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NormalizeJSON is a Go package that provides a simple way to normalize the key/value in a JSON documents with a template.


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NormalizeJSON is a Go package that provides a simple way to normalize key-value pairs in a JSON document using a template.

This README is a quick overview of how to use NormalizeJSON.

Getting Started


go get -u

go version >= 1.18

Create Provider

To take use of NormalizeJSON, you should create a provider FormatProvider.

package main

import (

func main() {
	provider, err := normalizejson.NewFormatProvider(nil)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("[EXAMPLE] create normalizejson provider failed: %s", err))

Initiate Provider

Then, you should initiate the provider with options and template.


The options are used to normalize key-value pairs in a JSON document.

package normalizejson

type FormatFuncType string

const (
	FormatFuncFormatData FormatFuncType = "format_function_type_format_data" // default type
	FormatFuncFormatKey                 = "format_function_type_format_key"

type FormatFunc func(item interface{}) (interface{}, error)

type FormatOption struct {
	FunctionType   FormatFuncType
	FunctionName   string
	FormatFunction FormatFunc

For each option, you should assign a FormatFunc to it. This function will be used to normalize the keys or values in a JSON document.

There are two types of options in NormalizeJSON:

  • normalizejson.FormatFuncFormatKey (key-option)
  • normalizejson.FormatFuncFormatData (data-option)

The key-options are used to normalize the JSON keys. Each key should be normalized by corresponding FormatFunc in the key-option.

The data-options are used to normalize the JSON values. You should create a template to assign the normalization methods to the values.

You can create key-options and value-options using methods normalizejson.FormatKeyOption and normalizejson.FormatDataOption accordingly.

Here's an example of how you might initiate a provider with options.

  • To create key-options. (convert JSON keys from camel-case to snake-case)
var FormatKeyOptions = []normalizejson.FormatOption{
	normalizejson.FormatKeyOption(FormatCamelToSnake, FormatKeyCamelToSnake),

var regexCamelCaseJSONKey = regexp.MustCompile(`\"(\w+)\":`)

func FormatKeyCamelToSnake(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	str, ok := item.(string)
	if !ok {
		return item, nil
	return strings.ToLower(regexCamelCaseJSONKey.ReplaceAllString(str, `${1}_${2}`)), nil
  • To create data-options. (functions named 'to_string', 'to_int64', 'to_float64', 'to_bool' to normalize JSON values)
var FormatDataOptions = []normalizejson.FormatOption{
	normalizejson.FormatDataOption(FormatToInt64, FormatDataToInt64),
	normalizejson.FormatDataOption(FormatToFloat64, FormatDataToFloat64), 
	normalizejson.FormatDataOption(FormatToString, FormatDataToString), 
	normalizejson.FormatDataOption(FormatToBool, FormatDataToBool),

const (
	FormatToInt64   = "to_int64"
	FormatToFloat64 = "to_float64"
	FormatToString  = "to_string"
	FormatToBool    = "to_bool"

func FormatDataToString(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	return cast.ToStringE(item)

func FormatDataToInt64(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	return cast.ToInt64E(item)

func FormatDataToFloat64(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	return cast.ToFloat64E(item)

func FormatDataToBool(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	return cast.ToBoolE(item)
  • To initiate a provider.
package main

func main() {

	options := append(FormatKeyOptions, FormatDataOptions...)


To normalize values in a JSON document, you should create a template to state the function to use.

  • Attention Please

    If you have initiated a provider with both key-option and data-option, we will normalize the key at first.

    It means that we will take the normalized key to find the value to process and the FormatFunc to invoke.

    So that, you should define the template with the expected key after the normalization.

For example, the provider's options have been initiated according to example in the previous part. To normalize input.json to output.json, you should create a template file config.json. Here, we should convert the JSON key from camel-case to snake-case and format the values to the expected data type, such as int64 to string.





In our template, we have defined the function to be invoked for specific key's value.


