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hpcviewer is the presentation layer of HPCToolkit which is a suite of tools for measurement and analysis of program performance. It interactively presents program performance in a top-down fashion and also visualizes trace data generated by hpcrun if the flag -t is specified. For static linked program, the variable environment HPCRUN_TRACE has to be set.

General Requirements

  • Java 11 or 17. Currently hpcviewer does not support Java 20. Can be downloaded via Spack or from Oracle or Adoptium
  • Linux: GTK+ 3.20 or newer.

If there is no GTK+ 3.20 or newer installed in the system, you may install it via spack:

spack install gtkplus
spack load gtkplus

How to build and run via command line (Maven)

  • Download and install Maven (if not available on the systems) at
    • Recommended: install via spack spack install maven; spack load maven

On Posix-based platform with Bash shell (Linux and MacOS),

Run the build script from the project root:


The script generates five hpcviewer-<release>-<platform>.[zip|tgz] files: Windows, Mac (x86_64 and Arm), and Linux (x86_64, ppcle64, and Arm).

  • untar or unzip the file based according to the platform.

  • ONLY for Linux platform, need to run the installation script:

./ <directory>

where <directory> is the installation root for hpcviewer binary.

On Windows

Build directly with the Maven script:

  mvn clean package

This will compile and create hpcviewer packages for 4 platforms: Linux x86_64 and ppcle64, Windows and Mac with Eclipse 4.19 (the default). Example of the output:

[INFO] Building zip: <hpcviewer.e4>/edu.rice.cs.hpcviewer.product/target/products/

Unzip to another folder. It isn't recommended to overwrite the existing folder.

How to build and run via Eclipse IDE


  • Recommended: Eclipse 2022.06 RCP or newer.
  • Warning: May not work properly with older versions of Eclipse.


  git clone
  git clone

Getting the source code into the Eclipse IDE

  • Start Eclipse
  • Open the Import window via the menu File > Import
  • Select the import wizard General > Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next >
  • In Select root directory, select the directory where you have downloaded (the Git root)
  • In the Options section of the window, activate Search for nested projects
  • Click Finish

Activating the target plarform

To run hpcviewer, it requires Eclipse bundles and some external libraries such as Nebula NatTable, Eclipse Collections, JCraft and SLF4J. The set of bundles that are available is defined by the bundles in the Eclipse workspace, and additionally the bundles in the active target platform The first Eclipse starts after the installation, the target platform only includes the bundles that are installed in the workspace which doesn't include the external libraries.

The bundles that hpcviewer needs are defined in a custom target platform definition project, which is located in the target.platform directory:

  • Open file in target.platform project.
  • Click the "Set as Active Target Platform" link at the top-right panel.

Run the app

  • Open product configuration hpcviewer.product at edu.rice.cs.hpcviewer.product
  • To run: Click Launch an Eclipse application

Coding style

Recommended coding and formatting style: