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Configuration Directives

This document describes each of the configuration directives implemented by the mod_wsgi module.

  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIScriptAlias WSGIScriptAlias]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIScriptAliasMatch WSGIScriptAliasMatch]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIApplicationGroup WSGIApplicationGroup]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIDaemonProcess WSGIDaemonProcess]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGISocketPrefix WSGISocketPrefix]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIProcessGroup WSGIProcessGroup]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIRestrictProcess WSGIRestrictProcess]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIImportScript WSGIImportScript]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGICallableObject WSGICallableObject]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIPassAuthorization WSGIPassAuthorization]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIAuthUserScript WSGIAuthUserScript]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIAuthGroupScript WSGIAuthGroupScript]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIAccessScript WSGIAccessScript]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIScriptReloading WSGIScriptReloading]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIReloadMechanism WSGIReloadMechanism]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIOutputBuffering WSGIOutputBuffering]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGICaseSensitivity WSGICaseSensitivity]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIPythonOptimize WSGIPythonOptimize]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIPythonExecutable WSGIPythonExecutable]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIPythonHome WSGIPythonHome]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIPythonPath WSGIPythonPath]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIPythonEggs WSGIPythonEggs]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIRestrictEmbedded WSGIRestrictEmbedded]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIRestrictStdin WSGIRestrictStdin]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIRestrictStdout WSGIRestrictStdout]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIRestrictSignal WSGIRestrictSignal]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIAcceptMutex WSGIAcceptMutex]
  • [ConfigurationDirectives#WSGILazyInitialization WSGILazyInitialization]

For further examples of use see the [ConfigurationGuidelines Configuration Guidelines].


|| [ Description:] || Maps a URL to a filesystem location and designates the target as a WSGI script. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIScriptAlias _`URL-path file-path|directory-path`_ || || [ Context:] || server config, virtual host || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIScriptAlias directive behaves in the same manner as the [ Alias] directive, except that it additionally marks the target directory as containing WSGI scripts, or marks the specific _file-path_ as a script, that should be processed by mod_wsgi's wsgi-script handler.

Where the target is a _directory-path_, URLs with a case-sensitive (%-decoded) path beginning with _URL-path_ will be mapped to scripts contained in the indicated directory.

For example:

WSGIScriptAlias /wsgi-scripts/ /web/wsgi-scripts/

A request for in this case would cause the server to run the WSGI application defined in /web/wsgi-scripts/name. This configuration is essentially equivalent to:

Alias /wsgi-scripts/ /web/wsgi-scripts/
<Location /wsgi-scripts>
SetHandler wsgi-script
Options +ExecCGI

Where the target is a _file-path_, URLs with a case-sensitive (%-decoded) path beginning with _URL-path_ will be mapped to the script defined by the _file-path_.

For example:

WSGIScriptAlias /name /web/wsgi-scripts/name

A request for in this case would cause the server to run the WSGI application defined in /web/wsgi-scripts/name.

If possible you should avoid placing WSGI scripts under the [ DocumentRoot] in order to avoid accidentally revealing their source code if the configuration is ever changed. The WSGIScriptAlias makes this easy by mapping a URL and designating the location of any WSGI scripts at the same time. If you do choose to place your WSGI scripts in a directory already accessible to clients, do not use WSGIScriptAlias. Instead, use [ <Directory>], [ SetHandler], and [ Options] as in:

<Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/wsgi-scripts>
SetHandler wsgi-script
Options ExecCGI

This is necessary since multiple _URL-paths_ can map to the same filesystem location, potentially bypassing the WSGIScriptAlias and revealing the source code of the WSGI scripts if they are not restricted by a [ Directory] section.


|| [ Description:] || Maps a URL to a filesystem location and designates the target as a WSGI script. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIScriptAliasMatch _`regex file-path|directory-path`_ || || [ Context:] || server config, virtual host || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

This directive is similar to the WSGIScriptAlias directive, but makes use of regular expressions, instead of simple prefix matching. The supplied regular expression is matched against the URL-path, and if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized matches into the given string and use it as a filename.

For example, to map a URL to scripts contained within a directory where the script files use the .wsgi extension, but it is desired that the extension not appear in the URL, use:

WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^/wsgi-scripts/([^/]+) /web/wsgi-scripts/$1.wsgi

Note that you should only use WSGIScriptAliasMatch if you know what you are doing. In most cases you should be using WSGIScriptAlias instead. If you use WSGIScriptAliasMatch and don't do things the correct way, then you risk modifying the value of SCRIPT_NAME as passed to the WSGI application and this can stuff things up badly causing URL mapping to not work correctly within the WSGI application or stuff up reconstruction of the full URL when doing redirects. This is because the substitution of the matched sub pattern from the left hand side back into the right hand side is often critical.

If you think you need to use WSGIScriptAliasMatch, you probably don't really. If you really really think you need it, then check on the mod_wsgi mailing list about how to use it properly.


|| [ Description:] || Sets which application group WSGI application belongs to. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}|%{SERVER}|%{RESOURCE}|%{ENV:variable}|name || || [ Default:] || WSGIApplicationGroup %{RESOURCE} || || [ Context:] || server config, virtual host, directory || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIApplicationGroup directive can be used to specify which application group a WSGI application or set of WSGI applications belongs to. All WSGI applications within the same application group will execute within the context of the same Python sub interpreter of the process handling the request.

The argument to the WSGIApplicationGroup can be either one of four special expanding variables or an explicit name of your own choosing. The meaning of the special variables are:


The application group name will be set to the empty string.

