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Hiking trails application that allows to view information about the trails on their phone. Admins must use Meteor web app to add, edit, delete trails detail. also, they can assign admin roles to existing members who registered an account through the Meteor web app.

This project contains two application. "dlnr-app" for smart phone application and "meteor" for web application. Meteor is the central database/server for the dlnr-app.

All the data we collected from APIs and Users will go through the Meteor including sign up, sign in, sign out.

More information on our Devpost page.

Developer Guide:


Meteor Install

First, install Meteor.

Second, download Hanabata-Code, and request permission to gain access to Hanabata-Code.

Third, cd into the "meteor/app/" directory and install required libraries: meteor:

$ meteor npm install

Expo Install

First, download expo-cli golbally

$ npm install --global expo-cli

Second, cd into the "dlnr-app/" directory and install required libraraies:

$ expo install

Running the system


After installation, you can run the application from the "meteor/app/" directory by typing:

$ meteor npm run start

The first time running the application will add default users:

$ meteor npm run start

> meteor-application-template-react@ start /Users/name/Desktop/GitHub/COKOA/app
> meteor --no-release-check --exclude-archs web.browser.legacy,web.cordova --settings ../config/settings.development.json


After installation, you can run the application from the "dlnr-app" directory by typing:

$ npm run start

App Features


Main map screen, with color indicating the predicted level of traffic at the trail.


Detail view displaying Google Popular Times data.




Meet the Team:

Yong Kim

Yeji Han

Kai Hwang

Cheolhoon Choi

Keith Okuna