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ESP-IDF based BLE GATT Server C++ library

What does library can do

  • Initialize BLE GATT server device with name and a set of services & characteriscs
  • Define callbacks for device and characteristic events
  • Use notifications to send data to client

Original ESP-IDF Bluetooth library is too complicated to work with. Just look at example BLE project.
Hence, I have written OOP-wrapper, which helps with creating BLE server. There is no more need in huge switch-case constructions - all of 'em are hidden inside classes implementation.

Library structure

|---Service <-------------------|
|---|---Characteristic <--------|

GATT - abstraction for UUID and Handler. These are unique for each characteristic and service, thus class is inherited by them.

Characteristic - class which holds read/write callbacks, characteristic's data and notify method. So, object of this class serves as IO for some abstract purpose. It can communicate with client via incoming requests or async notifications.

Service - a set of characteristics united by a single abstract responcibility.

Server - class that holds device events, de/initializes all the classes' objects described above. Device events divide into two types: GAP's and GATTS's ones. GAP events occur on network layer: advertisement, dis/connect and so on. GATTS are ones that occure while working with characteristics and services. This events used to initialize these instances: give each the UUID and Handler.


Callbacks are the functions that are being called via reference when some event occure.

As for events, there are two types of callbacks: GAP and GATTS.

Characteristic class holds two specific GATTS events: read and write. They are received as a general GATTS event by Server. Requests have data in it and a handler of target, which is a characteristic. A set of Characteristic is being searched by given handler to call propriate callback.

All the other GAP-GATTS callbacks are executed by Server.


BLE point creation

To create BLE point you gotta write something like:

#include <Bluetooth.hpp>
using namespace BLE;

void app_main()
    static Characteristic characteristic = Characteristic(0xAAAA, 
        permition::Read|permition::Write, property::Read|property::Write);
    static Service service = Service(0xBBBB, {&characteristic});

    Server server("Name", { &service /*, &other, &services, &here,*/ });

Created characteristic is being linked to service. Then service is being linked itself to the device object.

Characteristic usage

Inside Characteristic there are these typedefs:

typedef std::function<void(Characteristic*, const uint16_t, const void*)> WriteCallback;
typedef std::function<void(const Characteristic*, esp_ble_gatts_cb_param_t *param)> ReadCallback;

You can create a function and then link it to the characteristic, or use lambda functions:

void TimeReadCallback(const Characteristic* ch, esp_ble_gatts_cb_param_t *param)
    uint64_t T = getSystemEpochTime();
    ch->Responce(&T, sizeof(T), param);

int app_main()
    static Characteristic TimeControl(0xDCB, Perm::Write, Prop::Write);
    TimeControl.setWriteCallback([](Characteristic* ch, const uint16_t len, const void* value){
        if(len != sizeof(uint64_t))
    static Service TimeService = Service(0xDAEA, {&TimeControl});
    Server server("RemoteClock", {&TimeService});

This will add

Server:           RemoteClock
|---Service:            0xDAEA
|---|---Characteristic: 0xDCB

Which will set time when being written and answer system time when being read


This library was created during the CAN-BLE-Adapter-project. All tests performed on boards with WiFi Kit 32 as a core processor. I hope it will make your life easier.


C++ ESP-BLE server library based on ESP-IDF








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