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Issue #4: much easier this time ... turns out that including TDComman…
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…dGetOpts, and TodeCommandError was the ticket (to loading cleanly)
  • Loading branch information
dalehenrich committed Jun 6, 2023
1 parent f26e694 commit 16352d0
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
getOptsFor: aStream spec: optionSpec do: optionBlock nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
^ self new
stream: aStream;
getOpts: optionSpec do: optionBlock nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
getOptsLongFor: aStream longOptionSpec: longOptionSpec shortOptionAliases: shortOptionAliases do: optionBlock nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
^ self new
stream: aStream;
getOptsLong: longOptionSpec
short: shortOptionAliases
do: optionBlock
nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
parseCommand: aStream
^ self new
parseCommand: aStream;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
^ command
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
error: aString
TodeCommandError signal: aString
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
getOpts: optionSpec do: optionBlock nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
| optionSpecs |
optionSpecs := self parseOptionSpec: optionSpec.
self skipWhiteSpace.
parseOptions: optionSpecs
expectDash: true
do: optionBlock
nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock.
self parseNonOptionArgs: nonOptionBlock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
getOptsLong: optionSpecs do: optionBlock nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
"optionSpecs is expected to be a dictionary whose keys are the option names and whose values are: #none, #required, or #optional; to indicate whether or not option arguments are expected"

getOptsLong: optionSpecs
short: ''
do: optionBlock
nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
getOptsLong: optionSpecs short: shortOptionAliases do: optionBlock nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
"optionSpecs is expected to be a dictionary whose keys are the option names and whose values are: #none, #required, or #optional; to indicate whether or not option arguments are expected"

"shortOptionAliases is expected to be a dictionary whose keys are option characters and whose values are option names (i.e., keys into the optionSpecs dicationary)"

parseLongOptions: optionSpecs
shortOptions: shortOptionAliases
do: optionBlock
nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock.
self parseNonOptionArgs: nonOptionBlock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
getOptsMixedLongShort: mixedOptionSpecs do: optionBlock nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
"mixedOptionSpecs is an array of option specs, for example:
{#('directory' $d #'required').
#('class' nil #'none').
#('package' nil #'none').
#('category' nil #'required')}
each subarray consists of the long-option-name, short-option-character,

