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Simple Video Manager

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This repo is a simple video manager with Django and DRF, which JWT authentication requires for all video and user endpoints unless the creation and the JWT token getter.

This library has been tested with GitHub Workflows.

Getting Started

First convert .env.example to .env then if you want to change the values (by default, it works fine), be sure you installed Docker and docker-compose on your machine, then for the first time use:

docker-compose up --build

After the first time, you can remove the build switch. like: docker-compose up


  • Docker
  • docker-compose

Tech Stack

  • Python
  • Django
  • Django REST framework
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Gunicorn
  • JWT Authentication


By default, it listens on port 82, so for calling the endpoints, you have to call<endpoint>: It provides eleven endpoints. First, you must create a user, obtain a JWT access token, and refresh the token with that username and password.

  • /create_user POST with user parameters in the body of your request. e.g.: { "username": "test", "email":"", "bio": "test", "password": "sUper_Secret" } This endpoint returns all user data, including the id, unless the password.

  • /token POST call this with the username and password for obtaining JWTs, like: {"username": "test", "password": "sUper_Secret"}. This endpoint returns JWT tokens (access and refresh).

  • /token/refresh POST call this with a JSON in request body including of refresh token, then it returns new tokens.

  • /token/verify POST with a token in your json request body for verifying the token. like: {"token":<your_token>}

Then you have to pass the access token for all requests below to get the response.
In header of your request add {"Authorization": "JWT <accsess_token>"}.

  • /videos GET returns all videos (id and names)

  • /upload POST with multipart format and the request must consist of name and a video, like: {"name":"foo", "video": <your_target_file>} then it returns all video data including id and link.

  • /video/<video_id> GET returns all data from that specific video

  • /video/<video_id> PATCH you can update the target video attribute/s. For instance, you can only update the file's name or both. You have to send the request in multipart format, including your target fields.

  • /user/ PATCH you can update the user data, all fields or some of them or one of them.

  • /user/ DELETE removes the target user.

  • /user/ GET returns all user data except the password.


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