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Spectacular Documentation Generator Action 📖

💻A GitHub action for generating spectacular C# documentation!🤓


The latest release is v3.43 ❤️

Please note Only one class per file will be documented!🙇‍♀️ Make sure to only have one class per file!

Follow the steps below to add this spectacular tool to your repo👩‍💻

Step 1

Follow this link to view and add this action to your repo: Click here!!! Please make sure you are using the latest version!

Step 2

Generate yourself a Personal Access Token

Click here to see instructions on how to generate a personal access token You will need to allow the token to access your user information.

See the screenshot below.

User Permissions Screenshot

Add your Personal Access Token to your Repo secrets

Click here to read about how to create secrets in GitHub Save your secret as: PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN

Step 3

Add the following to your .yml file:

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: 'Spectacular Documentation Generation Action 📖'
      - name: Checkout Repository 👨‍🏭
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup Node.js ⚙️
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: '14'
      - name: Install dependencies 🪛
        run: npm install adm-zip
      - name: List Files 📂
        run: ls -R
      - name: add this weird thing
        run: npm install --no-save async
      - name: Grabbing Inputs 💖
        id: inputs
        uses: Grad-Projects/spectacular-documentation-action@v3.43
          style: 'Simple'
          files-input: '["yourfiles","gohere"]'
          github-personal-access-token: '${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
      - name: Build artifacts pls
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: Downloadable artifacts
          path: ''
      - name: 'Thats All Folks 🐇'
        run: echo "We're done here💗."

Step 3

Make sure that the following is filled in properly in your .yml 🦋

Field Your Value Example
style Choose a style from the list at the end of these instructions! 'Simple'
files-input The paths to your C# files '["FilePath1","FilePath2",...]'
github-personal-access-token: The secret for the personal access token you generated. '${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'

Step 4

Run your action! Your documentation will be created as an artifact which you can find on the workflow page, as in the screenshot below:

Workflow Artifact Screenshot

Available Styles Guide

  • Simple ✨
style: 'Simple'
  • Serious Business 👨‍💼
style: 'Serious Business'
  • Pastel Dreams 💗
style: 'Pastel Dreams'
  • Eye Searer (Use at own risk) ☢️
style: 'Eye Searer'
  • I Love To Code (Use at own risk) ☢️
style: 'I Love To Code'