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Releases: GustavSO/sd-webui-model-manager


27 Jun 12:24
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This minor update includes some new features, settings, improvements, and bug fixes.


  • Fetch specific versions directly: Added the ability to fetch a specific version of a model directly without manually changing it in Model Manager after fetching the main version.
  • Quick Open Folder: Added a button beside the directory dropdown that opens the selected folder in File Explorer.


  • Skip Identical Versioning: Added a setting to skip adding the version name to the filename if it matches the model name (default: True).
  • Format on Download: Added a setting to run auto-formatting on the filename input when clicking the download button (default: True).


  • Refactored by moving the fetching logic to a new file
  • Enhanced readability of both and


  • Fixed the issue where no error message was printed if the fetch request failed.
  • Excluded words and phrases are now sorted by length to avoid partial removals.

Full Changelog: V0.3.0...V0.3.1


15 Jun 15:34
Choose a tag to compare

"Open Source" Card button

  • Added an "Open Source" (globe) button to the extra network cards. This button opens a new tab with the Civitai page for the model.
  • This button is automatically added, but can be refreshed by clicking the small label icon next to the refresh button in the extra networks tab.
  • The URL to the source is stored in the model-specific JSON file under "model_url".

Caching, Hashing, and Information Fetching

  • Added a tab that allows for caching and hashing of installed files. These hashes is then used to fetch additional model information using the Civitai API.
  • This functionality is in the early stages of development, so currently, the only fetched information is the download URL for the "Open Source" buttons.


  • Adding files to the cache provides an overview of all installed models, including:
    • Total file count
    • Total file size
    • Size of files yet to be hashed
    • Size and count breakdown for all model types (checkpoints, embeddings, hypernetworks, LoRA/DoRA/LyCORIS)


  • Generate a hash for the selected type of model in the cache and store the value in the cache.
  • Supports different hashing algorithms:
    • CRC-32
    • Blake3
    • SHA256

Information Fetching

  • Fetch information for all hashed files currently in the cache using the Civitai API.
  • Excludes files that already have the fetched information (i.e., if a model already has a "model_url" attribute in the JSON).
  • If a model is found using the API, the information is added to the model's JSON file.

Automatic Folder Selection

  • "Default Folders" for each of Civitai's main tags can now be specified in the settings menu (Settings -> Model Manager -> Auto Folders).
  • When fetching a model, its main tag is checked, and if a default folder is set, it will automatically switch to that folder, saving two clicks.

Manually Rerun Word Cleaning

  • Added a small "Brush" button to both the "Trigger Words" and "Filename" fields.
  • The "Trigger Words" button cleans up the input by:
    • Ensuring there is a whitespace between the comma and the next word.
    • Removing unnecessary whitespace.
    • Adding a trailing ", " (comma followed by whitespace).
  • The "Filename" cleaning runs the auto-naming settings enabled in the settings page (Settings -> Model Manager -> Auto Naming)


  • Added an "Auto Folders" section.
  • Added "Show Timestamp" option to enable or disable the timestamp when printing to the terminal.
  • Added "Print Debug" option to enable or disable debug prints in the terminal.
  • Added "Debug Stacktrace" option to enable or disable printing some stacktrace information when using debug print.


  • Significant code refactoring, notably in and


  • Fixed the decimalize auto-naming function to work as intended.
  • Various minor fixes.

Full Changelog: V0.2.2...V0.3.0


07 Jun 12:37
Choose a tag to compare

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where if the user tried to fetch a model with "Auto-paste clipboard" enabled but with an empty clipboard an error would occur
  • Fixed "Print info" option not working as intended

Full Changelog: V0.2.1...V0.2.2


06 Jun 18:39
Choose a tag to compare


  • Added a progress bar to the UI showing the download progress
  • Added more debugging functions using Gradio's modal Error, Info and Warning


  • Added settings controlling if said debug functions should also print to the terminal
  • Added a setting controlling how many images to load on fetch - can reduce fetch times due to the way the Gallery component handles the image loading (Should be fixed when A1111 is updated to use Gradio 4)


  • Updated
  • Removed resources directory