Any WSGI applications in the global application group will always be executed within the context of the first interpreter created by Python when it is initialised. Forcing a WSGI application to run within the first interpreter can be necessary when a third party C extension module for Python has used the simplified threading API for manipulation of the Python GIL and thus will not run correctly within any additional sub interpreters created by Python.


The application group name will be set to the server hostname. If the request arrived over a non standard HTTP/HTTPS port, the port number will be added as a suffix to the group name separated by a colon.

For example, if the virtual host is handling requests on the standard HTTP port (80) and HTTPS port (443), a request arriving on either port would see the application group name being set to If instead the virtual host was handling requests on port 8080, then the application group name would be set to


The application group name will be set to the server hostname and port as for the %{SERVER} variable, to which the value of WSGI environment variable SCRIPT_NAME is appended separated by the file separator character.

For example, if the virtual host was handling requests on port 8080 and the URL-path which mapped to the WSGI application was, then the application group name would be set to|/wsgi-scripts/foo.

The effect of using the %{RESOURCE} variable expansion is for each application on any server to be isolated from all others by being mapped to its own Python sub interpreter.

The application group name will be set to the value of the named environment variable. The environment variable is looked-up via the internal Apache notes and subprocess environment data structures and (if not found there) via getenv() from the Apache server process.

In an Apache configuration file, environment variables accessible using the %{ENV} variable reference can be setup by using directives such as [ SetEnv] and [ RewriteRule].

For example, to group all WSGI scripts for a specific user when using [ mod_userdir] within the same application group, the following could be used:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/~([^/]+)
RewriteRule . - [E=APPLICATION_GROUP:~%1]

<Directory /home/*/public_html/wsgi-scripts/>
Options ExecCGI
SetHandler wsgi-script

Note that in embedded mode or a multi process daemon process group, there will be an instance of the named sub interpreter in each process. Thus the directive only ensures that request is handled in the named sub interpreter within the process that handles the request. If you need to ensure that requests for a specific user always go back to the exact same sub interpreter, then you will need to use a daemon process group with only a single process, or implement sticky session mechanism across a number of single process daemon process groups.


|| [ Description:] || Configure a distinct daemon process for running applications. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIDaemonProcess name`_ `[ options`_ `] || || [ Context:] || server config, virtual host || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIDaemonProcess directive can be used to specify that distinct daemon processes should be created to which the running of WSGI applications can be delegated. Where Apache has been started as the root user, the daemon processes can be run as a user different to that which the Apache child processes would normally be run as.

When distinct daemon processes are enabled and used, the process is dedicated to mod_wsgi and the only thing that the processes do is run the WSGI applications assigned to that process group. Any other Apache modules such as PHP or activities such as serving up static files continue to be run in the standard Apache child processes.

Note that having denoted that daemon processes should be created by using the WSGIDaemonProcess directive, the WSGIProcessGroup directive still needs to be used to delegate specific WSGI applications to execute within those daemon processes.

Also note that the name of the daemon process group must be unique for the whole server. That is, it is not possible to use the same daemon process group name in different virtual hosts.

Options which can be supplied to the WSGIDaemonProcess directive are:

user=name | user=#uid

Defines the UNIX user _name_ or numeric user _uid_ of the user that the daemon processes should be run as. If this option is not supplied the daemon processes will be run as the same user that Apache would run child processes and as defined by the [ User] directive.

Note that this option is ignored if Apache wasn't started as the root user, in which case no matter what the settings, the daemon processes will be run as the user that Apache was started as.

Also be aware that mod_wsgi will not allow you to run a daemon process group as the root user due to the security risk of running a web application as root.
group=name | group=#gid

Defines the UNIX group _name_ or numeric group _gid_ of the primary group that the daemon processes should be run as. If this option is not supplied the daemon processes will be run as the same group that Apache would run child processes and as defined by the [ Group] directive.

Note that this option is ignored if Apache wasn't started as the root user, in which case no matter what the settings, the daemon processes will be run as the group that Apache was started as.


Defines the number of daemon processes that should be started in this process group. If not defined then only one process will be run in this process group.

Note that if this option is defined as 'processes=1', then the WSGI environment attribute called 'wsgi.multiprocess' will be set to be True whereas not providing the option at all will result in the attribute being set to be False. This distinction is to allow for where some form of mapping mechanism might be used to distribute requests across multiple process groups and thus in effect it is still a multiprocess application. If you need to ensure that 'wsgi.multiprocess' is False so that interactive debuggers will work, simply do not specify the 'processes' option and allow the default single daemon process to be created in the process group.


Defines the number of threads to be created to handle requests in each daemon process within the process group.

If this option is not defined then the default will be to create 15 threads in each daemon process within the process group.


Defines a value to be used for the umask of the daemon processes within the process group. The value must be provided as an octal number.

If this option is not defined then the umask of the user that Apache is initially started as will be inherited by the process. Typically the inherited umask would be '0022'.


Defines an absolute path of a directory which should be used as the initial current working directory of the daemon processes within the process group.

If this option is not defined, in mod_wsgi 1.X the current working directory of the Apache parent process will be inherited by the daemon processes within the process group. Normally the current working directory of the Apache parent process would be the root directory. In mod_wsgi 2.0+ the initial current working directory will be set to be the home directory of the user that the daemon process runs as.

python-path=directory | python-path=directory:directory (2.0+)

List of colon separated directories to add to the Python module search path, ie., sys.path.

