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NGS-Facility-Workflow-Suite. snakemake rules and workflows for bioinformatics applications


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This repository is an attempt to standardize most of our working procedures for modern biological experiments. As a side product we want to achieve real reproducible research, which is one the biggest problems in modern science.

As we experienced the horror of hundreds of *insert-your-favorite-interpreter-language-here* scripts floating around without any documentation, we felt the need of a more sophisticated approach. Thats why we are porting all our workflows to Snakemake.

Note: Every workflow is a work-in-progress an should be handeld as such. This repository does not make using command-line programs easier. You need to understand how the command-line programs and snakemake work.


In an earlier version we used Docker to ensure the consistency between pipeline installtions. Today we decided to use the conda package manager along the bioconda and conda-forge channels.

  1. Please first install miniconda on your machine using these resources:
  2. Afterwards, please setup the bioconda and conda-forge channels as described here:
  3. Next, you should install snakemake and some useful helper tools in a new environment
conda create -n NFWS snakemake git pigz samtools
conda activate snakemake
  1. You can now execute the NFWS snakemake pipeline with conda
snakemake --use-conda

List of analyses

  • GATK4 SNP-Calling
  • CNV analysis
  • coverage analysis
  • Star-salmon-tximport-edgeR RNA-Seq analysis
  • ... other things that you can do by combining all the rules available

How it should be used

Every set of snakemake rules works only with a fixed naming schema and config-file. Both are documented here.

File Naming and Directory Structure

Our naming schema uses directories quite heavily to separate different parameters/programs/approaches. This is a subset of the complete naming schema/directory structure, which should suffice to get the gist:

├── config.yaml
├── Snakefile
├── data
│   └── reads
│       ├── filtered
│       └── raw
│           ├── reads_R1.fastq.gz
│           └── reads_R2.fastq.gz
├── plots
│   └── coverage
│       └── bwa
│           └── hg19
│               └── raw
│                   └── BRCA1-ENST00000468300.pdf
└── results
    ├── coverage
    │   └── bwa
    │       └── hg19
    │           └── raw
    │               └── sample1_illumina_trusightcancer_20_20.cov
    ├── de
    │   └── featureCounts
    │       └── hg19
    │           └── raw
    │               └── all.counts
    ├── mapping
    │   ├── bwa
    │   │   └── hg19
    │   │       └── raw
    │   │           └── sample1.bam
    │   └── segemehl        
    ├── qa
    │   └── fastqc
    │       └── raw
    │           └── sreads_R1_fastqc.html
    └── variants
        └── gatk
            └── hg19
                └── raw
                    └── patient1.vcf

Snakefile and config file

The most important part of the config is the definition of the reads-samples-patient relationship. This is done via 3 hashes for condition, biological replicates, and technical replicates respectively:

  treatment: [patient1, patient2]
  control: [patient3, patient4]
  patient1: [ sample1A, sample1B ]
  patient2: [ sample2A, sample2B ]
  patient3: [ sample3A, sample3B ]
  patient4: [ sample4A, sample4B ]
  sample1A: [reads_R1.fastq.gz, reads_R2.fastq.gz ]
  sample1B: [more_reads_R1.fastq.gz, more_reads_R2.fastq.gz ]
  sample2A: [S3_R1.fastq.gz, S3_R2.fastq.gz ]
  sample2B: [S4_R1.fastq.gz, S4_R2.fastq.gz ]
  sample2A: [S5_R1.fastq.gz, S5_R2.fastq.gz ]
  sample2B: [S6_R1.fastq.gz, S6_R2.fastq.gz ]
  sample2A: [S7_R1.fastq.gz, S7_R2.fastq.gz ]
  sample2B: [S8_R1.fastq.gz, S8_R2.fastq.gz ] 

Sample config and Snakefiles are available in the repository as workflows. Some may still contain json instead of yaml config files.

Parameter configuration

Parameters for programs can be specified in the config file. They are organized by parameter sets (i.e. code names for a set of parameters for several programs) and program names:

    star: ["--sjdbGTFfeatureExon", "exon", "--sjdbGTFtagExonParentTranscript", "Parent"]
    salmon: ["--fldMean",  "190"]

Release-Numbering conventions

 │ │ └─ Patch level: the results are the same but visualization might have
 │ │        changed, bugs preventing output might get fixed
 │ └─── Minor version level: new entire workflows may be available, the
 │          results might have changed due to bug fixes or exchange of
 │          parameters, software, etc.
 └───── Major version level: restructuring of naming schema, results of
            of exitsing workflows might have changed


NGS-Facility-Workflow-Suite. snakemake rules and workflows for bioinformatics applications







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