  "data": {
    "description": "to_string",
    "id": "",
    "rate": "to_float64",
    "sub_data_list": "__template.sub_data_list"
  "id": "to_string",
  "sub_data": {
    "item1": "to_int64",
    "item3": "to_string",
    "item4": "to_float64",
    "sub_data_list": "__template.sub_data_list"
  "sub_data_list": [

This template file defines 4 templates, namely data, id, sub_data, and sub_data_list.

A key-value pair in a template file indicates the value of the corresponding key in the JSON document should be handled by the format function.


It means the value of data.description in the JSON file should be processed by to_string which is a FormatFunc from data-options. There is a built-in function __template.{{template_name}}, which means processing the value with the template {{template_name}}.

E.g. {"sub_data":{"sub_data_list":"__template.sub_data_list"}}

It means the value of sub_data.sub_data_list should be processed by sub_data_list template. In addition, an array in a JSON document is described by the statement like ["{{function_name}}"]. Each element in this array should be processed by the function {{function_name}}.

E.g. {"sub_data_list":["__template.sub_data"]} means the sub_data_list is an array.

Then, each value of the array should be processed by function called '__template.sub_data'.

And we should process each element of the array using the sub_data template. To initiate the provider with template.

func main() {

	if err = provider.UpdateTemplate(template); err != nil {

Normalize JSON Schema

To normalize the JSON schema, just input the raw JSON document into FormatJSONSchema, then you can get the normalizedJSON.

func main() {

	formattedJSON, err := provider.FormatJSONSchema(source)
	if err != nil {


The following shows a complete example about how to use NormalizeJSON, which takes template to convert from the input.json to the output.json.

package main

import (


func main() {
	provider, err := normalizejson.NewFormatProvider(nil)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("[EXAMPLE] create normalizejson provider failed: %s", err))


	options := append(FormatKeyOptions, FormatDataOptions...)

	source, err := os.ReadFile("input.json")
	if err != nil {

	template, err := os.ReadFile("config.json")
	if err != nil {

	if err = provider.UpdateTemplate(template); err != nil {

	formattedJSON, err := provider.FormatJSONSchema(source)
	if err != nil {

	if _, err = os.Create("output.json"); err != nil {

	var buf bytes.Buffer
	if err = json.Indent(&buf, formattedJSON, "", "  "); err != nil {

	if err = os.WriteFile("output.json", buf.Bytes(), 0777); err != nil {

const (
	FormatCamelToSnake = "camel_to_snake"

var FormatKeyOptions = []normalizejson.FormatOption{
	normalizejson.FormatKeyOption(FormatCamelToSnake, FormatKeyCamelToSnake),

var regexCamelCaseJSONKey = regexp.MustCompile(`(\w)([A-Z])`) // camel-case style

func FormatKeyCamelToSnake(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	str, ok := item.(string)
	if !ok {
		return item, nil
	return strings.ToLower(regexCamelCaseJSONKey.ReplaceAllString(str, `${1}_${2}`)), nil

var FormatDataOptions = []normalizejson.FormatOption{
	normalizejson.FormatDataOption(FormatToInt64, FormatDataToInt64),
	normalizejson.FormatDataOption(FormatToFloat64, FormatDataToFloat64),
	normalizejson.FormatDataOption(FormatToString, FormatDataToString),
	normalizejson.FormatDataOption(FormatToBool, FormatDataToBool),

const (
	FormatToInt64   = "to_int64"
	FormatToFloat64 = "to_float64"
	FormatToString  = "to_string"
	FormatToBool    = "to_bool"

func FormatDataToString(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	return cast.ToStringE(item)

func FormatDataToInt64(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	return cast.ToInt64E(item)

func FormatDataToFloat64(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	return cast.ToFloat64E(item)

func FormatDataToBool(item interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	return cast.ToBoolE(item)

func printJSON(raw []byte) {

func formatJSON(raw []byte) []byte {
	formattedJSON, _ := removeJSONBlankAndBreak(raw)
	return formattedJSON

func removeJSONBlankAndBreak(raw []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var item interface{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &item); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return json.Marshal(item)






You can refer to Toolkits to find some useful toolkits to process JSON schema.


NormalizeJSON is a Go package that provides a simple way to normalize the key/value in a JSON documents with a template.







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