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A MapLibre control to select which basemap layer is visible.

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const basemapbar = new MapLibreControlBasemapBar({
    basemaps: [
        { id: 'basemap-positron', title: "Stamen Light", tooltip: "Stamen's Light basemap also known as Positron" },
        { id: 'basemap-openstreetmap', title: "OpenStreetMap", tooltip: "Map tiles from OpenStreetMap" },
        { id: 'basemap-terrain', title: "Stamen Terrain", tooltip: "Colored terrain map by Stamen" },
MAP.addControl(basemapbar, 'top-right');

MAP.on('load', () => {

Constructor parameters:

  • basemaps -- A list of objects, each one representing a basemap option offered. Each basemap offering has these keys:
    • id -- The layer's id as it appears in your map style.
    • title -- Text to show in the basemap selection UI. This should be brief.
    • tooltip -- Optional tooltip to show if the mouse is hovered over this basemap option.
  • expandButtonText -- Text to show in the collapsed state, which will open the control. Default is "Base Map".
  • tooltipExpandButton -- Tooltip to show when the control is collapsed and the mouse is hovered over it.
  • tooltopCollapseButton -- Tooltip to show over the button which closes the control, when the mouse is hovered over it.


  • selectBasemap(id) -- Select the given basemap option. The id is the same as the layer's id and the id given in the basemaps parameter.
  • selectedOption() -- Returns the id of the currently selected basemap.
  • expandBar() -- Expands the bar to show the basemap options.
  • collapseBar() -- Collapses the control to just the "Base Map" button, hiding the basemap options.
  • isExpanded() -- Return true/false indicating whether the control is currently expanded.

Setting up your layers

This is intended and tested with raster layers, but should work with any other layer type which supports layout.visibility including vector layers.

The layers to be managed by MapLibre-Control-BasemapBar should have visibility: none set in the style at startup, and then selectBasemap() should be used to toggle the basemap layer on.

    "id": "basemap-terrain",
    "type": "raster",
    "source": "terrain",
    "layout": {
        "visibility": "none"
MAP.addControl(basemapbar, 'top-right');


Fire up a Python CLI web server via python -m SimpleHTTPServer 7438 or python3 -m http.server 7438

You can now point a browser at http://localhost:7438/ and see the demo.


a MapLibre control to switch between raster basemaps






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