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AI and blockchain tech - funding inventive creativity; building communities through payments for promoting invention and innovation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Asame Imoni Obiomah. All rights reserved.

Artificial intelligence ethics is of existential importance. The licensing model of LushCoin enforces adherence to a strict ethical code.

The contents of this file are subject to the terms of both the GNU General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") and Inverse license (collectively, the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy of the License at LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.

What's LushCoin?

LushCoin is a concept for a publicly owned, open source cryptocurrency to complement (or replace) the patent system, reward open source innovation and create a viable business model for open source.

It depends on a novel open source AI library, OkeuvoLite to establish the uniqueness of a concept and reduce it to a hash consisting of a set of vectors. LushCoin will then analyse the vectors and generate tokens equivalent to the value of the idea to fund its take-off.

Only concepts that contribute to human wellbeing and dignity will get through, due to a consensus system based on novel open source and crowd consensus methods (as described in the LushCoin white paper).
Funds will be generated to finance viable original concepts and inventions, taking local feelings and gaps in resources into account.

Currently, an astonishing 97% of patent applications fail - not because they are no good, but because they fail to meet a flawed definition of profit that only takes material gain into account, to the neglect of all other forms of gain.
For example; where patents in many areas of climate change and open source will fail for lack of profitability (in the narrow sense of the market definition), a LushCoin project would consider impacts on wellbeing, human dignity, knowledge increase and dissemination ... as well as its ability to generate material gain.
For emphasis, despite its obvious benefits to humanity, a breakthrough open source invention of an Antarctic based climate saving device to harmlessly rid the atmosphere off excess carbon dioxide will almost certainly fail in todays material profit only market; whereas it will pass muster in LushCoin - no strings attached.
The very same wasteful ethos that see's 97% of patents failing also drives climate change and other lopsided effects.

Phased launch

LushCoin will launch in phases, starting with funding open source developers and services, before expanding to cover all innovation. This transition is expected to be swift.

Knowledge liberty

The LushCoin model promotes the liberty to know - free transfer and cross-pollination of ideas in an open source ecosystem that rewards innovators. Access to knowledge should be free.


LushCoin's consensus system will serve as the vote mechanism for Awesome City.


  1. LushCoin will move away from a C#, NBitcoin codebase to Rust / Hyperledger Sawtooth.
  2. You can find OkeuvoLite, the LushCoin AI hashing algorithm here.


  1. LushCoin is based on the tripod of dignity, innovation and wellbeing.
  2. LushCoin is open source.
  3. Patents cost tens of thousands of Dollars to register worldwide and millions of Dollars to defend in litigations, compared a cost of absolutely nothing to register and obtain a globally unique hash on the LushCoin blockchain.
  4. The LushCoin concept provides a viable business model for open source projects.
  5. Like for open source, the LushCoin concept provides a viable business model for projects that save the climate, most of which will fail under the present IP system due to current markets narrow definition and realisation of profitability.
  6. Only open source projects can get LushCoin funding.
  7. LushCoin is publicly owned.
  8. It is better than gold or any known value system - there is nothing more valuable or potent than the innovative human idea.
  9. The LushCoin model puts a human face on capitalism.
  10. All existing (and yet to be invented) investment and financial services can be hung on the LushCoin project model.
  11. Its base value will be set on a date defined as the AI Epoch, 00:00:00 UTC on February 26 1996. It will be based on a unit of work derived from hashing the graph of a network centred on a Mandela speech themed on a united world.
  12. Litigation over intellectual property will be minimised, because with LushCoin, math methods can be employed to determine the reach and scope of an idea.
  13. Unlike patents and copyright, open source licenses are valid worldwide, therefore LushCoin is "create once, own everywhere".
  14. Innovators (and improvers of their work) will get paid for life (or a heir for the remainder, if the innovator dies before before 90 years - measured from the date of the recording of the concerned innovation). A simplification of the process is illustrated below:


The best way for humanity to be protected from malicious use of AI is to have a system of structures that gives the public a stake and and the authority of ownership to direct the future of AI.

The LushCoin ecosystem leans on the following to ensure that AI always delivers benefits that enhance human wellbeing:

  1. the blockchain to ensure trust,
  2. a human focused, highly restrictive, open source ethical code for AI, The Creed,
  3. a license that locks out those who wish to operate outside the LushCoin blockchain and The Creed; the [Inverse license](Inverse,
  4. a free license that ensures inventions and innovations are robustly traceable to their original authors, the GPL version 2.

The code in this repository is dual licensed. Simple interpretation, to avoid exploitation of any sort, what you do with AI must be public; this code is open source based on two conditions:

  1. You must be developing for use in LushCoin or have all your transactions recorded on the LushCoin blockchain via the LushCoin network.
  2. You must be bound by The Creed.

Base unit anchor

Opening address by President Rolihlahla Mandela at the 26th triennial conference of the British Commonwealth Ex-Services League (26 February 1996).


AI and blockchain tech - funding inventive creativity; building communities through payments for promoting invention and innovation







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