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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

                       / _|    
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 | '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ '__|  _/ __|
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 | |                           

A simple peer-to-peer file sharing system

i swear this isn't napster please dont sue me


Clone the repo and run the following commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Wait for it to scan for nodes on your local network. If no nodes are found, then you can add them manually to nodes.json.


Uploading a file:

The following will perform a MASS UPLOAD. That means that it will upload the file to all nodes in the network. It will take a while to complete, and it will slowly populate the entire network with your file.

curl \
  --header "id: your-unique-id-here" \ # Replace with your unique ID. If the ID is taken, your request will be ignored.
  --header "filename: your-filename.txt" \ # Replace with the filename you want to upload.
  -F "file=@/your/path/to/file" \ # Upload the file

Downloading a file:

wget http://localhost:18623/file/your-filename.txt # Replace with your filename

Viewing all files on a node:

wget --output-document=filesOnNode.json http://localhost:18623/filestash/

Getting all known nodes from another active node:

wget --output-document=knownNodes.json http://localhost:18623/nodes/

Remember, in any of these examples, you can replace localhost with any running node's IP or URL.