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Bare metal IAC

This is Ansible playbook for basic configuration of Debian bare metal server that hosts a Kubernetes cluster of KVM guests

How to run tasks

# Wrapper around ansible-playbook command
sh <tag> <hosts-group> <optional-extra-vars>

Create Linux users

Create regular users as well as admins who are added to sudo group, copy ssh authorized key and .vimrc, disable password at login and restart ssh daemon

sh users_up kvm_guests "default_password=helloworld"

Setup zsh and ohmyzsh for Linux users

Install zsh, ohmyzsh and setup fancy plugins

sh zsh_up kvm_host

Setup firewall

Install and enable ufw allow traffic on ports 80,443 and 22

sh firewall_up kvm_host

Install sys packages

As the above title says

sh sys_pkgs_up kvm_host

Install Prometheus/Grafana instances

Uses Docker compose

See roles/monitoring/defaults/main.yml before running this
sh monitoring_up kvm_host

Install Drone instance

Uses Docker compose

See roles/drone/defaults/main.yml before running this
sh drone_up kvm_host

Setup system backup

Use borg and borgmatic to daily back up system to BorgBase

See roles/backup/defaults/main.yml before running this
sh backup_up kvm_host

Configure disk images for kvm guests

Download and configure Debian 10 images (hostname, password, some configs)

See roles/virtualization/defaults/main.yml before running this
sh virt_disks_create kvm_host "virt_root_password=<super-secured-pwd>"

Install kvm guests VMs

Provision 3 kvm guests: master and two worker nodes

See roles/virtualization/defaults/main.yml before running this
sh virt_vm_create kvm_host

Configure k8s in kvm guests

Install Docker stuff, kubeadm, kubectl and kubeadm. Init cluster in master node and make worker join this cluster.

See roles/virtualization/defaults/main.yml before running this
sh k8s_install kvm_guests