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Habchy edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 20 revisions

HabMusic Logo HabMusic Commands:

Remember the bot prefix is >h do not forget that when doing commands.

For a quick guide type >hhelp in your server!


about - shows info about the bot

ping - checks the bot's latency/speed

settings - shows the bots settings for the current server


(These commands can mostly be done by anyone)

nowplaying - shows the song that is currently playing

play <title|URL> - plays the provided song

queue [pagenum] - shows the current queue

remove - removes a song from the queue

search - searches YouTube for a provided query

shuffle - shuffles songs you have added

skip - votes to skip the current song


(To these commands you need the DJ role the server Administrator has assigned)

forceskip - skips the current song

skipto - skips to the current song

stop - stops the current song and clears the queue

volume [0-150] - sets or shows volume

To ensure the best DJ Role set up please do the following:

Create a role called DJ

This role has to has access to the designated text channel you set the bot in.

Do the following command, >hsetdj DJ

To check if you set this up correct, please do >hsettings and the DJ role should be DJ


(To these commands you need Administrator on the server you are doing them)

setdj <rolename|NONE> - sets the DJ role for certain music commands

settc <channel|NONE> - sets the text channel for music commands

setvc <channel|NONE> - sets the voice channel for playing music

For additional help, contact Habchy#1665 on Discord or @Habchy77 on Twitter.

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