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Notes concerning Armbian on the NanoPi R6S

Ethernet adapters

There are three Ethernet ports on the NanoPi R6S:

  • The leftmost one (when facing the port) is labeled "LAN2" on the box, and it is /devices/platform/fe1c0000.ethernet for Linux (/ethernet@fe1c0000 in the DTB, also symbolized as &gmac1). This is a 1Gbps adapter using rk_gmac-dwmac as driver. It is aliased as ethernet1 in the default DTB, so Linux might give it the name end1… except that the default Armbian config renames it to wan which is clearly an error since it is not the one with that label.

  • The middle one (when facing the port) is labeled "LAN1" on the box, and it is /devices/platform/fe190000.pcie/pci0004:40/0004:40:00.0/0004:41:00.0 for Linux (/pcie@fe190000/pcie@40/pcie@40,0 in the DTB, also symbolized as &r8125_u40). This is a 2.5Gbps adapter using r8125 as driver. It is not aliased in the default DTB (and this is clearly wrong); Linux might give it the name enP4p65s0.

  • The rightmost one (when facing the port) is labeled "WAN" on the box, and it is /devices/platform/fe180000.pcie/pci0003:30/0003:30:00.0/0003:31:00.0 for Linux (/pcie@fe180000/pcie@30/pcie@30,0 in the DTB, also symbolized as &r8125_u25). This is a 2.5Gbps adapter using r8125 as driver. It is aliased as ethernet0 in the default DTB, so Linux might give it the name end0 and/or also enP3p49s0.

Trying to make sense of the Armbian boot process

(This section is mostly not specific to the NanoPi R6S and is just the result of my trying to understand who gets what data from whence.)

  • The U-Boot is contained in the files /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-legacy-nanopi-r6s/idbloader.img (bootstrap?) and /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-legacy-nanopi-r6s/u-boot.itb (FIT (=Flattened uImage Tree) image containing various firmwares and the main U-Boot) of the linux-u-boot-nanopi-r6s-legacy package. They are installed via /usr/lib/u-boot/ of the same package, which copies them to offsets 64×512=0x8000 and 16384×512=0x800000 of the eMMC: the files appeared untouched. Run dtc /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-legacy-nanopi-r6s/u-boot.itb to see more of the content of the u-boot.itb file (add 0x800 to the data-offset values to get the offset values inside the file).

  • Offset 0x8000 of the eMMC is probably the main entry point. So my understanding of the boot process is that idbloader.img (as copied at that point) loads the various parts of u-boot.itb (as copied at fixed address 0x800000) and U-Boot proceeds to search for boot.scr in some way.

  • At offset 7168×512=0x380000 of the eMMC is some kind of data segment? Where does it come from? It has the MAC addresses at offset 0x400 (i.e., 0x380400 of the whole).

  • Somehow the U-Boot manages to read /boot/boot.scr (or /boot.scr, as the case may be). The latter was probably generated at some point from /boot/boot.cmd by mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr as commented in the last line of the latter, but I was unable to find whence (since boot.cmd is not supposed to be modified, this is probably not run as a matter of course).

  • The Armbian-specific /boot/armbianEnv.txt is read from boot.scr to get extra environment variables.

  • The Armbian-specific boot.scr loads various FDT files, mainly dtb/${fdtfile} (which resolves to /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3588s-nanopi-r6s.dtb) and possibly other overlays, including user-specified ones.

  • To install a user overlay, run armbian-add-overlay my-overlay.dts which will compile it (using dtc -@ -q -I dts -O dtb) to a .dtbo file and place the latter in /boot/overlay-user and edit armbianEnv.txt to instruct boot.scr to fetch it. (See for overlays in general.)

  • Recall that one can inspect the content of a DTB file by running dtc, e.g. dtc -q /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3588s-nanopi-r6s.dtb or dtc -q -I fs /proc/device-tree for the one received by the kernel.

Trying to set up MAC addresses correctly

  • So, if I understand correctly, U-Boot uses the aliases found in /aliases in the DTB as ethernet0, ethernet1, ethernet2, etc. (which should be system paths to the device) and patches the local-mac-address property of the corresponding device (e.g., /ethernet@fe1c0000) to the parameters ethaddr, eth1addr, eth2addr, etc., which it got in its environment. (See on this topic.)

