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The graph library of the GraphLabs project

Build Status

bitHound Overall Score

bitHound Dependencies


  • npm install graphlabs.core.graphs

  • (for testing only):

    • npm install -g mocha
    • npm install -g ts-node

For contributors

  • install Node, npm/yarn, WebStorm/Intellij IDEA
  • look at package.json file to see how to run tests
  • do not forget to update version and to compile before publishing
  • while contributing, write maximum comments
  • add specification tags of JSDoc to every function and class you have created
  • seek to write tests over every functionality you adds to the module


  • JSON types

    • GraphJSON - representation of the whole graph in JSON format
    • VertexJSON - representation of the vertex in JSON format
    • EdgeJSON - representation of the edge in JSON format
  • Interfaces

    • IGraph - interface for working with graph functions
    • IVertex - interface for working with vertex functions
    • IEdge - interface for working with edge functions
    • IWeightedEdge - interface for working with weighted edges
  • Main classes

    • Vertex
      • isAdjacent - checks whether the second vertex is adjacent to the given one
      • isIncident - checks whether the edge is incident to the given vertex
    • Edge
      • isIncident - checks whether the vertex is incident to the given edge
    • UndirectedEdge
    • DirectedEdge
    • DirectedWeightedEdge
    • Graph
      • addEdge - adds the edge to the graph
      • removeEdge - removes the edge from the graph
      • getEdge - gets the edge by the vertices incident to it
      • addVertex - adds the vertex to the graph
      • removeVertex - removes the vertex to the graph
      • getVertex - gets the vertices by the name requested
      • union - returns the result of union operation with another graph
      • unionN - static extension of union operation for N graphs
      • intersect - returns the result of intersect operation with another graph
      • intersectN - static extension of intersect operation for N graphs
      • complement - returns a complement graph to the given one
      • buildSCC - returns strongly connected components of the graph
      • print - prints the graph to the console
      • toString - returns the string view of the graph
      • clone - returns a deep clone of the graph
    • UndirectedGraph
      • buildMDS - returns minimal dominating sets of the graph
    • DirectedGraph
    • DirectedWeightedGraph
  • Auxiliary classes

    • GraphToJSONConverter - converts graph to JSON format and controversially
    • VertexToJSONConverter - converts vertex to JSON format and controversially
    • EdgeToJSONConverter - converts edge to JSON format and controversially
    • GraphSerializer
      • serialize - returns string representation of the graph
      • deserialize - returns graph from its string representation
    • GraphGenerator
      • generate - generates an instance of Graph type with random vertex and edge numbers


The graph library of the GraphLabs project







No releases published
