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Issue #4: createStone.solo and deleteStone.solo pretty solid
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dalehenrich committed May 31, 2023
1 parent c463cf2 commit 3f3006f
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Showing 11 changed files with 163 additions and 39 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions bin/deleteStone.solo
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ RwLoadSpecificationV2 {
| registryClass stonesRegistry toneName stoneSpec |
| registryClass stonesRegistry stoneName stoneSpec |
self preDoitSpecLoad: [:spec |
spec projectName = 'GsCommands'
ifTrue: [ spec projectsHome: '$GEMSTONE/examples/GsCommands/projectsHome' ]
Expand All @@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ doit
self positionalArgs size ~= 1
ifTrue: [ self error: 'Expected a positional argument: <stone-name>' ].
stoneName := self positionalArgs at: 1.
stonesRegistry destroyStoneNamed: stoneName.
stoneSpec := stonesRegistry stoneNamed: stoneName.
System gemEnvironmentVariable: 'GEMSTONE' put: stoneSpec gemstonePath.
stonesRegistry destroyStoneStructureFor: stoneName.
^ stonesRegistry
15 changes: 1 addition & 14 deletions bin/registryReport.solo
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,19 +78,6 @@ projectSetReport: projectSetName in: registry
ifAbsent: [ self error: 'No file named', projectSetPath , ' found.' ]
stoneReport: stoneName in: registry
| stonePath |
stonePath := registry
stoneNamed: stoneName
ifAbsent: [
self error: ' No stone named: ',
stoneName, ' found in the registry ',
registry name].
^ (self globalNamed: 'GDKAbstractRegistryStore')
fromPath: stonePath
ifAbsent: [ self error: 'No file named', stonePath , ' found.' ]
templateReport: templateName in: registry
| templatePath |
templatePath := registry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,7 +112,7 @@ doit
ifNil: [
self stone
ifNil: [ ^ stonesRegistry ]
ifNotNil: [:stoneName | ^ self stoneReport: stoneName in: stonesRegistry ] ]
ifNotNil: [:stoneName | ^ stonesRegistry stoneNamed: stoneName ] ]
ifNotNil: [:templateName | ^ self templateReport: templateName in: stonesRegistry ] ]
ifNotNil: [:projectSetName | ^ self projectSetReport: projectSetName in: stonesRegistry ] ].
self stone ifNotNil: [ self error: 'a --registry is required to list the stone' ].
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ creation/destruction
createStoneStructureUsing: stonesRegistry
"create stone"

| stoneDirSpec |
self rootDir ensureCreateDirectory.
stonesRegistry productNamed: self gemstoneVersionString.
fromPath: (stonesRegistry templateNamed: self stoneDirectorySpecName)
ifAbsent: [ ]) createStoneStructure: self) "populate directory structure"
stoneDirSpec := GDKAbstractRegistryStore
fromPath: (stonesRegistry templateNamed: self stoneDirectorySpecName)
ifAbsent: [ ].
stoneDirSpec createStoneStructure: self. "populate directory structure"
self stoneDirectorySpec: stoneDirSpec
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,15 @@ creation/destruction
"destroy stone structure"

"need to make sure that stone and netldi are shut down, for now delete stone directory and registry file"
"shut down stone BEFORE calling"

