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Update alert notification details (#876)
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kroepke committed May 20, 2020
1 parent 96b15a6 commit a5a2ffe
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Binary file modified images/alerts_email_notification.png
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Binary file added images/alerts_http_notification.png
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147 changes: 128 additions & 19 deletions pages/alerts.rst
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Expand Up @@ -95,10 +95,59 @@ By attaching a Notification to an Event or group of Events we can determine how
will flow out from Graylog. Notifications can be created by selecting the Notifications button under
the Alerts tab, or by defining them in the Event workflow.

Alert notifications types explained
In this section we explain what the default alert notifications included in Graylog do, and how to configure them. Alert notifications are meant to be extensible through :ref:`plugins`, you can find more types in the `Graylog Marketplace <>`__ or even create your own.

.. _alert_notification_data:

Data available to notifications
Graylog makes the following data available when it runs a notification.

Different notification types will expose the data differently, the details are listed with the description of the specific notifications below.

Event Definition Metadata
Information about the event definition that created the alert.

* ``event_definition_id`` (String) - The database ID of the event definition
* ``event_definition_type`` (String) - The internal name of the event definition type (``aggregation-v1`` or ``correlation-v1``)
* ``event_definition_title`` (String) - The title set in the UI
* ``event_definition_description`` (String) - The description set in the UI
* ``job_definition_id`` (String) - The internal job definition ID associated with a scheduled event definition
* ``job_trigger_id`` (String) - The internal ID associated with the current execution of the job

Event Data
* ``event`` The event as it is stored in Graylog
- ``id`` (String) - The message ID of the stored event.
- ``event_definition_id`` (String) - Same as ``event_definition_id`` in the metadata section.
- ``event_definition_type`` (String) - Same as ``event_definition_type`` in the metadata section.
- ``origin_context`` (String) - URN of the message or event creating this event (either ``event`` or ``message``). Can be empty.
- ``timestamp`` (DateTime) - The timestamp this event is describing, can be set to the underlying event or message (see ``origin_context``).
- ``timestamp_processing`` (DateTime) - The timestamp this event has been created by Graylog.
- ``timerange_start`` (DateTime) - The start of the window of data Graylog used to create this event. Can be empty.
- ``timerange_end`` (DateTime) - The end of the window of data Graylog used to create this event. Can be empty.
- ``streams`` - (Strings) - The list of stream IDs the event is stored in.
- ``source_streams`` (Strings) - The list of stream IDs the event pulled data from.
- ``alert`` (bool) - Whether this event is considered to be an alert. Always ``true`` for event definitions that have notifications.
- ``message`` (String) - A human-friendly message describing this event.
- ``source`` (String) - The host name of the Graylog server that created this event.
- ``key_tuple`` (Strings) - The list of values making up the event's key.
- ``key`` (String) - The event's key as a single string.
- ``priority`` (long) - The event's priority value.
- ``fields`` (Map<String, String>) - The custom fields attached to the event.

* ``backlog`` (List of Message summaries) - The list of messages or events which lead to this alert being generated
- ``id`` (String) - The message ID.
- ``index`` (String) - The name of the index the message is stored in. Use together with ``id`` to uniquely identify a message in Graylog.
- ``source`` (String) - The ``source`` field of the message.
- ``message`` (String) - The ``message`` field of the message.
- ``timestamp`` (DateTime) - The ``timestamp`` field of the message.
- ``stream_ids`` (Strings) - The stream IDs of the message.
- ``fields`` (Map<String, Object>) - The remaining fields of the message, can be iterated over.

.. _alert_notification_email:

Email alert notification

Expand All @@ -109,26 +158,89 @@ Make sure to check the :ref:`email-related configuration settings<email_config>`
Three configuration options are available for the alert notification to customize the email that will be sent.
The *email body* and *email subject* are `JMTE <>`__ templates. JMTE is a minimal template engine that supports variables, loops and conditions. See the `JMTE documentation <>`__ for a language reference.

We expose the following objects to the templates.

