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A graph is a set of vertices and a set of edges between them. This pair of sets leads directly to the familiar picture of a graph as a set of dots connected by arcs (an undirected graphs) or arrows (a directed graph). You can also represent a graph in terms of matrices. Usually, this is done with an adjacency matrix where the rows and columns correspond to the vertices and the non-empty elements represent the edges between vertices. Since fully connected graphs (i.e., every vertex is connected to every other vertex) are rare, matrices used for Graphs are typically sparse (most elements are empty so it makes sense to only store the non-empty elements).

Representing a graph as a sparse matrix results in graph algorithms expressed in terms of linear algebra. For example, if a vector represents a set of vertices, multiplication of that vector by an adjacency matrix returns a vector of the neighbors of those vertices. A sequence of multiplications traverses the graph in a breadth first manner.

To cover the full range of graph algorithms, one additional ingredient is needed. We are used to thinking of matrix operations over real numbers: multiply pairs of matrix elements and then combine the resulting products through addition. There are times, however, when those operations do not provide the functionality needed by an algorithm. For example, it may be better to combine elements by only keeping the minimum value. The elements of the matrices may be Boolean values or integers or even a user-defined type. If the goal is to cover the full range of graph algorithms, therefore, we need a way to generalize the type and the operators to use instead of the usual addition and multiplication.

We do this through an algebraic semiring. This algebraic structure consists of (1) an operator corresponding to addition, (2) the identity of that operator, (3) an operator corresponding to multiplication, and (4) the identity of that operator. We are all familiar with the semiring used with real numbers consisting of (+,0,*,1). A common semiring in graph algorithms is the so-called tropical semiring consisting of (min,infinity,+,0). This is used in shortest path algorithms. These semirings give us a mathematically rigorous way to modify the operators used in our graph algorithms.

If you work with linear algebra, you most likely know about the Basic Linear Algebra subprograms or BLAS. Introduced in the 70's and 80's, the BLAS had a huge impact on the practice of linear algebra. By designing linear algebra in terms of the BLAS, an algorithm can be expressed at a high level leaving specialization to the low level details of a particular hardware platform to the BLAS. So if you want to use Linear Algebra for Graph Algorithms, it stands to reason that you need the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Graph Algorithms. We call these the GraphBLAS (

The GraphBLAS define opaque types for a matrix and a vector objects. Since these objects are opaque, an implementation has the freedom to specialize the data structures as needed to optimize the software for a particular platform. The GraphBLAS are great for people interested in sparse linear algebra and designing their own graph algorithms. The GraphBLAS library, however, does not include any graph algorithms. The GraphBLAS provide a software framework for constructing graph algorithms, but it doesn't provide any actual Graph Algorithms. Since most people working with graphs use algorithms but don't develop them "from scratch", the GraphBLAS are not really useful to most people.

Hence, there is a need for a library of Graph Algorithms implemented on top of the GraphBLAS. We have created this library. It is called LAGraph. The LAGraph library is a library of functions that implement the most common high level graph algorithms used in graph analytics. It includes types, utility functions and everything needed to incorporate graph algorithms into your analytics work flows. The library uses the GraphBLAS objects (e.g., GrB_matrix and GrB_vector) inside the objects defined by LAGraph. Consequently, GraphBLAS and LAGraph functions can be freely mixed inside a single program.

A graph in LAGraph uses the LAGraph_Graph data type. Unlike the GrB_matrix object, an LAGraph_Graph object is not opaque. The elements of the data structure are available to the user of the LAGraph library. The data associated with and LAGraph_Graph is represented by an GrB_matrix. The data structure includes information about the graph and key properties of the graph. For example, many algorithms require not only the matrix representing a graph, but also its transpose. These (and other) properties can be stored within the LAGraph_Graph. Storage of properties such as the transpose of a matrix requires additional storage, but the performance impact can more than compensate for the cost associated with that extra memory.

The algorithms within LAGraph roughly break down into two categories: Basic (LAGraph_*) and advanced (LAGr_*). The idea is that users who are not familiar with the ways graph algorithms are implemented and just want to apply an algorithm to their graphs, would use the Basic interface. For advanced users who are comfortable working with key aspects of the algorithms they are working with might see a significant performance benefit from working with the advanced algorithm.

For example, the basic and advanced algorithms deal with the properties of an LAGraph graph differently. The basic algorithm assumes the user will not set-up the LAGraph_Graph with the properties needed by an algorithm. Such properties will be computed as needed. An advanced user, however, may know that the string of operations in a workflow all requires a subset of key properties. By computing them in advanced and storing them with the LAGraph graph, the workflow can run much faster since it won't need to, for example, rearrange a matrix into its transpose for each algorithm in a workflow.