(self waitStone: 1) ~= 3
ifTrue: [
'The stone ' , self stoneName
' is still running. It must be stopped BEFORE destroying the stone structure' ].
self rootDir exists
ifTrue: [ self rootDir ensureDeleteAll ].
self registryFile exists
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
startStone: superDoitScript
| arrayOfOutputs stoneLogFile |
superDoitScript stdout
startStone: superDoitScriptOrNil
| arrayOfOutputs stoneLogFile stdout scriptPath |
stdout := superDoitScriptOrNil
ifNotNil: [
scriptPath := superDoitScriptOrNil scriptPath.
superDoitScriptOrNil stdout ]
ifNil: [
scriptPath := ''.
GsFile stdout ].
'====== ' , superDoitScript scriptPath , ' starting stone at '
, DateAndTime now printString;
'====== ' , scriptPath , ' starting stone at ' , DateAndTime now printString;
self defineCustomEnvVars.
Expand All @@ -22,14 +28,14 @@ startStone: superDoitScript
stoneLog := stoneLogFile asFileReference.
stoneLog exists
ifFalse: [ ^ ex pass ].
superDoitScript stdout
nextPutAll: stoneLog contents;
superDoitScript stdout
nextPutAll: '****************************************';
^ self ].
superDoitScript stdout nextPutAll: (arrayOfOutputs at: 1). "stdout"
superDoitScript stdout
^ self error: 'Stone did not start' ].
stdout nextPutAll: (arrayOfOutputs at: 1). "stdout"
nextPutAll: '****************************************';
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
stopStone: superDoitScriptOrNil
| exitStatus arrayOfOutputs stdout scriptPath |
scriptPath := ''.
stdout := superDoitScriptOrNil
ifNotNil: [
scriptPath := superDoitScriptOrNil scriptPath.
superDoitScriptOrNil stdout ]
ifNil: [ GsFile stdout ].
'====== ' , scriptPath , ' stopping stone at ' , DateAndTime now printString;
exitStatus := 0.
arrayOfOutputs := (Rowan globalNamed: 'GsStopStone')
stopStone: self stoneName
userName: self userId
password: self password ]
on: ChildError
do: [ :ex |
" stopstone exit status:
* 0 (success) Successful stop
* 1 (informational) No running stone with that stonename
* 2 (warning)
* 3 or above (error) an error occurred and the specified stone was not stopped.
* 10 syntax error
* 11 bad user or password
* 12 specified user does not have privilege to stop the stone.
* 13 stone not stopped; other users logged in. Use -i to override."
exitStatus := ex status ].
exitStatus = 0
ifTrue: [ stdout nextPutAll: (arrayOfOutputs at: 1) "stdout" ]
ifFalse: [
exitStatus = 1
ifTrue: [
nextPutAll: 'No running stone with the name ' , self stoneName printString;
lf ]
ifFalse: [
exitStatus = 2
ifTrue: [
nextPutAll: 'warning ';
lf ]
ifFalse: [
(exitStatus >= 3 and: [ exitStatus <= 9 ])
ifTrue: [
nextPutAll: 'Stone not stopped';
lf ]
ifFalse: [
exitStatus = 10
ifTrue: [
nextPutAll: 'Syntax error. Stone not stopped';
lf ]
ifFalse: [
exitStatus = 11
ifTrue: [
nextPutAll: 'Bad user or password. Stone not stopped';
lf ]
ifFalse: [
exitStatus = 12
ifTrue: [
'Specified user does not have privilege to stop the stone. Stone not stopped';
lf ]
ifFalse: [
exitStatus = 13
ifTrue: [
'other users logged in. Use -i to override Stone not stopped';
lf ] ] ] ] ] ] ].
self error: 'Stone not stopped' ].
nextPutAll: '****************************************';
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
self stopStone: nil
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
waitStone: timeout
"return exit status of waitstone command"

| exitStatus |
exitStatus := 0.
(Rowan globalNamed: 'GsWaitStone')
waitForStoneName: self stoneName
timeout: timeout ]
on: ChildError
do: [ :ex |
" stopstone exit status:
0 if the server (netldi or stone) is ready,
1 if the server is already already servicing the maximum number of sessions,
2 if the server is rejecting connections during startup or shutdown,
3 if the server was not found."
exitStatus := ex status ].
^ exitStatus

This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
stone management
destroyStoneStructureFor: stoneName
| stoneSpec status |
stoneSpec := self stoneNamed: stoneName.
(stoneSpec waitStone: 1) = 0
ifTrue: [
| count |
"if running, stop the stone"
stoneSpec stopStone.
count := 0.
[ (status := stoneSpec waitStone: 1) ~= 3 ]
whileTrue: [
"ensure the stone has shut down, before destroying directory structure"
count := count + 1.
count > 2
ifTrue: [ self error: 'Cannot stop stone' ].
Delay waitForSeconds: 1 ] ].
stoneSpec destroyStoneStructure.
self stones removeKey: stoneName.
self export
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
stoneNamed: stoneName ifAbsent: absentBlock
^ self stones at: stoneName ifAbsent: absentBlock
| stonePath |
stonePath := self stones at: stoneName ifAbsent: absentBlock.
^ GDKAbstractRegistryStore fromPath: stonePath ifAbsent: absentBlock

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