Note that this is not strictly the same as having set PYTHONPATH environment variable when running normal command line Python. When this option is used, the directories are added by calling site.addsitedir(). As well as adding the directory to sys.path this function has the effect of opening and interpreting any '.pth' files located in the specified directories. The option therefore can be used to point at the site-packages directory corresponding to a Python virtual environment created by a tool such as virtualenv, with any additional directories corresponding to Python eggs within that directory also being automatically added to sys.path.

python-eggs=directory (2.0+)

Directory to be used as the Python egg cache directory. This is equivalent to having set the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable.

Note that the directory specified must exist and be writable by the user that the daemon process run as.

stack-size=nnn (2.0+)

The amount of virtual memory in bytes to be allocated for the stack corresponding to each thread created by mod_wsgi in a daemon process.

This option would be used when running Linux in a VPS system which has been configured with a quite low 'Memory Limit' in relation to the 'Context RSS' and 'Max RSS Memory' limits. In particular, the default stack size for threads under Linux is 8MB is quite excessive and could for such a VPS result in the 'Memory Limit' being exceeded before the RSS limits were exceeded. In this situation, the stack size should be dropped down to be in the region of 512KB (524288 bytes).


Defines a limit on the number of requests a daemon process should process before it is shutdown and restarted. Setting this to a non zero value has the benefit of limiting the amount of memory that a process can consume by (accidental) memory leakage.

If this option is not defined, or is defined to be 0, then the daemon process will be persistent and will continue to service requests until Apache itself is restarted or shutdown.

inactivity-timeout=sss (2.0+)

Defines the maximum number of seconds allowed to pass before the daemon process is shutdown and restarted when the daemon process has entered an idle state. For the purposes of this option, being idle means no new requests being received, or no attempts by current requests to read request content or generate response content for the defined period.

This option exists to allow infrequently used applications running in a daemon process to be restarted, thus allowing memory being used to be reclaimed, with process size dropping back to the initial startup size before any application had been loaded or requests processed.

deadlock-timeout=sss (2.0+)

Defines the maximum number of seconds allowed to pass before the daemon process is shutdown and restarted after a potential deadlock on the Python GIL has been detected. The default is 300 seconds.

This option exists to combat the problem of a daemon process freezing as the result of a rouge Python C extension module which doesn't properly release the Python GIL when entering into a blocking or long running operation.


Defines the maximum number of seconds allowed to pass when waiting for a daemon process to gracefully shutdown as a result of the maximum number of requests or inactivity timeout being reached, or when a user initiated SIGINT signal is sent to a daemon process. When this timeout has been reached the daemon process will be forced to exited even if there are still active requests or it is still running Python exit functions.

If this option is not defined, then the shutdown timeout will be set to 5 seconds. Note that this option does not change the shutdown timeout applied to daemon processes when Apache itself is being stopped or restarted. That timeout value is defined internally to Apache as 3 seconds and cannot be overridden.


Defines a different name to show for the daemon process when using the 'ps' command to list processes. If the value is '%{GROUP}' then the name will be '(wsgi:group)' where 'group' is replaced with the name of the daemon process group.

Note that only as many characters of the supplied value can be displayed as were originally taken up by 'argv0' of the executing process. Anything in excess of this will be truncated.

This feature may not work as described on all platforms. Typically it also requires a 'ps' program with BSD heritage. Thus on Solaris UNIX the '/usr/bin/ps' program doesn't work, but '/usr/ucb/ps' does.


Defines the UNIX socket buffer size for data being received by the daemon process from the Apache child process.

This option may need to be used to override small default values set by certain operating systems and would help avoid possibility of deadlock between Apache child process and daemon process when WSGI application generates large responses but doesn't consume request content. In general such deadlock problems would not arise with well behaved WSGI applications, but some spam bots attempting to post data to web sites are known to trigger the problem.

The maximum possible value that can be set for the buffer size is operating system dependent and will need to be calculated through trial and error.


Defines the UNIX socket buffer size for data being sent in the direction daemon process back to Apache child process.

This option may need to be used to override small default values set by certain operating systems and would help avoid possibility of deadlock between Apache child process and daemon process when WSGI application generates large responses but doesn't consume request content. In general such deadlock problems would not arise with well behaved WSGI applications, but some spam bots attempting to post data to web sites are known to trigger the problem.

The maximum possible value that can be set for the buffer size is operating system dependent and will need to be calculated through trial and error.

To delegate a particular WSGI application to run in a named set of daemon processes, the WSGIProcessGroup directive should be specified in appropriate context for that application. If WSGIProcessGroup is not used, the application will be run within the standard Apache child processes.

If the WSGIDaemonProcess directive is specified outside of all virtual host containers, any WSGI application can be delegated to be run within that daemon process group. If the WSGIDaemonProcess directive is specified within a virtual host container, only WSGI applications associated with virtual hosts with the same server name as that virtual host can be delegated to that set of daemon processes.

When WSGIDaemonProcess is associated with a virtual host, the error log associated with that virtual host will be used for all Apache error log output from mod_wsgi rather than it appear in the main Apache error log.

For example, if a server is hosting two virtual hosts and it is desired that the WSGI applications related to each virtual host run in distinct processes of their own and as a user which is the owner of that virtual host, the following could be used.

<VirtualHost *:80>
CustomLog logs/ common
ErrorLog logs/

WSGIDaemonProcess user=joe group=joe processes=2 threads=25


<VirtualHost *:80>
CustomLog logs/ common
ErrorLog logs/

WSGIDaemonProcess user=bob group=bob processes=2 threads=25


Note that the WSGIDaemonProcess directive and corresponding features are not available on Windows or when running Apache 1.3.


|| [ Description:] || Configure directory to use for daemon sockets. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGISocketPrefix _`prefix`_ || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

Defines the directory and name prefix to be used for the UNIX domain sockets used by mod_wsgi to communicate between the Apache child processes and the daemon processes.