.. important:: TODO: Update documentation for new notification system

.. image:: /images/alerts_email_notification.png
All of the data described above is available in the JMTE templates.

The default body template shows some advanced examples of accessing the information listed above::

--- [Event Definition] ---------------------------
Title: ${event_definition_title}
Description: ${event_definition_description}
Type: ${event_definition_type}
--- [Event] --------------------------------------
Timestamp: ${event.timestamp}
Message: ${event.message}
Source: ${event.source}
Key: ${event.key}
Priority: ${event.priority}
Alert: ${event.alert}
Timestamp Processing: ${event.timestamp}
Timerange Start: ${event.timerange_start}
Timerange End: ${event.timerange_end}
${foreach event.fields field} ${field.key}: ${field.value}
${if backlog}
--- [Backlog] ------------------------------------
Last messages accounting for this alert:
${foreach backlog message}

.. image:: /images/alerts_email_notification.png

.. _alert_notification_http:

HTTP alert notification

The HTTP alert notification lets you configure an endpoint that will be called when the alert is triggered.

Graylog will send a POST request to the notification URL including information about the alert. Here is an example of the payload included in a notification:

.. important:: TODO: Update documentation for new notification system

.. _alerts_script_alert:
Graylog will send a POST request to the notification URL including information about the alert. The body of the request is the JSON encoded data described above.

Here is an example of the payload included in a notification::

"event_definition_id": "this-is-a-test-notification",
"event_definition_type": "test-dummy-v1",
"event_definition_title": "Event Definition Test Title",
"event_definition_description": "Event Definition Test Description",
"job_definition_id": "<unknown>",
"job_trigger_id": "<unknown>",
"event": {
"id": "NotificationTestId",
"event_definition_type": "notification-test-v1",
"event_definition_id": "EventDefinitionTestId",
"origin_context": "urn:graylog:message:es:testIndex_42:b5e53442-12bb-4374-90ed-0deadbeefbaz",
"timestamp": "2020-05-20T11:35:11.117Z",
"timestamp_processing": "2020-05-20T11:35:11.117Z",
"timerange_start": null,
"timerange_end": null,
"streams": [
"source_streams": [],
"message": "Notification test message triggered from user <admin>",
"source": "000000000000000000000001",
"key_tuple": [
"key": "testkey",
"priority": 2,
"alert": true,
"fields": {
"field1": "value1",
"field2": "value2"
"backlog": []

.. image:: /images/alerts_http_notification.png

.. _alert_notification_script:

Legacy Script alert notification
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,9 +289,6 @@ Send Alert Data Through STDIN
Sends JSON alert data through standard in. You can use a JSON parser in your script. :

.. important:: TODO: Update documentation for new notification system

Script Alert Notification success is determined by its exit value; success equals zero.
Any non-zero exit value will cause it to fail.
Returning any error text through STDERR will also cause the alarm callback to fail.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pages/enterprise/intro.rst
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ When the Graylog enterprise plugins and Graylog enterprise integrations plugin i

* Cluster-wide scheduler - Open Source runs alerts on a single node only, Enterprise runs them on all Graylog nodes, increasing capacity.

* :ref:`Script Notification<alerts_script_alert>` - ability to run a custom native program in response to a generated alert, useful for the integration of third-party systems.
* :ref:`Script Notification<alert_notification_script>` - ability to run a custom native program in response to a generated alert, useful for the integration of third-party systems.

- :ref:`MongoDB Lookup Table<lookuptable_mongodb>`
* This allows settings values from pipelines, e.g. to maintain a list of suspicious IP addresses to be used in Dynamic Lists
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pages/integrations.rst
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Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Enterprise Integrations plugin feature require an `Graylog Enterprise license <h
For a comprehensive list of available features included, see our :ref:`Enterprise List page<enterprise_features>`

* :doc:`Forwarder <integrations/forwarder>`
* :ref:`Script Alert Notification<alerts_script_alert>`
* :ref:`Script Alert Notification<alert_notification_script>`

.. toctree::
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