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Tipsy Tourist Lambda


Welcome to the tipsy-tourist-lambda project! This repository houses the serverless backend for the Tipsy Tourist project, a comprehensive solution designed to enhance the travel experience for tourists around the globe. Utilising AWS Lambda and Node.js, our application offers a scalable, efficient, and cost-effective backend, ensuring a seamless experience for our users.

Project Structure

Our project is structured into two main directories, each playing a crucial role in the functionality of the Tipsy Tourist Lambda service:

  • lib/: Contains core functionality with JavaScript files for attractions (attractions.js), geocoding (geocode.js), location handling (locations.js), and place details retrieval (placeDetails.js).
  • routes/: Hosts route handler files for interfacing with our API endpoints. This includes attractionsRoute.js, geocodeRoute.js, getDetailsRoute.js, and placesRoute.js.

Additionally, the serverless.yml file defines the AWS Lambda configuration, detailing our service structure, provider settings, environment variables, and the HTTP API events that trigger our Lambda functions.

Service Details

  • Service Name: tipsy-tourist-lambda
  • Framework Version: 3

Provider Configuration

  • Name: AWS
  • Runtime: Node.js 18.x
  • Stage: Production (prod)
  • Region: eu-west-2 (London)
  • Environment Variables: Uses GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY from environment settings
  • HTTP API: Configured with CORS enabled

Lambda Functions

Our service comprises five Lambda functions, each designed to handle specific aspects of the Tipsy Tourist application:

  1. Test Endpoint (/test): A GET request handler for basic service testing.

    • Handler: index.handler
  2. Places (/places): Handles POST requests to retrieve place information.

    • Handler: routes/placesRoute.places
  3. Attractions (/attractions): Processes POST requests for fetching attractions data.

    • Handler: routes/attractionsRoute.attractions
  4. Get Details (/get-details): Manages POST requests to obtain detailed information about a place.

    • Handler: routes/getDetailsRoute.getDetails
  5. Geocode (/geocode): Deals with POST requests for geocoding services.

    • Handler: routes/geocodeRoute.geocode

Setup and Deployment


  • AWS CLI installed and configured with appropriate access rights.
  • Node.js (version 18.x or later) installed.
  • Serverless Framework (version 3) installed globally.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the tipsy-tourist-lambda directory:
    cd tipsy-tourist/tipsy-tourist-lambda
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install


Ensure you have the GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY set up in your environment variables or in the AWS Lambda console under the Environment Variables section for your Lambda functions.


Deploy your service using the Serverless Framework:

serverless deploy --stage prod

This command deploys your application to the AWS cloud under the prod stage, making your Lambda functions available via the specified HTTP API endpoints.


After deployment, your Lambda functions can be invoked via the corresponding HTTP API endpoints:

  • Test: GET /test
  • Places: POST /places
  • Attractions: POST /attractions
  • Get Details: POST /get-details
  • Geocode: POST /geocode

Refer to the project documentation for details on the request format and expected responses for each endpoint.


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