If the directive is not defined, the sockets and any related mutex lock files will be placed in the standard Apache runtime directory. This is the same directory that the Apache log files would normally be placed.

For some Linux distributions, restrictive permissions are placed on the standard Apache runtime directory such that the directory is not readable to others. This can cause problems with mod_wsgi because the user that the Apache child processes run as will subsequently not have the required permissions to access the directory to be able to connect to the sockets.

When this occurs, a '503 Service Temporarily Unavailable' error response would be received by the client. To resolve the problem, the WSGISocketPrefix directive should be defined to point at an alternate location. The value may be a location relative to the Apache root directory, or an absolute path.

On systems which restrict access to the standard Apache runtime directory, they normally provide an alternate directory for placing sockets and lock files used by Apache modules. This directory is usually called 'run' and to make use of this directory the WSGISocketPrefix directive would be set as follows:

WSGISocketPrefix run/wsgi

Note, do not put the sockets in the system temporary working directory. That is, do not go making the prefix '/tmp/wsgi'. The directory should be one that is only writable by 'root' user, or if not starting Apache as 'root', the user that Apache is started as.

Note that the WSGISocketPrefix directive and corresponding features are not available on Windows or when running Apache 1.3.


|| [ Description:] || Sets which process group WSGI application is assigned to. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIProcessGroup %{GLOBAL}|%{ENV:variable}|name || || [ Default:] || WSGIProcessGroup %{GLOBAL} || || [ Context:] || server config, virtual host, directory || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIProcessGroup directive can be used to specify which process group a WSGI application or set of WSGI applications will be executed in. All WSGI applications within the same process group will execute within the context of the same group of daemon processes.

The argument to the WSGIProcessGroup can be either one of two special expanding variables or the actual name of a group of daemon processes setup using the WSGIDaemonProcess directive. The meaning of the special variables are:


The process group name will be set to the empty string.

Any WSGI applications in the global process group will always be executed within the context of the standard Apache child processes. Such WSGI applications will incur the least runtime overhead, however, they will share the same process space with other Apache modules such as PHP, as well as the process being used to serve up static file content. Running WSGI applications within the standard Apache child processes will also mean the application will run as the user that Apache would normally run as.

The process group name will be set to the value of the named environment variable. The environment variable is looked-up via the internal Apache notes and subprocess environment data structures and (if not found there) via getenv() from the Apache server process. The result must identify a named process group setup using the WSGIDaemonProcess directive.

In an Apache configuration file, environment variables accessible using the %{ENV} variable reference can be setup by using directives such as [ SetEnv] and [ RewriteRule].

For example, to select which process group a specific WSGI application should execute within based on entries in a database file, the following could be used:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap wsgiprocmap dbm:/etc/httpd/wsgiprocmap.dbm
RewriteRule . - [E=PROCESS_GROUP:${wsgiprocmap:%{REQUEST_URI}}]


When using the WSGIProcessGroup directive, only daemon process groups defined within virtual hosts with the same server name, or those defined at global scope outside of any virtual hosts can be selected. It is not possible to select a daemon process group which is defined within a different virtual host. Which daemon process groups can be selected may be further restricted if the WSGIRestrictProcess directive has been used.

Note that the WSGIProcessGroup directive and corresponding features are not available on Windows or when running Apache 1.3.


|| [ Description:] || Restrict which daemon process groups can be selected. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIRestrictProcess _`group-1 group-2 ...`_ || || [ Context:] || server config, virtual host, directory || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

When using the WSGIProcessGroup directive, daemon process groups defined within virtual hosts with the same server name, or those defined at global scope outside of any virtual hosts can be selected. It is not possible to select a daemon process group which is defined within a different virtual host.

To further limit which of the available daemon process groups can be selected, the WSGIRestrictProcess directive can be used to list a restricted set of daemon process group names. This could be used for example where %{ENV} substitution is being used to allow the daemon process group to be selected from a .htaccess file for a specific user.

The main Apache configuration for this scenario might be:

WSGIDaemonProcess default processes=2 threads=25

<VirtualHost *:80>

WSGIDaemonProcess bob:1 user=bob group=bob threads=25
WSGIDaemonProcess bob:2 user=bob group=bob threads=25
WSGIDaemonProcess bob:3 user=bob group=bob threads=25

WSGIDaemonProcess joe:1 user=joe group=joe threads=25
WSGIDaemonProcess joe:2 user=joe group=joe threads=25
WSGIDaemonProcess joe:3 user=joe group=joe threads=25

SetEnv PROCESS_GROUP default

<Directory /home/bob/public_html>
Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride FileInfo
AddHandler wsgi-script .wsgi
WSGIRestrictProcess bob:1 bob:2 bob:3

The .htaccess file within the users account could then delegate specific WSGI applications to different daemon process groups using the [ SetEnv] directive.

<Files blog.wsgi>

<Files wiki.wsgi>

Note that the WSGIDaemonProcess directive and corresponding features are not available on Windows or when running Apache 1.3.


|| [ Description:] || Specify a script file to be loaded on process start. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIImportScript path`_ `[ options`_ `] || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIImportScript directive can be used to specify a script file to be loaded when a process starts. Options must be provided to indicate the name of the process group and the application group into which the script will be loaded.

The options which must supplied to the WSGIImportScript directive are:


Specifies the name of the process group for which the script file will be loaded.

