ Two dimensional arrays. Matrices. Functions with matrices. Basic operations with matrices. Pointer arithmetics.
1️⃣1️⃣ Matrices. Exercise on matrices.
1️⃣2️⃣ Dynamic memory. Recursion. Dynamic memory allocation for single and multi dimensional arrays. Introduction to recursion.
🎄 CHRISTMAS VACATION 🎁 24th December 2021 - 3rd January 2022
1️⃣3️⃣ Recursion. Revision. Exercise over recursion. Test Two preparation.
1️⃣4️⃣ Recursion. Exercise. Exercise over recursion. Test Two solutions.
1️⃣5️⃣ Higher order functions. Final exam preparation. Accummulate, filter, map. Exam preparation.


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