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Please use pnpm instead of npm or yarn

  • To install pnpm globally run npm install -g pnpm

How to Run This Project Locally:

  • You must have Node 18.x.x and pnpm installed
  • Clone this repo
  • Open the "frontend" directory in your terminal
  • Run pnpm install to install all dependencies
  • Run pnpm run dev to start the dev server
  • Go to the port e.g http://localhost:3000
  • Enjoy the frontend!

To Run the Backend Locally You'll Need Database Secrets. I am Not Providing Mine. They're in My Machine Locally.

🔗 Live Links:

I've Fulfilled All the Requirements:

✅ Create a web application with Next JS that allows users to see grocery-product list and add to their shopping cart. The application should have the following features:

Front-end Requirements:

  • ✅ User-friendly and responsive user interface.

  • ✅ Create a simple landing page with a navbar and a body section.

  • ✅ Display all grocery-products on the body section of the landing page. (get request must come from the server side).

  • ✅ Implement a search functionality to filter grocery-product items.

  • ✅ When a user clicks on a grocery-product's card, a modal will open that shows the product's details and others information.

  • ✅ There will be an Add to Cart button. When a user clicks on the Add to Cart button, the product will be added to local storage.

  • ✅ Deploy the application to a hosting platform of your choice. (Vercel/Heroku/Netlify)

Back-end Requirements: ( Node JS/Express JS/Django)

  • ✅ Implement a RESTful API to handle CRUD operations for grocery-products.
  • ✅ Store task data persistently (in PostgreSQL/MySQL database).
  • ✅ Ensure proper error handling and validation.
  • ✅ Deploy the application to a hosting platform of your choice. (Heroku/Vercel/Netlify)