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[GuthSCP] SCP-096

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Steam Workshop

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This addon is available on the Workshop here!


Contains a SWEP, of class guthscp_096, designed for multiplayer:

  • Left Mouse Button: while enraged, kill your targets or break the looking entity
  • Right Mouse Button to cover your hands on your face ─ unfortunately, it's not visible for other players
  • Enrages when a non-SCP player has SCP-096's face on his "screen" (possible incorrect results)
  • Calms down when all his targets are killed ─ or, if you enabled Unrage on Time option, when the enrage time runs out
  • Can break doors and props with a single left click while enraged
  • Configurable in-game with [GuthSCP] Base (guthscp_menu in your console)
    • Weapon aim and cooldowns
    • Sound paths & hear distance
    • Movement Speed bonus while enraged
    • Screen Shake while near of an enraged SCP-096
    • (optional) [GuthSCP] Keycard custom access
    • and more..
  • (fun) Allow multiple SCP-096 instances
  • Not gamemode dependent
  • Custom compatibility with:


  • guthscp_096_render_targets_halo <0 or 1> (client): Render a halo on the SCP-096 targets, more expensive than a line
  • guthscp_096_render_targets_line <0 or 1> (client): Render a line between you and the SCP-096 targets
  • guthscp_096_render_post_process <0 or 1> (client): Render post process effects as SCP-096, really expensive on performance but damn cool
  • guthscp_096_render_path_finding <0 or 1> (client): Render path toward targets as SCP-096. It's a rudimentary method, it's not 100% relatable.

Extra Add-ons

Known Issues

"The addon doesn't work!"

Ensure that you have installed [GuthSCP] Base on your server. Verify that you can open the configuration menu with guthscp_menu in your game console.

"I enrage SCP-096 even though I didn't looked at him!"

There are two implemented detection methods: Serverside (by default) and Clientside.

Clientside gives better results that Serverside since it's directly checking if SCP-096's face is visible on the screen of the player whereas the Serverside detection approximately compares looking angles of SCP-096 and the potential target, taking in account its FOV.

Before choosing Clientside, beware!, this method can be exploited by cheaters in order to prevent them from triggerring SCP-096 and you (and I) can't do much against that. Plus, Bots players WILL NOT trigger SCP-096.

Pro Tip: When SCP-096 is near, look as low/high to the floor/ceiling as you can

"I can't hear the sounds!"

Ensure that you have installed Guthen SCP Content on your client.

Otherwise, check the configured sounds paths in the configuration menu.

"The target halos are not drawing!"

First, be sure that you have set the console variable guthscp_096_render_targets_halo to 1.

If the halos are fading out after some time, it's may be caused by an other addon drawing post-processing effects, especially those using the DrawMotionBlur function. SethHUD can do this if you have SethHUD.CustomerConfig.HealthEffects set to true, just disable it or remove the line of code with the DrawMotionBlur function call.

"Which PlayerModel should I use?"

You are not limited to a particular Player Model but if you want a good one, try this one.

Legal Terms

This addon is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and is based on SCP-096. The weapon's view model is not mine and is made by Vinrax.

If you create something derived from this, please credit me (you can also tell me about what you've done).

Enjoy !