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This is the 2nd version of Cluster and Rack Cooling. It was developed for fans control depends from temperature with ability control and send data from/to server via i2c protocol. The 1st version used PJON protocol.

Main functions

  • 4 PWM outputs for fans;
  • fans control by commands from server;
  • fans control automatically in depends from temperature. Can be chosen 1 of 2 modes: fan on/off without speed control and with speed control (fan speed will be gradually changed by PWM and depends from temperature sensors (check every 60 sec.) and defined low/high limits);
  • measure temperature in 2x4 (8 for cluster) zones;
  • turn off all fans by external 3.3V HIGH signal (for example from fire alarm) or by command (A) and sending message to server. Normal functionality (include automode configuration) after that can be resumed only by command via i2c;
  • control and send data from/to server via i2c protocol.


  • cluster i2c address: 0x12
  • rack i2c address: 0x13

Requirements and components

  • 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 3.3V/8MHz
  • 1 x 1N4001 diode
  • 4 x IRLZ44N
  • 4 x 270 Om resistors
  • 5 x 10 kOm resistors
  • 1 x 4.7k resistor
  • 4 (8 for cluster) x DS18B20
  • 1 x HW-613 Mini DC-DC 3A Step Down Power Supply Module (3.3V output)
  • 1 x 1.5A fuse
Arduino PIN Component Notes
D2 (Ext. Int.) - -
D3 (PWM) IRLZ44N fan switch Fan 1: (3x80mm for cluster and 2x120mm for rack)
D4 - -
D5 (PWM) IRLZ44N fan switch Fan 2: (3x80mm for cluster and 2x120mm for rack)
D6 (PWM) IRLZ44N fan switch Fan 3: (3x80mm for cluster and 2x120mm for rack)
D7 - -
D8 - -
D9 (PWM) IRLZ44N fan switch Fan 4: (2x120mm for rack)
D10 (PWM) Alarm input For external 3.3V HIGH signal
D11 (PWM) 1-Wire Temperature sensors
D12 - -
D13 - -
A0 - -
A1 - -
A2 - -
A3 - -
A4 i2c SDA Communication with i2c master
A5 i2c SCL Communication with i2c master

Components photos and schematics

Name Schema / Photo
Fan switch Switch irlr2905
DS18B20 DS18B20
HW-613 HW-613 HW-613


Command Description EEPROM Notes
f Read value of speed from all fans - 0 - fan disabled
1-100 - fan speed (%)
f[1-4] Read value of fan speed - 0 - fan disabled
1-100 - fan speed (%)
f[1-4]=[0-100] Define fan speed + 0 - disable fan (default)
1-100 - fan speed (%)
f-ac Read value of automatic control mode from all fans - 0 - disabled
1 - enabled without speed control
2 - enabled with speed control
f[1-4]-ac Read value of automatic fan control mode - 0 - disabled
1 - enabled without speed control
2 - enabled with speed control
f[1-4]-ac=[0-2] Disable/Enable automatic fan control mode + 0 - disable (default)
1 - enable without speed control
2 - enable with speed control
f-tl Read value for "temperature low limit" of temperature sensors from all fans - °C, if temperature is less than defined value - fan is stopped
f[1-4]-tl Read value for "temperature low limit" of temperature sensors - °C, if temperature is less than defined value - fan is stopped
f[1-4]-tl=[20-25] Define "temperature low limit" for temperature sensors + °C, value from 20 to 25 (default: 22)
f-th Read value for "temperature high limit" of temperature sensors from all fans - °C, if temperature is greater than defined value - fan speed is 100%
f[1-4]-th Read value for "temperature high limit" of temperature sensors - °C, if temperature is greater than defined value - fan speed is 100%
f[1-4]-th=[26-39] Define "temperature high limit" for temperature sensors + °C, value from 26 to 39 (default: 30)
t Read temperature of all sensors - °C, see notes below
t[1-4,8] Read temperature of sensors 1-4,8 - °C, see notes below
ta Read value of auto-mode for get temperatures - 0 - disabled
10-120 - seconds
ta=[10-120] Set value of auto-mode for get temperatures + 0 - disabled
10-120 - seconds
a External alarm status - 0 - no alarm
1 - alarm
a=[0,1] Disable/enable external alarm + 0 - disable
1 - enable

EEPROM - memory values are kept when the board is turned off

Notes 1: if 8 sensors (for cluster), then 1-2 temperature sensors for "Fan #1", 3-4 - "Fan #2", etc. In automatic fan control mode 2 fan speed calculation by temperature from sensor in group with highest temperature.

Notes 2: if automatic control mode is enabled during disabled auto-mode for getting temperature, then automatically will be set auto-mode for get temperature to 60 seconds.

Notes 3: Rack: f1/t1 - back wall, f2/t2 - left, f3/t3 - top, f4/t4 - right

Device Photos