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Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative creative writing game. Participants take turns writing a story, and pass their last sentence as a a prompt to the next contributor. The result is a fun and unpredictable collection of ideas and writing styles that form very unique bodies of text.

Users of Exquisite Corpse are able to:

  • Read published (completed) stories.
  • Log in with a username and password (or create a new username if it doesn't already exist).
  • When logged in, users can contribute to stories in progress, or start new stories.
  • When starting a new story, users can select a prompt from a variety of genres, or start from scratch.
  • A user has 2 minutes to write, and then they can pass their story on for contribution.
  • Stories in progress will show up on the home page.
  • Any user who is continuing a story can choose to end and publish a story if they see fit!

This was a Mod 3 project in Turing School of Software and Design's Front End Engineering program during the 2008 inning. This project was designed to help students better understand how to:

  • Build an application with a React architecture.
  • Learn a new technology in under a week.
  • Test component and asynchronous functionality with the React Testing Library.
  • Understand and utilize CRUD requests to interact with data.
  • Practice a professional GitHub workflow

The biggest learning goal of this project was to research and implement a completely new technology. For our project, we decided to build a back end and a homespun API using PostgresQL, Knex, and Express. this back end keeps track of all of our user's data, all of the stories and writing prompts.


To run this server locally:

  • Clone down this repo and cd into this directory
  • Run npm install in the root of the newly created directory to install the necessary dependencies
  • If you haven't already, install PostgreSQL on your computer
  • Then create a file called .env in the root directory
    • create variables in .env with your PostgreSQL super-user account name and the password you created during setup, like so:
  • In the terminal, run psql -U postgres, enter your password when prompted
  • Create a new data base with the line CREATE DATABASE exquisite
  • Close out of psql
  • Run knex migrate:latest
  • Run knex seed:run
  • Run npm start

To access it online:


  • - returns an array of all authors
  • - returns the author with the provided id
  • - returns an array of all prompts
  • - returns the prompt with the provided id
  • - if detail is any it will respond with a random prompt of any genre. Random prompts from specific genres can also be fetched by specifying detail as the desired genre.
  • - returns an array of all stories
  • - returns the specific story with the provided id


  • creates a new Author in the data-base. Requires a body-object with name, email, and password key value pairs. Responds with the new user object and it's id. (Users and authors are interchangable)
  • - respods with the user object if the credentials provided are correct. Requires a body with username and password key value pairs, username can be an email or a user name, both are currently case-sensitive.
  • - requires a request body with the following key value pairs: [title, contributions, prompt, contributors]. Contributors and prompt should be the id of their corresponding user or prompt. The rest are strings. The server will respond with and create a new story.


  • - requires a request body with at least one of the following key value pairs [email, password, bio] and will change the corresponding values for the author with the id provided.
  • - requires a request body with contributions and contributors, a string and a number respectively. Also accepts is_complete as a boolean. Will update the story corresponding with the id provided in the endpoint, and will respond with the updated story.


V1 of this project was submitted on 9/15/2020 by Aaron Burris-DeBoskey, Carly Clift, Greyson Elkins, and Nick Hart and is visible at Exquisite Sever V1, it was tweaked from the ground up for deployment here, and this is the current version.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