  • Except that the Armbian U-Boot doesn't seem to obey the overrides in armbianEnv.txt for MAC addresses, but it seems that we can monkey-patch at addresses 0x380400 etc. of the eMMC (see earlier about them).

  • So, concretely, read the U-Boot stored MAC addresses with sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1 skip=$((0x380400)) count=18 | hd and write them with something like perl -e 'print(pack("H*", "f2:90:cd:36:82:c8 f2:90:cd:36:82:cc f2:90:cd:36:82:c9" =~ s/[:\x20\n]//gr));' | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1 seek=$((0x380400)) count=18 (where, again, the addresses are given in order of ethernet0, ethernet1, ethernet2, as found in /aliases in the — overlaid — DTB). Except that only the one for /ethernet@fe1c0000 seems to actually have any effect.

  • But /ethernet@fe1c0000 seems to have its own problems, at least with the 5.10.160-legacy-rk35xx kernel from Armbian 23.8.2 (driver sometimes fails with error message: rk_gmac-dwmac fe1c0000.ethernet: Failed to reset the dma: see for what may be the cause); this is not too reproducible, and I may have done something Wrong to cause this.

Miscellaneous notes

A possible /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file:

# Written by David A. Madore to try to give sensible names to devices

# Avoid name conflicts
# SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="eth0", NAME="eth0.torename"
# SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="eth1", NAME="eth1.torename"
# SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="eth2", NAME="eth2.torename"

# /devices/platform/fe1c0000.ethernet
# This one is labeled "LAN2" and is on the left when facing the back
SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", KERNELS=="fe1c0000.ethernet", NAME="ethlan2"

# /devices/platform/fe190000.pcie/pci0004:40/0004:40:00.0/0004:41:00.0
# This one is labeled "LAN1" and is in the middle when facing the back
SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="r8125", KERNELS=="0004:41:00.0", NAME="ethlan1"

# /devices/platform/fe180000.pcie/pci0003:30/0003:30:00.0/0003:31:00.0
# This one is labeled "WAN" and is on the right when facing the back
SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="r8125", KERNELS=="0003:31:00.0", NAME="ethwan"

Alternative link files to use as /etc/systemd/network/10-persistent-net-*.link (not tested):

# /etc/systemd/network/


# /etc/systemd/network/


# /etc/systemd/network/


A file rk3588s-nanopi-r6s-fix-ethernet.dts that adds an alias ethernet2 in the DTB for the missing Ethernet adapter (the one labeled "LAN1", see above):


/* On Armbian, run `armbian-add-overlay rk3588s-nanopi-r6s-fix-ethernet.dts` */

/ {
	compatible = "friendlyelec,nanopi-r6s";

	fragment@0 {
		target-path = "/aliases";
		__overlay__ {
			ethernet1 = "/ethernet@fe1c0000";  // In stock DTB
			ethernet2 = "/pcie@fe190000/pcie@40/pcie@40,0";
			ethernet0 = "/pcie@fe180000/pcie@30/pcie@30,0";  // In stock DTB

	/* This one is labeled "LAN2" and is on the left when facing the back */
	/* It is aliased as ethernet1 */
	fragment@1 {
		target-path = "/ethernet@fe1c0000";  /* target = <&gmac1>; */
		__overlay__ {
			local-mac-address = [00 00 00 00 00 00];

	/* This one is labeled "LAN1" and is in the middle when facing the back */
	/* It is aliased as ethernet2 */
	fragment@2 {
		target-path = "/pcie@fe190000/pcie@40/pcie@40,0";  /* target = <&r8125_u40>; */
		__overlay__ {
			local-mac-address = [00 00 00 00 00 00];

	/* This one is labeled "WAN" and is on the right when facing the back */
	/* It is aliased as ethernet0 */
	fragment@3 {
		target-path = "/pcie@fe180000/pcie@30/pcie@30,0";  /* target = <&r8125_u25>; */
		__overlay__ {
			local-mac-address = [00 00 00 00 00 00];


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