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Alex Neargarder edited this page Mar 24, 2024 · 3 revisions

Spritesheets Which Can be Replaced for a Custom Bro

  • The main set of character animations.
  • The weapon spritesheet which gets put on top of the main spritesheet.
  • The special icon
  • The avatar, which is shown in the bottom left of the screen
  • The intro cutscene avatar

Most of these are self explanatory. You can find all of these sheets for Rambro here.

I would recommend using GIMP for creating your own sheets. It's free and has a lot of useful tools.

Explanation of Main Spritesheet

The main sheet is the only one which may be a bit confusing, so I included a labeled version of it in the example spritesheets, as well as a .xcf file which can be opened using GIMP.

If you open that file you'll see it is split into two layers with the Outlines layer including all the numbers and outlines. This can be toggled on / off so you can keep it on your main spritesheet file to use as a reference, and simply turn it off when you want to export the actual spritesheet for the game to load. You can also copy and paste the layer onto other character's spritesheets. Some of the numbers may not match up with certain character's spritesheets, but for the most part they should.

The black lines that separate each frame mark the last pixel that shows up for the frame to the left of them. So the lines on the right and bottom of the first frame will show up on that frame.

Here's what all the numbers indicate, I would recommend viewing the labeled image in GIMP to see everything easier:

  • 0 - First frame used for standing still, others are used for ladder climbing
  • 1 - Death animation
  • 2 - Crouch animation
  • 3 - Body parts used when blown up / crushed
  • 4 - Old knife climbing frames (unused)
  • 5 - Highfive, first 3 are the set up for the high five, then it pauses on the 3rd one while waiting for a partner to high five back, if no high five is received, the rest of the animation plays instead
  • 6 - Melee while standing on the ground
  • 7 - Normal walking
  • 8 - Walking while in one tile gap
  • 9 - Rolling frames
  • 10 - Jump with sideways momentum
  • 11 - Jump standing still
  • 12 - Knife climbing on walls
  • 13 - Sprinting on ground
  • 14 - Zipling / Hanging from the ceiling
  • 15 - Pushing animation (unused)
  • 16 - Sidewards dash and downwards dash (unused)
  • 17 - Special grenade throw / Special for a lot of characters but not all.
  • 18 - New ladder climbing frames (unused)
  • 19 - Melee midair
  • 20 - Chimney flip, when you go up and over a corner
  • 21 - Flexing, called gesture in game
  • 22 - In the middle of air jump flex
  • 23 - Start of air jump flex
  • 24 - Start of air jump slam
  • 25 - End of air jump slam, when hitting ground
  • 26 - Usually chest burst, but on some characters it isn't

The animations above and below the flexing animation are all unused gesture animations which aren't present on characters other than Rambro. If you use RocketLib you can bind keys and actually use these animations, but otherwise they are unused.

Rambro Labeled Spritesheet