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Goten CLI


  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. To contribute


You need read access to this repository and your ssh keys must be added to your gitlab account. To install, run the following command:

$ npm install -g git+ssh://

If you do not have write permissions on npm libs, execute the following:

$ sudo -s
$ cd /root/.ssh/
$ ln -s ~/.ssh/id_rsa ./
$ ln -s ~/.ssh/ ./


Goten-CLI creates APIs in Node in a simple way and frontend applications in Angular 7 and React.

Backend - Node

Create project

To create an API, use the command new:

$ goten new <appName> *[options]*

This command will run in interactive mode. If you wish to omit this step, you have to specify the [options]:

options value by default characteristics
-p, --port <port> 3800 Port where the app will be listening
-d, --database <engine> mongodb Database engine
-n, --dbname <dbname> name of project Database name
-h, --dbhost <dbhost> Database host
-P, --dbport <dbport> 27017 Database port
-u, --dbuser <dbuser> none Database user
-w, --dbpass <dbpass> - Database password (only required when specifying an user)
-y, --yes - Default values

This command also has the following optional parameters:

-V, --versioning Adds goten-versioning to manage API's that are versioned

Important: Goten will not create the database. If you need to add a database to test your app, consider: devs-readme

Create ABM

To create all the layers related to an entity, (model, dao, service, assembler, controller, dto, filter, router), use the command abm

$ goten abm <entityName> *[options]*

This command will run in interactive mode. If you wish to omit this step, you have to specify the [options]:

options | value by default | characteristics

  • | - | - -p, --property \ | - | Add a property to the entity. The format of propertyOption is propertyName: propertyType. Ex: goten new user -p name: String. The propertyType depends on the type of engine selected. -m, --migrate | - | (This command only works with SQL databases) When you finish creating the model and its migrations, it impacts them in the database. -V, --versioning \ | name of project | (This command only works if you are using goten-versioning) By default the models are added to the latest version of the API, this option allows you to specify in which version you want to create

Supported databases

The supported databases depend on the type of database engine selected, in case you have selected mongo you can see the types supported by mongoose here; If you are using a relational engine you can see the types supported by sequelize here. - To create relationships of type one to many you must add a property of type hasMany (Class). For example if you want to create a one to many relationship between Face and Eye you need to add

$ goten abm Face -p "eye: hasMany(Eye)"

Impact migrations

To impact the migrations in the database, use migrate

$ goten migrate   

* This command only works on SQL engines

Create new version in the API

To create a new version of the API, the command must be executed

$ goten version

* This command only works if the goten-versioning plugin is being used

Frontend - Angular and React


Create project

To create a new SPA use new-angular

$ goten new-angular <appName> *[options]*

This command will start the application in interactive mode, asking for a configuration parameter for the app: - Address of the api to consume

If you want to omit the interactive mode you must specify the [options]

options characteristics
-a, --api Specify the host: port where the app will consume.
-p, --primary Default color is: blue
-d, --danger Default color is: red
-s, --success Default color is: green
-i, --info Default color is: cyan
-w, --warning Default color is: yellow
-S, --secondary Default color is: gray

Run the generated app

$ cd <appName>
$ npm install
$ npm start

Create ABM

To create all the layers referring to an entity (dto, filter, response, service, routes, components and the corresponding tab), use abm-angular.

$ cd <appName>
$ goten abm-angular <entityName> *[options]*

When executing the previous one, an interactive mode is launched that allows you to add native types and custom types.

The native types are:

  • Boolean.
  • Number.
  • String.
  • Date.

To add custom types in the interactive mode, goten will request the type of the property using the tag Other. This will offer the options Array and Custom (if you choose Array you must specify its type, allowing any native or Custom types). When choosing the type Custom, goten will request the name of the class that wants to be generated. Once all the properties of ABM have been specified, goten will ask the user to define properties for each Custom type entered by the user.

If you want to omit the interactive mode, you must specify the following parameters:

options | parameter | characteristics

  • | - | - -p, --prop | propOption | Add a property with the specified format. -i, --prop | internalModelOption | Add a property with a customized type.

propOption must respect the format propertyName: propertyType. internalModelOption must respect the format customPropertyType.propertyName: propertyType.


$ goten abm-angular artist -p name:String -p disc:Disc -i
$ goten abm-angular artist -p name:String -i

In this last example, the definition of disc is implicit for an artist when defining .

Assign Favicon

To assign a favicon in the browser of the SPA generated, must execute the following command:

$ cd <appName>
$ goten favicon <path_imagen>

For the execution to be successful, it must be considered that:

  • Size: Do not exceed 1000x1000 px.
  • Acceptable formats: ICO, JPG, JPEG and PNG.


Create project

To create a new project with react, use the command new-react:

$ goten new-react <appName> *[options]*

This command will run in interactive mode. If you wish to omit this step, you have to specify the [options]:

options | characteristics

  • | - -a, --api | Modal properties -y, --yes | Url of the api defined by default ("localhost: 3800") -r, --redux | Architecture with redux

Create ABM

To add modules,use the command :

$ cd <appName>
$ goten abm-react <entityName> *[options]*

When executing the previous one, an interactive mode is launched that allows us to add native types and custom types.

The native types are:

  • Boolean.
  • Number.
  • String.
  • Date.

To add custom types in the interactive mode, goten will request the type of the property using the tag Other. This will offer the options Array and Custom (if you choose Array you must specify its type, allowing any native or Custom types). When choosing the type Custom, goten will request the name of the class that wants to be generated. Once all the properties of ABM have been specified, goten will ask the user to define properties for each Custom type entered by the user.

If you want to omit the interactive mode, you must specify the following parameters:

options | parameter | characteristics

  • | - | - -p, --prop | propOption | Add a property with the specified format. -i, --prop | internalModelOption | Add a property with a customized type.

propOption must respect the format propertyName: propertyType. internalModelOption must respect the format customPropertyType.propertyName: propertyType.


$ goten abm-react artist -p name:String -p disc:Disc -i
$ goten abm-react artist -p name:String -i

In this last example, the definition of disco is implicit for an artist when defining .

Assign Favicon

To assign a favicon in the browser of the SPA generated,must execute the following command:

$ cd <appName>
$ goten favicon <path_imagen>

For the execution to be successful, it must be considered that:

  • Size: Do not exceed 1000x1000 px.
  • Acceptable formats: ICO, JPG, JPEG and PNG.

How to contribute to the project

See contributing


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