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solar assumes that the Solidity compiler is already installed. Put solc binary in go/bin

Prototype for Smart Contract deployment tool


Start htmlcoind setting the rpcuser and rpcpassword:

Use env variable to specify the local htmlcoind RPC node:

export HTMLCOIN_RPC=http://user:password@localhost:4889

# Deploy Contract

Suppose we have the following contract in `contracts/A.sol`:

pragma solidity ^0.4.11;

contract A { uint256 a;

constructor(uint256 _a) public { a = _a; } }

Use the `deploy` command to create the contract. The constructor parameters may be passed in as a JSON array:

$ solar deploy contracts/A.sol '[100]' 🚀 All contracts confirmed deployed contracts/A.sol => 2672931f2f07b67383a4aec80fb6504727145e8c

> Note: On a real network it would take longer to deploy. For development locally it is instantenous.

You should see the address and ABI saved in a JSON file named `solar.development.json`:

  "contracts": {
    "contracts/A.sol": {
      "source": "contracts/A.sol:A",
      "abi": [
          "name": "",
          "type": "constructor",
          "payable": false,
          "inputs": [
              "name": "_a",
              "type": "uint256",
              "indexed": false
          "outputs": null,
          "constant": false,
          "anonymous": false
      "bin": "60606040523415600e57600080fd5b604051602080606783398101604052808051600055505060358060326000396000f3006060604052600080fd00a165627a7a72305820cd047550e6b1a360fc0f2de526c2f6f0150d249efca0b5820d6050c935e129370029",
      "binhash": "861924fb216a600b22bc38d51d26b708bbd2d189a3433f0ec4862da6a3d78b9a",
      "name": "A",
      "deployName": "contracts/A.sol",
      "address": "2672931f2f07b67383a4aec80fb6504727145e8c",
      "txid": "dc36ebb365033f557367c88e4bad2f4c726a609e8a4cc0d5751ff4cab9187a51",
      "createdAt": "2018-01-26T11:36:09.650368039+08:00",
      "confirmed": true,
      "sender": "hYqieW18XiFU1sYCrHFsiBpvxQVXpcwC3R",
      "senderHex": "a7a0cff24ecf5089a5b5a814b9a6be942ade51c5"
  "libraries": {},
  "related": {}

The contract's deploy name defaults to the contract's file name. You can't deploy using the same name twice.

$ solar deploy contracts/A.sol
❗️  deploy contract name already used: contracts/A.sol

Add the flag --force to redeploy a contract:

$ solar deploy contracts/A.sol '[200]' --force
🚀  All contracts confirmed
   deployed contracts/A.sol => 3b566019c5e69e3c33c4609b51597b4b83b00e74

In solar.development.json you should see that the address had changed.

Naming A Contract

By default the file name is used as the deploy name. We can change the deploy name to Ace by appending it after the file name:

$ solar deploy contracts/A.sol:Ace '[300]'
🚀  All contracts confirmed
   deployed Ace => 38dfbad58cb340815e649242fc7514fe1fa54e7d

The deploy name must be unique. Deploy should fail if the a name is used twice:

$ solar deploy contracts/A.sol:Ace '[300]'
❗️  deploy contract name already used: Ace

Deploy A Library

Sometimes your contract may depend on a library, which requires linking when deploying. The most frequently used library is maybe SafeMath.lib.

solar deploy contracts/SafeMathLib.sol --lib

🚀  All contracts confirmed
   deployed contracts/SafeMathLib.sol => 26fe40c433b4d109299660284eaa475b95462342

Then deploying other contracts that reference SafeMathLib will automatically link to this deployed instance.


Help message for deploy:

solar help deploy

usage: solar deploy [<flags>] <target> [<jsonParams>]

Compile Solidity contracts.

  --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --htmlcoin_rpc=HTMLCOIN_RPC        RPC provider url
  --htmlcoin_sender=HTMLCOIN_SENDER  (htmlcoin) Sender UTXO Address
  --eth_rpc=ETH_RPC          RPC provider url
  --env="development"        Environment name
  --repo=REPO                Path of contracts repository
  --optimize                 [solc] should Enable bytecode optimizer
  --allow-paths=""           [solc] Allow a given path for imports. A list of paths can be supplied by separating them with a comma.
  --force                    Overwrite previously deployed contract with the same deploy name
  --lib                      Deploy the contract as a library
  --no-confirm               Don't wait for network to confirm deploy
  --no-fast-confirm          (dev) Don't generate block to confirm deploy immediately
  --gasLimit=3000000         gas limit for creating a contract

  <target>        Solidity contracts to deploy.
  [<jsonParams>]  Constructor params as a json array


smart contract deployment tool







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  • Go 91.8%
  • Assembly 5.8%
  • Solidity 2.3%
  • Makefile 0.1%