The name of the process group can be set to the special value '%{GLOBAL}' which denotes that the script file be loaded for the Apache child processes. Any other value indicates appropriate process group for mod_wsgi daemon mode.


Specifies the name of the application group within the specified process for which the script file will be loaded.

The name of the application group can be set to the special value '%{GLOBAL}' which denotes that the script file be loaded within the context of the first interpreter created by Python when it is initialised. Otherwise, will be loaded into the interpreter for the specified application group.

Because the script files are loaded prior to beginning to accept any requests, any delay in loading the script will not cause actual requests to be blocked. As such, the WSGIImportScript can be used to preload a WSGI application script file on process start so that it is ready when actual user requests arrive. For where there are multiple processes handling requests, this can reduce or eliminate the apparent stalling of an application when performing a restart of Apache or a daemon mode process group.


|| [ Description:] || Sets the name of the WSGI application callable. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGICallableObject %{ENV:variable}|name || || [ Default:] || WSGICallableObject application || || [ Context:] || server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess || || [ Override:] || !FileInfo || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGICallableObject directive can be used to override the name of the Python callable object in the script file which is used as the entry point into the WSGI application.

When %{ENV} is being used, the environment variable is looked-up via the internal Apache notes and subprocess environment data structures and (if not found there) via getenv() from the Apache server process.

In an Apache configuration file, environment variables accessible using the %{ENV} variable reference can be setup by using directives such as [ SetEnv] and [ RewriteRule].

Note that the name of the callable object must be an object present at global scope within the WSGI script file. It is not possible to use a dotted path to refer to a sub object of a module imported by the WSGI script file.


|| [ Description:] || Enable/Disable passing of authorisation headers. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIPassAuthorization On|Off || || [ Default:] || WSGIPassAuthorization Off || || [ Context:] 1.X || server config, virtual host, directory || || [ Context:] 2.0+ || server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

Note: Ability to use this option in .htaccess file was only added in 2.0c5.

The WSGIPassAuthorization directive can be used to control whether HTTP authorisation headers are passed through to a WSGI application in the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION variable of the WSGI application environment when the equivalent HTTP request headers are present. This option would need to be set to On if the WSGI application was to handle authorisation rather than Apache doing it.

Authorisation headers are not passed through by default as doing so could leak information about passwords through to a WSGI application which should not be able to see them when Apache is performing authorisation. If Apache is performing authorisation, a WSGI application can still find out what type of authorisation scheme was used by checking the variable AUTH_TYPE of the WSGI application environment. The login name of the authorised user can be determined by checking the variable REMOTE_USER.


|| [ Description:] || Specify script implementing an authentication provider. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIAuthUserScript path`_ `[ options`_ `] || || [ Context:] 2.0+ || directory, .htaccess || || [ Override:] || AuthConfig || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIAuthUserScript directive can be used to specify a script which implements an Apache authentication provider.

Such an authentication provider can be used where you want Apache to worry about the handshaking related to HTTP Basic and Digest authentication and you only wish to deal with supplying the user credentials for authenticating the user.

If using at least Apache 2.2, other Apache modules implementing custom authentication mechanisms can also make use of the authentication provider if they are using the corresponding Apache C API for accessing them.

More detailed information on using the WSGIAuthUserScript directive can be found in [AccessControlMechanisms Access Control Mechanisms].

The options which can be supplied to the WSGIAuthUserScript directive are:


Specifies the name of the application group within the specified process for which the script file will be loaded.

If the 'application-group' option is not supplied, the special value '%{GLOBAL}' which denotes that the script file be loaded within the context of the first interpreter created by Python when it is initialised will be used. Otherwise, will be loaded into the interpreter for the specified application group.

Note that the script always runs in processes associated with embedded mode. It is not possible to delegate the script such that it is run within context of a daemon process.


|| [ Description:] || Specify script implementing group authorisation. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIAuthGroupScript path`_ `[ options`_ `] || || [ Context:] 2.0+ || directory, .htaccess || || [ Override:] || AuthConfig || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIAuthGroupScript directive provides a mechanism for implementing group authorisation using the Apache 'Require' directive.

More detailed information on using the WSGIAuthGroupScript directive can be found in [AccessControlMechanisms Access Control Mechanisms].

The options which can be supplied to the WSGIAuthGroupScript directive are:


Specifies the name of the application group within the specified process for which the script file will be loaded.

If the 'application-group' option is not supplied, the special value '%{GLOBAL}' which denotes that the script file be loaded within the context of the first interpreter created by Python when it is initialised will be used. Otherwise, will be loaded into the interpreter for the specified application group.

Note that the script always runs in processes associated with embedded mode. It is not possible to delegate the script such that it is run within context of a daemon process.


|| [ Description:] || Specify script implementing host access controls. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIAccessScript path`_ `[ options`_ `] || || [ Context:] 2.0+ || directory, .htaccess || || [ Override:] || AuthConfig || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIAccessScript directive provides a mechanism for implementing host access controls.

More detailed information on using the WSGIAccessScript directive can be found in [AccessControlMechanisms Access Control Mechanisms].

The options which can be supplied to the WSGIAccessScript directive are:


Specifies the name of the application group within the specified process for which the script file will be loaded.

If the 'application-group' option is not supplied, the special value '%{GLOBAL}' which denotes that the script file be loaded within the context of the first interpreter created by Python when it is initialised will be used. Otherwise, will be loaded into the interpreter for the specified application group.

