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A collection of the AHK scripts that I use. Feel free use them.

Licensed under the MIT License.


Auto set num and caps lock caps lock is now control and escape

Back button and mouse tilt wheel Back button and p toggles always on top

In Chrome: tilt wheel switches tabs Back button and left click closes tab Back button and right click reopens closed tabs Back button and middle click is Forawrd

Control and volume switches tabs Alt and volume switches windows

Stop key sends sleep command Control stop sends stop

/ahk date and /ahk time type time and date /shrug, /lenny, /table, /untable, /c, /tm, /r, /deg, /root, /sqrt, /inf, /infinity, /!=, /notequal, /pi, /tau, /not, /or, /union, /and, /intersection, /subset, /notsubset, /, uperset, /notsuperset, /element, /in, /notelement, /empty, /forall, /therefore are all self explanatory

/letter and backtick or colon adds diacritical mark /n~ is ñ /?? and /!! are ¿ and ¡

scroll lock toggles workman layout

alt key selected makes layer one apps key makes layer two

layer two: runs programs c: chrome v: vscode u: ubuntu terminal f: file explorer s: spotify

layer one: hjkl: vim style cursor u/i: home/end

esdf are mouse movement
control for more movement, shift for less
r/w/q are left/right/middle mouse buttons
t/g are wheel up/down

backpace is delete

a,z,x are mouse macros: hold to set mouse pos, tap to move mouse to pos

c is a color picker, copies to clipboard and displays tooltip

` launches or closes notepad
shift ` launces or closes paint