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JG edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 6 revisions

Image segmentation tool

Theses tools allow to measure areas of growing or invading spheroid, in methylcellulose or in a collagen matrix. The second one can also measure the area of fluorescence and non brightfield images.

Version 1

ORCID iD iconGuyon, J., Andrique, L., Pujol, N., Røsland, G. V., Recher, G., Bikfalvi, A., and ORCID iD iconDaubon, T.

A 3D Spheroid Model for Glioblastoma. J. Vis. Exp. (158), e60998, 10.3791/60998 (2020).

Version 2

ORCID iD iconGuyon, J., Fernandez-Moncada, I., Larrieu, C., Bouchez, C., Pagano Zottola, A., Galvis, J., Chouleur, T., Burban, A., Joseph, K., Ravi, V., Espedal, H., Røsland, G. V., Daher, B., Barre, A., Dartigues, B., Karkar, S., Rudewicz, J., Romero-Garmendia, I., Klink, B., Grützmann, K., Derieppe, M-A., Molinié, T., Obad, N., Leon, C., Seano, G., Miletic, H., Heiland, D., Mariscano, G., Nikolski, M., Bjerkvig, R., Bikfalvi, A., and ORCID iD iconDaubon, T.

Lactate dehydrogenases promote glioblastoma growth and invasion via a metabolic symbiosis. EMBO Mol Med (2022) e15343,


Glioma cells on neurons

ORCID iD iconGuyon, J., Strale, P-O., Romero-Garmendia, I., Bikfalvi, A., Studer, V. and ORCID iD iconDaubon, T.

Co-culture of Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells on Patterned Neurons to Study Migration and Cellular Interactions. J. Vis. Exp. (168), e62213, DOI: 10.3791/62213 (2021).

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