Note that the script always runs in processes associated with embedded mode. It is not possible to delegate the script such that it is run within context of a daemon process.


|| [ Description:] || Enable/Disable detection of WSGI script file changes. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIScriptReloading On|Off || || [ Default:] || WSGIScriptReloading On || || [ Context:] || server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess || || [ Override:] || !FileInfo || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIScriptReloading directive can be used to control whether changes to WSGI script files trigger the reloading mechanism. By default script reloading is enabled and a change to the WSGI script file will trigger whichever reloading mechanism is specified by the WSGIReloadMechanism directive.


|| [ Description:] || Reload mechanism used when script changes. || || [ Syntax:] (1.X) || WSGIReloadMechanism Module|Interpreter || || [ Syntax:] (2.0) || WSGIReloadMechanism Module|Process || || [ Default:] 1.X, 2.0 (embedded) || WSGIReloadMechanism Module || || [ Default:] 2.0 (daemon) || WSGIReloadMechanism Process || || [ Context:] || server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess || || [ Override:] || !FileInfo || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

Note: The 'Interpreter' option described here was removed in mod_wsgi version 2.0. The 'Process' option was only added in in mod_wsgi version 2.0. The complete WSGIReloadMechanism directive was thence removed in mod_wsgi 3.0 with the 'Process' option effectively being the default and only choice for dameon mode.

The WSGIReloadMechanism directive can be used to control which type of reload mechanism is used when detection of changes to a WSGI script file are enabled.

The default reload mechanism depends on the version of mod_wsgi being used and whether or not the WSGI application is running in embedded mode or daemon mode. If using mod_wsgi version 1.X, the default reload mechanism is 'Module'. If using mod_wsgi version 2.0+ (actually 2.0c5+) and the WSGI application is running in embedded mode, the default reload mechanism is 'Module'. If however using mod_wsgi version 2.0+ (actually 2.0c5+) and the WSGI application is running in daemon mode, the default reload mechanism is 'Process'.

When the 'Module' reload mechanism is used, the Python module which the WSGI script file was loaded into will be destroyed when a change in the script file is detected. The WSGI script file will then be reloaded into a fresh Python module within the existing sub interpreter instance prior to the application entry point it contains being executed.

An alternative to the 'Module' reload mechanism in mod_wsgi version 1.X is the 'Interpreter' reload mechanism. When this is used, the complete sub interpreter associated with the application group the WSGI script is a part of will be destroyed. A fresh sub interpreter instance will then be created and the WSGI script file reloaded into a fresh Python module within the new sub interpreter instance prior to the application entry point it contains being executed.

An alternative to the 'Module' reload mechanism in mod_wsgi version 2.0 and later is the 'Process' reload mechanism. Because this involves restarting of the whole process the WSGI application is running in, it is only available for WSGI applications delegated to a mod_wsgi daemon process using the WSGIDaemonProcess and WSGIProcessGroup directives. When a change to the WSGI script file has been detected, the daemon process in which the application runs will be shutdown and restarted before the request is passed to the application for processing.

Note that the 'Interpreter' option for the reload mechanism has no effect on the first interpreter instance created by Python and indentified by using the value '%{GLOBAL}' with the WSGIApplicationGroup directive. For this interpreter the behaviour as defined for the 'Module' option always applies. This is because this interpreter instance cannot be destroyed and must be kept as is for the life of the process.

Similarly, if the 'Process' option is specified for a WSGI application running in embedded mode, that is where WSGIProcessGroup is '%{GLOBAL}' or not defined in that context, the 'Module' option always applies.

Also note that the 'Module' reload mechanism only applies to the Python module the WSGI script file was loaded into, it does not apply to standard Python modules. If you make changes to normal Python modules that have already been loaded by an application, you will either need to use the 'Interpreter' option for WSGIReloadMechanism, or restart Apache in order to see the changes.

When the 'Module' reload mechanism is being used, if a WSGI script file makes modifications to sys.path or other global data structures and the changes are additive, checks should first be made to ensure that the data does not already exist, else duplicate data will be added every time the WSGI script file is reloaded.

This means that when updating sys.path, instead of using:

import sys

you should use:

import sys
path = '/usr/local/wsgi/modules'
if path not in sys.path:


|| [ Description:] || Define whether file system is case sensitive. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGICaseSensitivity On|Off || || [ Context:] 1.X || server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess || || [ Context:] 2.0+ || server config || || [ Override:] || !FileInfo || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

Note: From mod_wsgi version 2.0 onwards this option will only be able to be set in the main server config and will apply to the whole site. All paths therefore would need to be located in a filesystem with the same case convention.

When mod_wsgi is used on the Windows and MacOS X platforms, it will assume that the filesystem in use is case insensitive. This is necessary to ensure that the module caching system works correctly and only one module is retained in memory where paths with different case are used to identify the same script file. On other platforms it will always be assumed that a case sensitive file system is used.

The WSGICaseSensitivity directive can be used explicitly to specify for a particular WSGI application whether the file system the script file is stored in is case sensitive or not, thus overriding the default for any platform. A value of On indicates that the filesystem is case sensitive.


|| [ Description:] || Enables basic Python optimisation features. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIPythonOptimize [0|1|2] || || [ Default:] || WSGIPythonOptimize 0 || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

Sets the level of Python compiler optimisations. The default is '0' which means no optimisations are applied.

Setting the optimisation level to '1' or above will have the effect of enabling basic Python optimisations and changes the filename extension for compiled (bytecode) files from .pyc to .pyo.

On the Windows platform, optimisation level of '0' apparently results in the same outcome as if the optimisation level had been set to '1'.

