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Project Name

More Places to Stay module for AirBnB Clone.

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Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development


This module retrieves a list of similar places to stay based on the selected AirBnB property. It displays 12 other location names, prices, and their respective images.


An nvmrc file is included if using nvm.


  • Node 6.13.0
  • Express 4.17.1
  • Axios 0.19.2
  • React 16.13.1
  • Mongoose 5.9.27
  • @babel/core 7.11.1
  • @babel/preset-env 7.11.0
  • @babel/preset-react 7.10.4
  • babel-loader 8.1.0
  • html-webpack-plugin 4.3.0
  • nodemon 2.0.4
  • react-dom 16.13.1
  • react-slick 0.27.7
  • save 2.4.0
  • slick-carousel 1.8.1
  • supertest 4.0.2
  • webpack 4.44.1
  • webpack-cli 3.3.12
  • webpack-dev-server 3.11.0


Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

Install all dependencies listed above.

Running the Module

Seed the database using the following command:

npm run database

This will seed the database with 100 properties including property name, price per night, and an image from S3.

Next, run:

npm run server

This initiates the server, and backend connection to the database. Next, open another terminal window, and run the following command:

npm run build
npm run serve

This initiates Webpack, enabling the user to visualize the module online. Direct your browser to localhost:9000 to visualize module.


To run tests:

npm run test

CRUD routes



Create new location

Pass in an object with properties name, price, and imageUrl in the request body.



Return 12 locations

No request body needed.



Update a location information

Pass in an object with property id for target data, and others for update content in the request body.



Delete a location

Pass in an object with property id in the request body.

10,000,000 data for MySQL

Generate data

npm run generateMysqlData

Creating 10000000 data in a text file '10000000mysqldata.csv' in folder named 'data' Takes about 5 minutes. File size 1.07 GB.

Seeding in MySQL

Store data in '10000000mysqldata.csv' into database

If seeing secure-file-priv errors while loading csv into mysql:

  1. Create database and table:
sudo service mysql start
mysql -u root < database/schema.sql
  1. If facing secure-file-priv problem:

Add following lines to /etc/mysql/my.cnf:

secure-file-priv = "/"

Copy csv file into mysql folder with:

cp <repo path>/10000000mysqldata.csv /var/lib/mysql/place
  1. (Optional) Clear table and change settings:

Clear table:


Change settings to speed up:

set unique_checks = 0;
set foreign_key_checks = 0;
set sql_log_bin=0;
  1. Import csv file with mysql shell:
LOAD DATA INFILE '10000000mysqldata.csv' INTO TABLE place FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 ROWS (name, price, imageurl);

10,000,000 data for Cassandra

Generate data

npm run generateCassandraData

Creating 10000000 data in a text file '10000000cassandradata.csv' in folder named 'data' Takes about 5 minutes. File size 1.15 GB.

Seeding with Cassandra

  1. Install cassandra

Make sure java 8 is installed first

Install Cassandra with the following line:

sudo apt-get install cassandra
  1. Start Cassandra
sudo service cassandra start

If having error after inputting 'cassandra', use 'cassandra -R'

  1. Create keyspace

Keyspaces in Cassandra are similar to databases in MySQL

CREATE KEYSPACE places with replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':5};
  1. Use keyspace
USE places;
  1. Create table
Create table place
        id int,
        name text,
        price int,
        imageurl text,
        Primary key(id)
  1. (Optional) Truncate table
truncate place;
  1. Import file
COPY (id,name,price,imageurl) FROM 'data/10000000cassandradata.csv' WITH DELIMITER=',' AND HEADER=TRUE;


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