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Complex numbers matrix

Simple C++ implementation of complex numbers matrix using vector of vectors from std.

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The purpose of this project is to create Matrix class that will be helpful in future projects.
Matrix is presented via std::vector<> of std::vector<> of std::complex<> of double

Class fields

All of Matrix class fields are private

  1. rows - number of rows in matrix
unsigned rows;
  1. cols - number of columns in matrix
unsigned cols;
  1. mat - matrix of elements (rows x cols sized)
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double>>> mat;

Constructors and destructor

  1. The Constructor receiving the number of rows, cols and initial value for elements.
    By default have values 0, 0 and 0+0i respectively.
Matrix(unsigned = 0, unsigned = 0, std::complex<double> = 0.0 + 0.0i);

  1. The constructor receiving a vector that represents a matrix.
    Vector should be square.

  1. The constructor receiving the number of rows, cols, vector that represents a matrix and initial value for elements.
    Makes rows x cols sized matrix, fills it elementwise from given vector.
    If there are not enough elements in the given vector, then fills remaining elements with initial value.
Matrix(unsigned, unsigned, std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double>>>*, std::complex<double> = 0.0 + 0.0i);

  1. The constructor receiving the number of rows, cols, vector of elements and initial value for elements.
    Makes rows x cols sized matrix, fills it elementwise from given vector.
    If there are not enough elements in the given vector, then fills remaining elements with initial value.
Matrix(unsigned, unsigned, std::vector<std::complex<double>>*, std::complex<double> = 0.0 + 0.0i);

  1. Copy constructor
Matrix(const Matrix&);

  1. Destructor
virtual ~Matrix();


  1. Call operator for non-const objects receiving row and col.
    Returns mat[row][col].
    Indices are cycled, so there is no out-of-range error
std::complex<double>& operator () (const unsigned&, const unsigned&);

  1. Call operator for const objects receiving row and col.
    Returns mat[row][col].
    Indices are cycled, so there is no out-of-range error
const std::complex<double>& operator () (const unsigned&, const unsigned&) const;

  1. Copy assignment operator.
Matrix& operator = (const Matrix&);

  1. Addition operator.
    Sums matrices elementwise.
Matrix operator + (const Matrix&);

  1. Addition assignment operator.
    Sums matrices elementwise.
Matrix& operator += (const Matrix&);

  1. Subtraction operator.
    Subtracts matrices elementwise.
Matrix operator - (const Matrix&);

  1. Subtraction assignment operator.
    Subtracts matrices elementwise.
Matrix& operator -= (const Matrix&);

  1. Multiplication operator.
    Multiplies matrices elementwise.
Matrix operator * (const Matrix&);

  1. Multiplication assignment operator.
    Multiplies matrices elementwise.
Matrix& operator *= (const Matrix&);

  1. Assignment operator.
    Assigns matrix elements to given value.
Matrix& operator = (const std::complex<double>&);

  1. Addition operator.
    Sums matrix elements with given value.
Matrix operator + (const std::complex<double>&);

  1. Addition assignment operator.
    Sums matrix elements with given value.
Matrix& operator += (const std::complex<double>&);

  1. Subtraction operator.
    Subtracts given value from matrix elements.
Matrix operator - (const std::complex<double>&);

  1. Subtraction assignment operator.
    Subtracts given value from matrix elements.
Matrix& operator -= (const std::complex<double>&);

  1. Multiplication operator.
    Multiplies matrix elements by given value.
Matrix operator * (const std::complex<double>&);

  1. Multiplication assignment operator.
    Multiplies matrix elements by given value.
Matrix& operator *= (const std::complex<double>&);

  1. Division operator.
    Divides matrix elements by given value.
Matrix operator / (const std::complex<double>&);

  1. Division assignment operator.
    Divides matrix elements by given value.
Matrix& operator /= (const std::complex<double>&);

  1. Equal operator.
    Determines if matrices are equal.
bool operator == (const Matrix&);

  1. Non-equal operator.
    Determines if matrices are not-equal.
bool operator != (const Matrix&);

  1. Output operator.
    Prints matrix to output.
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const Matrix&);


  1. elementwiseProduct
    Multiplies this->mat by given matrix elementwise.
void elementwiseProduct(const Matrix&);

  1. elementwiseProduct
    Returns elementwise product of given matrices.
static Matrix elementwiseProduct(const Matrix&, const Matrix&);

  1. elementwiseDivision
    Divides this->mat by given matrix elementwise.
void elementwiseDivision(const Matrix&);

  1. elementwiseDivision
    Return elemetwise division of given matrices.
static Matrix elementwiseDivision(const Matrix&, const Matrix&);

  1. conjugate
    Transforms elements of this->mat to it's conjugate.
void conjugate();

  1. conjugate
    Returns conjugate of given matrix.
static Matrix conjugate(const Matrix&);

  1. transpose
    Transposes this->mat.
void transpose();

  1. transpose
    Returns transposition of given matrix.
static Matrix transpose(const Matrix&);

  1. hermitianConjugate
    Transform this->mat to it's Hermitian-conjugate.
void hermitianConjugate();

  1. hermitianConjugate
    Returns Hermitian-conjugate of given matrix.
static Matrix hermitianConjugate(const Matrix&);

  1. tensorProduct
    Produces a tensor product with the given matrix.
void tensorProduct(const Matrix&);

  1. tensorProduct
    Returns tensor product of given matrices.
static Matrix tensorProduct(const Matrix&, const Matrix&);

  1. cofactor
    Returns false if matrix is not square.
    Returns true and transforms this->mat to it's co-factor matrix if matrix is square.
bool cofactor();

  1. adjugate
    Returns false if matrix is not square.
    Returns true and transforms this->mat to it's adjugate matrix if matrix is square.
bool adjugate();

  1. inverse
    Returns false if matrix is not square.
    Returns true and transforms this->mat to it's inverse matrix if matrix is square.
bool inverse();

  1. resize
    Receive row, col and initial value init.
    Resizes matrix to row x col.
    If matrix becomes greater (in any dimension), then new empty elements are filled with init value.
void resize(const unsigned&, const unsigned&, const std::complex<double>& = 0.0 + 0.0i);

  1. reshape
    Returns false if reshaping is impossible.
    Returns true and reshapes this->mat if it is possible.
bool reshape(const unsigned&, const unsigned&);

  1. trace
    Returns trace of matrix.
std::complex<double> trace();

  1. determinant
    Returns 0+0i if matrix is not square.
    Returns determinant of matrix if it is square.
std::complex<double> determinant();

  1. identity
    Returns identity matrix with given size.
static Matrix identity(const unsigned& = 1);

  1. getRows
    Returns rows value.
unsigned getRows();

  1. getCols
    Returns cols value.
unsigned getCols();


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