When the optimisation level is set to '2', doc strings will not be generated and thus not retained. This may techically result in a smaller memory footprint if all .pyo files were compiled at this optimisation level, but may cause some Python packages which interrogate doc strings in some way to fail.

Since all the installed .pyo files in your Python installation are not likely to be installed with level '2' optimisation, the gain from using this level of optimisation will probably be negligible if any. This is because potentially only the Python code for your own application code will be compiled with this level of optimisation. This will be the case as the .pyo files will aready exist for modules in the standard Python library and they will be used as is, rather than them being regenerated with a higher level of optimisation than they might be. Use of level '2' optimisation is therefore discouraged.

This directive will have no affect if mod_python is being loaded into Apache at the same time as mod_wsgi as mod_python will in that case be responsible for initialising Python.

Overall, if you do not understand what the normal 'python' executable '-O' option does, how the Python runtime changes it behaviour as a result, and you don't know exactly how your application would be affected by enabling this option, then do not use this option. In other words, stop trying to prematurely optimise the performance of your application through shortcuts. You will get much better performance gains by looking at the design of your application and eliminating bottlenecks within it and how it uses any database. So, put the gun down and back away, it will be better for all concerned.


|| [ Description:] || Absolute path to Python executable. || || [ Syntax:] 1.X|| WSGIPythonExecutable _`file-path`_ || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

Note: The WSGIPythonExecutable directive described here has been removed in mod_wsgi version 2.0. The WSGIPythonHome directive should be used instead.

Can be used to define the location of the Python executable. This should only need to be defined where the Python executable is not in the PATH of the user that Apache runs as, or where a system has multiple versions of Python installed in different locations in the file system, especially different installations of the same major/minor version, and the installation that Apache finds in its PATH is not the desired one.

When this directive is used to define the location of the Python executable, the Python executable is not actually executed. Instead, Python when initialised uses this location as a starting point to try and determine where its library files are installed.

For some platforms, this directive is the same as having set the environment variable PYTHONEXECUTABLE in the environment of the user that Apache executes as. If this directive is used it will override any setting of PYTHONEXECUTABLE in the environment of the user that Apache executes as.

This directive is not available on the Windows platform. Any problems on the Windows platform should be resolved by appropriate changes to the Windows registry.

This directive will have no affect if mod_python is being loaded into Apache at the same time as mod_wsgi as mod_python will in that case be responsible for initialising Python.


|| [ Description:] || Absolute path to Python prefix/exec_prefix directories. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIPythonHome _`prefix|prefix:exec_prefix`_ || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

Used to indicate to Python when it is initialised where its library files are installed. This should be defined where the Python executable is not in the PATH of the user that Apache runs as, or where a system has multiple versions of Python installed in different locations in the file system, especially different installations of the same major/minor version, and the installation that Apache finds in its PATH is not the desired one.

This directive can also be used to indicate a Python virtual environment created using a tool such as virtualenv, to be used for the whole of mod_wsgi.

When this directive is used it should be supplied the prefix for the directories containing the platform independent and system dependent Python library files. The directories should be separated by a ':'. If the same directory is used for both, then only the one directory path needs to be supplied. Where the directories are the same, this can usually be determined by looking at the value of the sys.prefix variable for the version of Python being used.

Note that the Python installation being referred to using this directive must be the same major/minor version of Python that mod_wsgi was compiled for. If you want to use a different version of major/minor version of Python than currently used, you must recompile mod_wsgi against the alternate version of Python.

This directive is the same as having set the environment variable PYTHONHOME in the environment of the user that Apache executes as. If this directive is used it will override any setting of PYTHONHOME in the environment of the user that Apache executes as.

This directive will have no affect if mod_python is being loaded into Apache at the same time as mod_wsgi as mod_python will in that case be responsible for initialising Python.

This directive is not available on Windows systems. Note that mod_wsgi 1.X will not actually reject this directive if listed in the configuration, however, it also will not do anything either. This is because on Windows systems Python ignores the PYTHONHOME environment variable and always seems to use the location of the Python DLL for determining where the library files are located.


|| [ Description:] || Additional directories to search for Python modules. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIPythonPath _`directory|directory-1:directory-2:...`_ || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

Note: The directive behaves differently between mod_wsgi version 1.X and version 2.0.

Used to specify additional directories to search for Python modules. If multiple directories are specified they should be separated by a ':' if using a UNIX like system, or ';' if using Windows. If any part of a directory path contains a space character, the complete argument string to WSGIPythonPath must be quoted.

When using mod_wsgi version 1.X, this directive is the same as having set the environment variable PYTHONPATH in the environment of the user that Apache executes as. If this directive is used it will override any setting of PYTHONPATH in the environment of the user that Apache executes as. The end result is that the listed directories will be added to sys.path.

Note that in mod_wsgi version 1.X this applies to all Python sub interpreters created, be they in the Apache child processes when embedded mode is used, or in distinct daemon processes when daemon mode is used. It is not possible to define this differently for mod_wsgi daemon processes. If additional directories need to be added to the module search path for a specific WSGI application it should be done within the WSGI application script itself.

When using mod_wsgi version 2.0, this directive does not have the same affect as having set the environment variable PYTHONPATH. In fact, if PYTHONPATH is set in the environment of the user that Apache is started as, any directories so defined will still be added to sys.path and they will not be overridden.

The difference with this directive when using mod_wsgi 2.0 is that each directory listed will be added to the end of sys.path by calling site.addsitedir(). By using this function, as well as the directory being added to sys.path, any '.pth' files located in the directories will be opened and processed. Thus, if the directories contain Python eggs, any associated directories corresponding to those Python eggs will in turn also be added automatically to sys.path.

