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Trevor Fayas edited this page Jan 1, 2022 · 3 revisions

Localization can be done in two ways:

  1. Through .resx resource files
  2. Through Kentico Xperience Localization -> Resource Strings

Currently, Kentico Xperience only supports Resource Strings for internal localization (forms, widget dialogues, etc), but provided no support for .Net Core's IHtmlLocalizer, IStringLocalizer, or IViewLocalizer.

We created a package XperienceCommunity.Localizer which adds fallback support for the baked in localizers, that if they cannot localize a string, it will look to the Resource Strings in Kentico Xperience to resolve.

Data Annotation Attributes are also already set to use Resource Strings as a fall back.

The Baseline already has this enabled. It also has SharedResources.resx configured for shared resource localization, and an example of HomeViewComponent.resx (used here) as an example of a feature specific resource file.

Localization Hierarchy

Translations will operate as follows:

  1. Matching key in a _____.lang-Region.resx (ex:
  2. Matching key in a _____.lang.resx (ex:
  3. Matching key in a _____.resx (ex: SharedResources.resx)
  4. Matching Resource String for the specific lang-Region
  5. Matching Resource String for the site's default language
  6. Parse with ResHelper.LocalizeString(key) which will handle strings with localization keys nested (ex: "Hello {$ $}")

Resource Strings are cached per requested culture on a whole, so for each culture it will make 1 database call getting all the keys + values (defaulting to the default site culture if not defined).

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