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Emulate RaspberryPi OS in QEMU inside docker container

This repository contains the Docker Compose configuration for a multi-service build several custom Docker images and run RaspberryPi OS as a QEMU VM inside docker container. You may access running container via SSH to localhost on port 2222.

Default Credentials

Default Credentials: admin:admin

Important: I strongly advising you to change the default credentials after initial setup for security reasons. Using default credentials, especially in a public repository, can pose a security risk.
It's also possible to change Default Credentials ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_PASSWORD variables in processor.env file. But don't forget that Default Credentials will be showen in docker image.

Dockerfiles and located in directories named correspondingly.

│   .downloader.env
│   .env
│   .processor.env
│   docker-compose.yaml
│       Dockerfile.downloader
│       Dockerfile.emulator
│       Dockerfile.processor

Getting started with building your images

Getting started is as simple as cloning this repository on your machine. You can do so with:

git clone

After cloning the repository, you can move to the next step and start configuration. All the necessary files are located in the rpi3 directory, so don't forget to change the directory:

cd rpi3


Upon execution, docker compose will look for environment variables in the directory where docker-compose.yaml is located. Docker compose uses the file .env itself and other files with extention .env to set environment variables for services.

The following environment variables are supported:

  • USER_UID required (Default: 1000)
  • GROUP_GID required (Default: 1000)
  • UG_NAME required (Default: nonroot)
    User and Group IDs and Names to set nonroot ownership to mounted volume (You may use your own UID:GID to simplify external access to files in volume)
  • IMAGE_URL required (Default:
    Link to download RaspiOS image
  • SD_SIZE required (Default: 4)
    Desired size of SD card in Gb
  • SD_NAME required (Default: sd.img)
    SD card file name
  • DTB_FILE required (Default: bcm2710-rpi-3-b-plus.dtb)
  • KERNEL_FILE required (Default: kernel8.img)
    dtb and kernel file names should be get from the image

The name of the image, dtb and kernel should be set accordingly to desired vm.

How to build

Start the images build with command:

docker compose build

This creates all images to use with non root user. Separate build is possible with:

docker compose build <service_name>

For debuging purpose Emulator Service image comtains some additional pkgs for testing. All except qemu-system-aarch64 may be removed from Dockerfile. Of course, qemu-system-aarch64 may be changed to qemu-system-arm if you want to emulate 32bit machine.

How to run

Start the containers with command:

docker compose up

This run all containers to use with non root user. Separate run is possible with:

docker compose up <service_name>

For debuging purpose all built containers left on host. Procedure creates docker volume and step-by-step (acording to dependance) runs containers. Only last emulator container emulates vm, all other may be removed when they stoped. Build-in entrypoint and command of emulator container shows qemu-system-aarch64 help.


Volume data-volume created and mounted to /data dir in each container


1. Updater Service

  • Image: greenukr/updater
  • Purpose: Build an updated Alpine image with a non-root user and chown the specified volume.
  • Command: chown -R ${USER_UID}:${GROUP_GID} /data
  • Environment Variables: Loaded from .env file.

2. Downloader Service

  • Image: greenukr/downloader
  • Purpose: Download data to the specified volume.
  • Environment Variables: Loaded from .env and .downloader.env files.
  • Depends On: updater (condition: service_completed_successfully)

3. Processor Service

  • Image: greenukr/processor
  • Purpose: Process data from the specified volume.
  • Environment Variables: Loaded from .env, .downloader.env, and .processor.env files.
  • Depends On: downloader (condition: service_completed_successfully)
  • Default Credentials: admin:admin to access via SSH

4. Emulator Service

  • Image: greenukr/emulator
  • Purpose: Run an emulator with specified configurations.
  • Environment Variables: Loaded from .env and .processor.env files.
  • Ports: 2222:2222
  • Depends On: processor (condition: service_completed_successfully)
  • Command:
    -name rpi3bp -machine raspi3b -cpu cortex-a72 -m 1G -smp 4 -nographic
    -dtb ${DTB_FILE} -kernel ${KERNEL_FILE} -sd ${SD_NAME}
    -append "rw earlyprintk loglevel=8 console=ttyAMA0,115200 dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootdelay=1"
    -device usb-net,netdev=net0,mac=02:ca:fe:f0:0d:01 -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22
    -monitor telnet:,server,nowait
    -monitor unix:qemu-monitor-socket,server,nowait


  • Create
  • Use sed to change config.txt in raspi image to remove BT and WiFi
  • Get kernel and dtb from raspberrypi/firmware
  • Compile custom image from the souce with USE_QEMU flag