Note however that when using mod_wsgi 2.0, this directive only sets up the additional Python module search directories for interpreters created in the Apache child processes where embedded mode is used. If directories need to be specified for interpreters running in daemon processes, the 'python-path' option to the WSGIDaemonProcess directive corresponding to that daemon process should instead be used.

In mod_wsgi version 2.0, because directories corresponding to Python eggs are automatically added to sys.path, the directive can be used to point at the site-packages directory corresponding to a Python virtual environment created by a tool such as virtualenv.

For mod_wsgi 1.X, this directive will have no affect if mod_python is being loaded into Apache at the same time as mod_wsgi as mod_python will in that case be responsible for initialising Python.


|| [ Description:] || Directory to use for Python eggs cache. || || [ Syntax:] 2.0+ || WSGIPythonEggs _`directory`_ || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

Note: This directive was only added in mod_wsgi version 2.0.

Used to specify the directory to be used as the Python eggs cache directory for all sub interpreters created within embedded mode. This directive achieves the same affect as having set the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable.

Note that the directory specified must exist and be writable by the user that the Apache child processes run as. The directive only applies to mod_wsgi embedded mode. To set the Python eggs cache directory for mod_wsgi daemon processes, use the 'python-eggs' option to the WSGIDaemonProcess directive instead.


|| [ Description:] || Enable restrictions on use of embedded mode. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIRestrictEmbedded On|Off || || [ Default:] 2.0+ || WSGIRestrictEmbedded Off || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

The WSGIRestrictEmbedded directive determines whether mod_wsgi embedded mode is enabled or not. If set to 'On' and the restriction on embedded mode is therefore enabled, any attempt to make a request against a WSGI application which hasn't been properly configured so as to be delegated to a daemon mode process will fail with a HTTP internal server error response.

This option does not exist on Windows, or Apache 1.3 or any other configuration where daemon mode is not available.


|| [ Description:] || Enable restrictions on use of STDIN. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIRestrictStdin On|Off || || [ Default:] || WSGIRestrictStdin On || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

A well behaved Python WSGI application should never attempt to read any input directly from sys.stdin. This is because ways of hosting WSGI applications such as CGI use standard input as the mechanism for receiving the content of a request from the web server. If a WSGI application were to directly read from sys.stdin it could interfere with the operation of the WSGI adapter and result in corruption of the input stream.

In the interests of promoting portability of WSGI applications, mod_wsgi restricts access to sys.stdin and will raise an exception if an attempt is made to use sys.stdin explicitly.

The only time that one might want to remove this restriction is if the Apache web server is being run in debug or single process mode for the purposes of being able to run an interactive Python debugger such as pdb.


|| [ Description:] || Enable restrictions on use of STDOUT. || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIRestrictStdout On|Off || || [ Default:] || WSGIRestrictStdout On || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

A well behaved Python WSGI application should never attempt to write any data directly to sys.stdout or use the print statement without directing it to an alternate file object. This is because ways of hosting WSGI applications such as CGI use standard output as the mechanism for sending the content of a response back to the web server. If a WSGI application were to directly write to sys.stdout it could interfere with the operation of the WSGI adapter and result in corruption of the output stream.

In the interests of promoting portability of WSGI applications, mod_wsgi restricts access to sys.stdout and will raise an exception if an attempt is made to use sys.stdout explicitly.

The only time that one might want to remove this restriction is purely out of convencience of being able to use the print statement during debugging of an application, or if some third party module or WSGI application was errornously using print when it shouldn't. If restrictions on using sys.stdout are removed, any data written to it will instead be sent through to sys.stderr and will appear in the Apache error log file.


|| [ Description:] || Enable restrictions on use of signal(). || || [ Syntax:] || WSGIRestrictSignal On|Off || || [ Default:] || WSGIRestrictSignal On || || [ Context:] || server config || || [ Module:] || mod_wsgi.c ||

A well behaved Python WSGI application should not in general register any signal handlers of its own using signal.signal(). The reason for this is that the web server which is hosting a WSGI application will more than likely register signal handlers of its own. If a WSGI application were to override such signal handlers it could interfere with the operation of the web server, preventing actions such as server shutdown and restart.

In the interests of promoting portability of WSGI applications, mod_wsgi restricts use of signal.signal() and will ensure that any attempts to register signal handlers are ignored. A warning notice will be output to the Apache error log indicating that this action has been taken.

If for some reason there is a need for a WSGI application to register some special signal handler this behaviour can be turned off, however an application should avoid the signals SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGWINCH and SIGUSR1 as these are all used by Apache.

Apache will ensure that the signal SIGPIPE is set to SIG_IGN. If a WSGI application needs to override this, it must ensure that it is reset to SIG_IGN before any Apache code is run. In a multi threaded MPM this would be practically impossible to ensure so it is preferable that the handler for SIG_PIPE also not be changed.

Apache does not use SIGALRM, but it is generally preferable that other techniques be used to achieve the same affect.

Do note that if enabling the ability to register signal handlers, such a registration can only reliably be done from within code which is implemented as a side effect of importing a script file identified by the WSGIImportScript directive. This is because signal handlers can only be registered from the main Python interpreter thread, and request handlers when using embedded mode and a multithreaded Apache MPM would generally execute from secondary threads. Similarly, when using daemon mode, request handlers would executed from secondary threads. Only code run as a side effect of WSGIImportScript is guaranteed to be executed in main Python interpreter thread.