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Syndication SDK

The Syndication SDK can be used to request content from the REST-based Syndication API for your app. The SDK creates a layer between the underlying REST API and Objective C.

The SDK contains a example iOS app (See "Example App" below) that can be used to demonstrate how to create and handle Syndication SDK requests.


Checking Out Source

To checkout this tree and all vendor branches:

git clone --recursive


  • Drag Syndication.framework into your project under the Frameworks folder.

    Select Copy items into destination group's folder if you would like the Syndication.framework to be copied into your project rather than simply referenced.

  • Under your app's target Build Phases tab, add the following libraries to Link Binary With Libraries


  • Under your app's target Build Settings tab, add the following two linker flags to Other Linker Flags:


  • Simply #import <Syndication/SyndicationSDK.h> and you are off and running. You can now create your base Syndication object which is used to handle all the requests to the Syndication API.


Documentation is appledoc style and can be found here.

See the Syndication class documentation for information on the various request methods available.

Example App

An Example app which shows a basic application using the Syndication SDK can be found in the Example/SyndicationExampleApp.xcodeproj project.

This app has 3 tabs which contain:

  1. A simple UIWebView that is populated with a distinct HTML Media block of content.

  2. A simple UITableView that pulls all Media block related to the keyword "smoking".

  3. A simple search that searches the Media content of the Syndication API for a user-input search query.

Running Unit Tests

The Syndication.xcodeproj project contains several Unit Tests which can be run to test the functionality of the Syndication SDK.

To run the Unit Tests, load the Syndication project into XCode and execute Product->Test.

Building The Syndication.framework bundle

To build the Syndication.framework bundle (which includes i386 and armv7 architectures for Universal apps and the iOS Simulator), load the project into XCode and select one of the iOS Simulator targets underneath the Framework aggregate target to build.

After you have selected this target, run Product->Build. This will output the Syndication.framework in your local DerivedData directory. To find where this file is, in the Project Navigator, expand the Products group, right click on libSyndication. and choose Show in Finder. The Syndication.framework bundle will be there.

Releasing a New Version of the Syndication SDK

There is a helper script in the Scripts subdirectory of this project.

First, modify the CHANGELOG file in the root of the project to reflect the current version number you wish to release as well as the updated history of changes of this release.

In a shell window, change into the root of the Syndication SDK project and run Scripts/

This will grab the latest version number from the ./CHANGELOG file and build the Syndication.framework along with the Documentation and package it into a file named SyndicationSDK-<version>.zip which you can then post to the bitbucket releases page.


ObjectiveC SDK for HHS Digital Media API






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