| longOptionsSpec shortOptionAliases |
longOptionsSpec := Dictionary new.
shortOptionAliases := Dictionary new.
do: [ :spec |
| optionName shortOptionCharacter optionValueSpec |
optionName := spec at: 1.
shortOptionCharacter := spec at: 2.
optionValueSpec := spec at: 3.
longOptionsSpec at: optionName put: optionValueSpec.
ifNotNil: [ shortOptionAliases at: shortOptionCharacter put: optionName ] ].
getOptsLong: longOptionsSpec
short: shortOptionAliases
do: optionBlock
nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
parseArgToken: tokenBlock
| peek tokenStream escaped atEndBlock |
tokenStream := WriteStream on: String new.
atEndBlock := [
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [
tokenBlock value: tokenStream contents.
^ self ] ].
self skipWhiteSpace.
atEndBlock value.
peek := stream peek.
escaped := peek == $`.
ifTrue: [
stream next.
atEndBlock value.
peek := stream peek ].
[ escaped or: [ peek isSeparator not ] ]
whileTrue: [
tokenStream nextPut: peek.
stream next.
atEndBlock value.
peek := stream peek.
peek == $`
ifTrue: [
escaped := escaped not.
stream next.
atEndBlock value.
peek := stream peek ] ].
tokenBlock value: tokenStream contents
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
parseCommand: aStream
stream := aStream.
command := self parseCommand
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
| char cmdStream |
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ '' ].
char := stream next.
char isLetter
ifFalse: [ ^ '' ].
cmdStream := WriteStream on: String new.
cmdStream nextPut: char.
[ true ]
whileTrue: [
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ cmdStream contents ].
char := stream next.
char isAlphaNumeric
ifFalse: [ ^ cmdStream contents ].
cmdStream nextPut: char ]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
parseLongOptionArg: required for: opt
| emptyTokenBlock peek |
emptyTokenBlock := [
ifTrue: [ self error: 'Missing required argument for option: ' , opt asString ]
ifFalse: [ nil ] ].
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ emptyTokenBlock value ].
peek := stream peek.
peek == $=
ifFalse: [ ^ emptyTokenBlock value ].
stream next.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ emptyTokenBlock value ].
peek := stream peek.
parseArgToken: [ :token |
token isEmpty
ifTrue: [ ^ emptyTokenBlock value ].
^ token ]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
| peek endBlock optionNameStream |
optionNameStream := WriteStream on: String new.
endBlock := [ optionNameStream contents ].
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ endBlock value ].
peek := stream peek.
[ peek isSeparator or: [ peek == $= ] ]
whileFalse: [
stream next.
optionNameStream nextPut: peek.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ endBlock value ].
peek := stream peek ].
^ endBlock value
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
parseLongOptions: optionSpecs shortOptions: shortOptionAliases do: optionBlock nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock
| peek opt spec |
self skipWhiteSpace.
peek := stream peek.
peek == $-
ifFalse: [
"no options"
^ self ].
stream next.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [
nonOptionBlock cull: peek asString.
^ self ].
peek := stream peek.
peek == $-
ifFalse: [
| alias |
"no second dash ... old-style option or???"
shortOptionAliases isEmpty
ifTrue: [ self error: 'Unexpected short option: ' , peek asString ].
opt := stream next.
resolveAliasFor: opt
optionSpecs: optionSpecs
shortOptions: shortOptionAliases
do: [ :aliasString :specSymbol |
alias := aliasString.
spec := specSymbol ].
spec == #'none'
ifTrue: [
optionBlock value: alias value: nil.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
peek := stream peek.
[ peek isSeparator ]
whileFalse: [
stream next.
resolveAliasFor: peek
optionSpecs: optionSpecs
shortOptions: shortOptionAliases
do: [ :aliasString :specSymbol |
alias := aliasString.
spec := specSymbol.
spec == #'required'
ifTrue: [ self error: 'missing required option value: ' , alias asString ].
optionBlock value: alias value: nil.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
peek := stream peek ] ].
self skipWhiteSpace.
^ self
parseLongOptions: optionSpecs
shortOptions: shortOptionAliases
do: optionBlock
nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock ]
ifFalse: [
| optArg |
optArg := self parseOptionArg: spec == #'required' for: opt.
optionBlock value: alias value: optArg.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
^ self
parseLongOptions: optionSpecs
shortOptions: shortOptionAliases
do: optionBlock
nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock ] ].
stream next.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [
"hit naked, terminal -- done with options"
^ self ].
peek := stream peek.
peek isSeparator
ifTrue: [
"hit naked -- done with options"
stream next.
self skipWhiteSpace.
^ self ].
opt := self parseLongOptionName.
spec := optionSpecs
at: opt
ifAbsent: [ ^ self error: 'Unknown option: ' , opt asString ].
spec == #'none'
ifTrue: [
optionBlock value: opt value: nil.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
peek := stream peek.
peek isSeparator
ifFalse: [ self error: 'Unexpected character' ].
self skipWhiteSpace.
^ self
parseLongOptions: optionSpecs
shortOptions: shortOptionAliases
do: optionBlock
nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock ]
ifFalse: [
| optArg |
optArg := self parseLongOptionArg: spec == #'required' for: opt.
optionBlock value: opt value: optArg.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
^ self
parseLongOptions: optionSpecs
shortOptions: shortOptionAliases
do: optionBlock
nonOptionsDo: nonOptionBlock ]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
parseNonOptionArgs: nonOptionArgsBlock
[ stream atEnd ]
whileFalse: [
parseArgToken: [ :token |
token isEmpty
ifFalse: [ nonOptionArgsBlock cull: token ] ] ]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
parseOptionArg: required for: opt
| emptyTokenBlock peek |
emptyTokenBlock := [
ifTrue: [ self error: 'Missing required argument for option: ' , opt asString ]
ifFalse: [ nil ] ].
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ emptyTokenBlock value ].
peek := stream peek.
peek isSeparator
ifTrue: [
self skipWhiteSpace.
stream atEnd
ifTrue: [ ^ emptyTokenBlock value ].
peek := stream peek ]
ifFalse: [
ifFalse: [ ^ nil ] ].
peek == $-
ifTrue: [ ^ emptyTokenBlock value ].
parseArgToken: [ :token |
token isEmpty
ifTrue: [ ^ emptyTokenBlock value ].
^ token ]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
parseOptionSpec: optionSpec
"The optionSpec argument is a string that specifies the option characters that are valid for this program. An option character in this string can be followed by a colon (‘:’) to indicate that it takes a required argument. If an option character is followed by two colons (‘::’), its argument is optional; this is a GNU extension."

| optionSpecs optStream |
optionSpecs := Dictionary new.
optStream := ReadStream on: optionSpec.
[ optStream atEnd ]
whileFalse: [
| opt arg peek |
opt := optStream next.
peek := optStream peek.
arg := #'none'.
peek == $:
ifTrue: [
arg := #'required'.
optStream next.
optStream atEnd
ifFalse: [
peek := optStream peek.
peek == $:
ifTrue: [
arg := #'optional'.
optStream next ] ] ].
optionSpecs at: opt put: arg ].
^ optionSpecs

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