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Flask web application for group project. Please see this file for the lab instructions for end-to-end (E2E) testing.


  1. Clone this repository and cd into it
  2. Create a python virtual environment in the root directory.
python3 -m venv .venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment according to your platform.

Activation examples:

NOTE: You will need to re-activate the virtual environment if your terminal is closed (shutting off PC, closing terminal app, etc.). Always ensure that the virtual environment is active before attempting to run the application, and always ensure that it is NOT active when you are not working with the application, but are still using the terminal.

Linux/Mac (bash/zsh/Any Bourne-compatible shell):

source .venv/bin/activate

Windows (PowerShell):


Windows (cmd.exe):

  1. Lastly, install the dependencies for the application
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running the application

  1. Make sure the python virtual environment is activated (see above)

  2. Initialize the database

flask --app clothing_store init-db
  1. Run the application, the --debug option will automatically rerun the application when files change. However, you will still have to refresh the browser to see the changes.
flask --app clothing_store run --debug
  1. Open the web app in a browser at http://localhost:5000



  1. For testing with pytest to work you will need to install the clothing store application with pip. Make sure you are in the root project directory Web-App and your virtual environment is activated.

    pip install -e .
  2. Follow these lab instructions to learn a little bit about how to create and run end-to-end (E2E) testing for web applications.


  3. From the root of the repository run the pytest tests/pytest command to run default test scripts.

    IMPORTANT: The tests directory also contains Selenium and API tests, which ARE NOT Pytest scripts. Running pytest on its own will cause it to source incompatible files, which will create errors and fail to run the actual test scripts. Anytime you want to run pytest or coverage, you MUST specify the tests/pytest directory in the command to make sure only the appropriate test scripts are sourced.

    pytest tests/pytest


To measure code coverage of the tests, use the coverage command to run pytest instead of running it directly.

coverage run -m pytest tests/pytest

Overall tips:

  • When working with the application, always make sure you are in the root directory Web-App and the virtual environment is active.
  • To check if the virtual environment is active, run which python, which should print out a path to the project's virtual environment in the root Web-App directory if the virtual environment is active


Flask web application for group project






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