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HalfKP is a free, powerful UCI chess engine derived from Stockfish. It is not a complete chess program and requires a UCI-compatible GUI (e.g. Cute Chess, Fritz, Arena, Sigma Chess, Shredder, Chess Partner or Komodo) in order to be used comfortably.

UCI parameters

Currently, HalfKP has the following UCI options:

  • Debug Log File

    Write all communication to and from the engine into a text file.

  • Contempt

    A positive value for contempt favors middle game positions and avoids draws.

  • Threads

    The number of CPU threads used for searching a position. For best performance, set this equal to the number of CPU cores available.

  • Hash

    The size of the hash table in MB.

  • Clear Hash

    Clear the hash table.

  • Ponder

    Let HalfKP ponder its next move while the opponent is thinking.

  • MultiPV

    Output the N best lines (principal variations, PVs) when searching. Leave at 1 for best performance.

  • Skill Level

    Lower the Skill Level in order to make HalfKP play weaker.

  • Move Overhead

    Assume a time delay of x ms due to network and GUI overheads. This is useful to avoid losses on time in those cases.

  • Minimum Thinking Time

    Search for at least x ms per move.

  • Slow Mover

    Lower values will make HalfKP take less time in games, higher values will make it think longer.

  • nodestime

    Tells the engine to use nodes searched instead of wall time to account for elapsed time. Useful for engine testing.

  • UCI_Chess960

    An option handled by your GUI. If true, HalfKP will play Chess960.

Compiling HalfKP

The MSYS2 environment is recommended for compiling HalfKP on Windows.

To compile, type:

make target ARCH=arch [COMP=comp]

Example: make build ARCH=x86-64 COMP=mingw

Lists of supported targets, archs and compilers can be viewed by typing make help.