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@Faq: What is FW1Toy?

Greymalkin edited this page Sep 18, 2012 · 2 revisions
  • What is the Toy?

  • No, I mean what kind of application is the Toy? Is it a CMS, A shopping cart, a roulette wheel?

  • What's so special about your Hello World?

  • Do you at least have a table of contents? Something that shows what all the tags are and what they're about?

  • You've mentioned ServiceFactory.cfc like I'm supposed to know what that's about?

  • So you hate Coldspring?

  • Do you use DI-1?

  • What is the next tag going to be?

  • Do I need to use a database if I want to download this application for my own sweet self?

  • What about ORM?

  • I'd really like to see how MXUnit folds in with FW-1.

  • I've heard that ValidateThis is really sweet.

  • Having looked through the code, you're really kind of random with your habits. Like, why do you start components off in tags then write them all in script?

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