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hera_stats: HERA statistics and null tests

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The hera_stats module provides a collection of functions and container objects to help calculate various statistics on sets of delay spectra, and manage splits and other aspects of null tests.

For usage examples and documentation, see


Preferred method of installation for users is simply pip install . (or pip install git+ This will install required dependencies. See below for manual dependency management.

Optionally, if you want to make use of the Jupyter notebook automation features in the hera_pspec.automate module::

$ conda/pip install jupyter


If you are using conda, you may wish to install the following dependencies manually to avoid them being installed automatically by pip::

$ conda install -c conda-forge "numpy>=1.15" "astropy>=2.0" "aipy>=3.0rc2" h5py pyuvdata scipy matplotlib pyyaml h5py scikit-learn


If you are developing hera_stats, it is preferred that you do so in a fresh conda environment. The following commands will install all relevant development packages::

$ git clone
$ cd hera_stats
$ conda create -n hera_stats python=3
$ conda activate hera_stats
$ conda env update -n hera_stats -f environment.yml
$ pip install -e . 

This will install extra dependencies required for testing/development as well as the standard ones.

Running Tests

Uses the nose package to execute test suite. From the source hera_stats directory run: nosetests.

Code Dependencies

Optionally, if you want to make use of the Jupyter notebook automation features in the hera_pspec.automate module:

  • jupyter (pip install jupyter)

For anaconda users, we suggest using conda to install numpy.

Running hera_stats

There are some Jupyter notebooks in the examples/ subdirectory with examples of how to use various features of hera_stats.


hera_stats currently has the following modules:

  • automate: Functions to replace placeholder variables in template Jupyter notebooks (jupyter_replace_tags) and run them programmatically (jupyter_run_notebook).
  • average: More advanced averaging functions for power spectra, currently only cumulative averaging in time or baseline-pair (average_spectra_cumul) and differencing redundant groups with respect to their average (redundant_diff).
  • flag: Flagging algorithms and utilities, including a way to randomly flag frequency channels (apply_random_flags), a convenience function to flag whole ranges of channels at once (flag_channels), and an implementation of a 'greedy' flagging algorithm (construct_factorizable_mask) that can construct factorizable (in time and frequency) masks that flag as small a total fraction of the data as possible.
  • noise: Simple empirical noise estimation functions, including a function (estimate_noise_rms) to estimate the noise rms by differencing data in the time direction and fit a smooth polynomial model that interpolates over flagged channels.
  • plot: A wide variety of diagnostic plotting functions. These include a function to generate long waterfalls plots of nsamples or flags across many files (long_waterfall), including summary statistics on the flag fraction for each time/frequency bin.
  • shuffle: Functions to randomly shuffle data. This includes a function to construct new visibilities by shuffling samples from a set of visibilities within the same redundant baseline group (shuffle_data_redgrp).
  • split: A range of convenience functions for splitting data in various ways.
  • stats: Various statistical convenience functions to compare jackknife power spectra.


Perform various statistical tests on sets of visibilities and delay spectra, and manage splits and other aspects of null testing.







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