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Code for the paper: Reimagining Synthetic Data Generation through Data-Centric AI: A Comprehensive Benchmark (NeurIPS 2023)


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Data-centric Synthetic Data Generation

Code for the paper "Reimagining Synthetic Data Generation through Data-Centric AI: A Comprehensive Benchmark" accepted at NeurIPS 2023.

Replicating the paper's results


Clone the repository to your computer, create a new virtual environment, and install the package.

git clone
cd data-centric-synth
pip install -e .
## if this fails, install torch before installing the library
pip install torch torchaudio torchvision
pip install -e .

Running experiments

To run the main experiment, run the following file:

python src/application/main_experiment/

Note, this will take a long time and require a GPU (~600-1.000 GPU hours). Modify the number of seeds/generative models in the file for faster training.

To run the experiment to produce figure 1, run the following file:

python src/application/figure1/

To run the experiment on adding label noise to the Covid mortality dataset, run the following file:

python src/application/main_experiment/

To run hyperparameter tuning of generative models, run the following file:

python src/application/synthcity_hparams/

Replicating graphs and tables

To replicate the plots and tables from the main paper, run the following bash script:


To replicate the plots and tables from the appendix, run the following bash script:


Tables will printed to the terminal and plots saved to `results/figure1|main_experiment'

Repository structure

The data folder in the root of the repo contains the output of the experiments run in the benchmark. The results folder contains the processed outputs of the data folder such as plots.

All source code can be found in the src folder. src contains two subfolders, data_centric_synth which contains the bulk of the code used to do data profiling, train generative models and generate data, etc, and application which contains code for running the specific experiments.

An overview of the content of src can be found below

├── application/
│   ├── data_centric_thresholds/ # scripts for running and finding the optimal data-centric thresholds
│   ├── figure1/ # code for creating figure 1 in the paper
│   ├── main_experiment/
│   │   ├── eval/ # scripts related to evaluation, i.e. plots and tables
│   │   ├── # run the main experiment
│   │   ├── # run the label noise experiment
│   │   └── # run the postprocessing of real data experiment
│   ├── stat_dist/ # code related to extracting statistical fidelity
│   ├── synthcity_hparams/ # scripts for optimizing hyperparameters of the generative models
│   └── # constants such as directories

├── data_centric_synth/
│   ├── causal_discovery/ # code related to the experiment on structure learning
│   ├── data_models/ # data classes for the different experiments
│   ├── data_sculpting/ # code to do data-profiling/sculpting
│   ├── dataiq/ # implementation of data iq and data maps
│   ├── datasets/ # loaders for the different datasets
│   ├── evaluation/ # helpers for evaluation of the experiments
│   ├── experiments/ # main experimental loops
│   ├── serialization/ # helper functions for saving/loading pickle files
│   ├── synthetic_data/ # functinos for generation synthetic data
│   └── # utility for setting random seed globally


Code for the paper: Reimagining Synthetic Data Generation through Data-Centric AI: A Comprehensive Benchmark (NeurIPS 2023)







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