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This is a kotlin library which will make your work with SQLite database much more easier in more objective way.

Getting Started


Using the Gradle

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.GuessWho91:KSQLite:-SNAPSHOT'

Using the Maven


Step 2. Add the dependency



  1. Create a class where you will declare your database structure with KDBSet superclass. There you need to create data classes with DBObject superclass and @SVN annotation similar to fields name.

Note: @SVN is using for constructor fields reflection so it is compulsory.

class mdbSet: KDBSet() {

    data class client (
            @SVN("uuid")    override val uuid: String,
            @SVN("name")    override val name: String): UUIDDBObject {

        override val _DATATABLE_NAME = "client"

    data class client_properties(@SVN("client")    val client: String,
                                 @SVN("info")      val info: String) : DBObject {

        override val _DATATABLE_NAME: String = "client_properties"
    override fun getFieldType(field: String): String { //method to set type of fields values
            return when (field){
                "uuid" -> " TEXT UNIQUE"
                "count" -> " INTEGER"
                "price" -> " NUMERIC"
                else -> " TEXT"

  1. After database structure declared you need to make SQLiteOpenHelper singleton
class mDBHelper private constructor(context: Context) : SQLiteOpenHelper(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION) {

    override fun onCreate(db: SQLiteDatabase) {

        val dbCreateString = mdbSet().getDBCreateString() //this method will create db structure 
based on previos class

        dbCreateString.filter { it!!.isNotEmpty() }.forEach { db.execSQL(it) }


    override fun onUpgrade(db: SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int) {}

    companion object {

        private var sInstance: mDBHelper? = null

        private const val DATABASE_NAME = "ksqlite.db" //here is you db name
        private const val DATABASE_VERSION = 1 //here is you db version

        @Synchronized fun getInstance(context: Context): mDBHelper { //singleton instance

            if (sInstance == null) {
                sInstance = mDBHelper(context)

            return sInstance as mDBHelper


  1. That's all! Now you can insert/update/get information from SQLite database
  • To insert data you just need to create class instance and then call insertInDB method
mdbSet.client("uuid1", "Google inc").insertInDB(db)
mdbSet.client("uuid2", "Apple inc").insertInDB(db)
mdbSet.client_properties("uuid1", "some information").insertInDBWithCheck(db, arrayOf("client", "info"))

Note: You need to create uuid field in your table if you want to have unique fields. Data with the similar uuid will be updated. If your table doesn't have uuid, but you still need unique rows call insertInDBWithCheck where in second params you need to send array of field name which values association you want to be unique.

  • To get data use methods of KDBRequests class
val db = mDBHelper.getInstance(this)

val clients = KDBRequests.getFromDBAll(db, // to get all rows from db table
print(clients) //Array ([0] client(uuid=uuid1, name=Google inc) [1] client(uuid=uuid2, name=Apple inc))

val google = KDBRequests.getFromDBByUuid(db,, "uuid1")// to get row with unique uuid
print(google) //client(uuid=uuid1, name=Google inc)

val apple = KDBRequests.getFromDBByName(db,, "Apple")// to get rows by name
print(apple) //Array ([0] client(uuid=uuid2, name=Apple inc))

val prop = KDBRequests.getFromDBByCustomParam(db,, "info", "some information") // to get row by custom field
print(prop) //Array ([0] client_properties(client=uuid1, info=some information))


Email for contact


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details


This is android kotlin library which will make your work with SQLite database much more easier in more objective way








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