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This library provides functions to control a GreenLeafLocal OpenFarms grow enclosure. The GreenLeafLocal OpenFarms grow enclosure is a system for managing and automating indoor farming. This library allows you to enqueue and process jobs for the enclosure.


  1. Download this library from GitHub or clone the repository using the following command: git clone actual repository URL.
  2. In the Arduino IDE, go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library.


This library depends on the following libraries:

Basic Usage

Include the library, create a HydroinoJobMgr object, and call its methods. Here's a basic example (see examples/SimpeJobQueue.ino for full example):

// include the library
#include "HydroinoJobMgr.h"

// buffer size
#define CMD_BUFFER_LEN  30

// Union to allow easy conversion between byte array and structured data
union byte_response {
  byte  byteArray[RESPONSE_LEN];
  ResponseData response;
} _responseUnion;

// byte array for job details sent to the Arduino 
byte _receivedData[CMD_BUFFER_LEN] ={};  

// create a HydroinoJobMgr object
ResponseData _response[1];  

// Create an instance of the HydroinoJobMgr class
HydroinoJobMgr _hydroinoJobMgr (_response);

// Receive new job request (via I2C for example)

// Enqueue a new job based on new job
// Process the job queue.  You'd likely call this on every iteration of the loop() function