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Name : Chris Pak
SUNet: cpak
SUID : 5522640
Class: CS240h

Lab 2, Hilbert R trees

unfortunately I did not have enough time to finish this project 
satisfactorily, but it should be working. This week happend to 
Be the week in which all of my other classes also had projects 
due, and this being my fun class, had to take second priority.
The missing parts are the reshuffling and the quickchecks. I 
also apologize for the late final turn in... I pretty much have
had minimal sleep all week.  Thanks for grading this regardless!


To build: ghc --make -Wall-Werror RTree.hs
To run  : ./RTree <filename> (enter)
then add 8 value rectangles that are comma separated. ctrl-d
begins evaluating for the intersections. I am getting a weird
hang between when I push ctrl-d to when I get output, even though
I had some test putStrLn between the input and calculation, though
this could be my computer, it's been acting a bit strange with ghci
recently (like 10000+ error messages during compile). This should pass
all the Werror and Wall tests.  


Hilbert R-Tree






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