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Guribo edited this page Feb 4, 2022 · 21 revisions

What is SUVA?

A Unity Application for Streamers that can be used as an Overlay in streaming applications like OBS to show yourself to your viewers in your virtual avatar.

Who is it for?

It is designed for streamers, especially for those being active in the VRChat community as it is designed to be compatible with most VRChat avatars and avatars can be exported for SUVA with little effort from within Unity. Most humanoid avatars should be compatible.

What is required?

Either SteamVR compatible hardware to track at least the avatar's head or a so called Tobii Eye Tracker. Ideally you want to have both.

Where can I get it?

How do I get started?

  1. Please watch the Youtube Tutorials(!!!)
  2. Check out this Wiki if something is unclear
  3. Feel free to join the official Discord server

Features of StreamUrVirtualAvatar


  • controlling a virtual Avatar
    • Tracking of Head and Arms using SteamVR (SteamVR installation requiered for any kind of tracking)
    • does not render to the VR-Headset
    • can be run with just Trackers/Controllers (optional, without HMD, see SteamVR + Trackers without VR-Headset)
    • Tobii Head Tracking (optional)
    • Tobii Eye Tracking (optional but recommended)
    • Fake Eye Movement
  • 10 Emoteslots (using Num 0-9 from anywhere thanks to Elringus)
  • Lipsync using Oculus Lipsync (optional)
  • Spatialized Voice Playback using Resonance Audio (optional)
  • easy positioning of SteamVR Tracking devices on the avatar inside the Application
  • Avatar profiles
  • Dynamic Bone script support
  • uses Final-IK for avatar movement
  • FPS limiter
  • adjustable background color (Chroma keying/Transparency)
  • low CPU usage (depends mostly on the loaded avatar, whether LipSync is enabled or not and whether the Tobii Eyetracking service is running)
  • Supports 2-PC streaming (Gaming PC sends Eyetracking Data to Streaming PC, Avatar gets tracked on Streaming PC)
  • Avatars can be created easily using Unity 2019.4.29f1
  • easy export from Unity and import to SUVA of Avatars (Assetbundles)
  • created with VRChat players in mind

To see updates and wip features you can also follow me on Twitter.

Plans for the future?

​Unless I lose my job or win in a lottery there will be no further development towards release 2.0. By the time it would be ready for release it would be hopelessly outdated and everything would have been a waste of precious lifetime.