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Animesh Shaw edited this page Feb 17, 2014 · 4 revisions


MultiEncoder is a program coded in python and hence is platform independent but it is to be made sure that you have python 2.7. We will release a MultiEncoder that is compatitble with higher versions like python 3.3 as well. MultiEncoder supports thirteen (13) encodings and four (encryptions).

Supported Encodings

atom128 zong22 atbash binary leet reverse morse base64 hex hazz15 psychosubcipher rot13 megan35

Supported Encryptions

gronsfeld shiftcipher xor vigenere

How to use ?

You can start the multiencoder by open terminal (linux users) or cmd (Windows users) and typing the following :-


You see the following :-


To get the description of any encoding or encryption to can simple write the following instruction :-

-i <name-of-encoding-or-encryption>

Have a Look at the following for your better understanding :-


How to encode or decode ?

Just simple type the various levels of encryptions or encodings that you want and press enter. You will be asked whether you want to encode or decode. Press (e) or (d) respectively for encode and decode, according to your wish and then enter the text to want to encode. Enter the text and you will get your encoded message.

If you use any encryptions that requires a key then you will be prompted for that, enter the key and remember that as you will be asked to enter the key when decoding.

See the following for your better understanding. It is a very simple example of how to use MultiEncoder :-



This multiencoder has been create by the Hack Community's, HC Developers group team members.

Programmers :- Deque, Ex094, noize, Psycho_Coder.

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