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Make dll first, let webpack build fast.

Now only supports webpack4


const AutoDllWebpackPlugin = require('@rabbitcc/autodll-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = {
  // webpack config options...
  plugins: [
    // should after html-webpack-plugin
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
    new AutoDllwebpackplugin({ ...options /* see below */ })


type Options = {
   * dll bundle file name
   * manifest file name
   * cache directory
   * cache file name.
  name: string = 'vendor',
  manifest: string = 'vendor.manifest.json',
  output: string = '.dll',
  cachename: string = 'vendor.cache.json',
   * force report.
  debug: boolean = false,
   * disabled.
  disabled: boolean = false,
   * watch package.json change for rebuild dll.
  watch: boolean = false
   * modify the dll option before make.
  makeOptions: webpackOption => void = webpackOption => {},
   * include or exclude anthor packages.
  include: Array<string> = [],
  exclude: Array<string> = [],
   * If you development on a old browsers like ie8. Perhaps need to add polyfills
   * for es6 feature support, e.g. 'Object.assign'.
   * set this option to 'ture' to prepend babel-polyfill or @babel/polyfill to dll
   * 'options.entry'.
   * Note: this feature require `.babelrc` set 'preset-env.useBuiltins' to 'entry'.
  injectBabelPolyfill: boolean = false